Is creatine a meme?

Is creatine a meme?

Attached: olimocreatinepowder.jpg (468x468, 37K)

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No you retard, a thread died for this kys


Creatine monohydrate supplementation increases creatine phosphate and creatine kinase in the muscles to produce energy for the phosphocreatine bioenergetic pathway.[11] In short, this provides more energy (ATP) for the skeletal muscles during movements that require high force and power production. This contributes to increased training volume tolerance, strength, and intramuscular hydration for anabolism. In addition, there is data suggesting an increase in the number of nuclei in a muscle cell, which would increase the amount of protein that can be synthesized by the muscle itself.[12] Neurological and cognitive functions have also been shown to improve with creatine ingestion, notably during sleep deprivation and natural impairment from aging.[13] This has sparked ongoing trials that research the effects of creatine ingestion on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Cerebral Palsy.

11. Buford TW, Kreider RB, Stout JR, Greenwood M, Campbell B, Spano M, Ziegenfuss T, Lopez H, Landis J, Antonio J. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2007 Aug 30;4(1):1.

12. Olsen S, Aagaard P, Kadi F, Tufekovic G, Verney J, Olesen JL, Suetta C, Kjær M. Creatine supplementation augments the increase in satellite cell and myonuclei number in human skeletal muscle induced by strength training. The Journal of physiology. 2006 Jun 1;573(2):525-34.

13. Cooper R, Naclerio F, Allgrove J, Jimenez A. Creatine supplementation with specific view to exercise/sports performance: an update. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2012 Jul 20;9(1):1.

Get the cheapest form of Creatine Monohydrate, don't bother with Creapure which is a meme. All the literature is done on Creatine Monohydrate.
Put this in QTDDTOT next time

There's literally zero reason to take creatine unless you're some kind of low energy faggot

wanting to make better gains and lifts is not a good reason? kys

It can accelerate MPB or instigate it if you have the gene lying in wait.
Not worth it imo

Marginal strength gains for ~60% DHT blood serum increase. Took it from the age of 19-24, now I have triangular bald spots shooting back into my head. My fat older brother has a flat Norwood 0 hairline. Do with that information what you will

>you can never go back in time and slap yourself for considering trying creatine
>have to spend 2500$ on hair grafts if you want your hairline back
It hurts


If you're some balding predisposed genetic deadend it might make you go bald quicker.

I've been taking it for 2 years, great strength and size gains, the ONLY supplement worth taking.

Creatine is one of the few legal supplements that actually works.

Strength goes up between 5-10% and weight does too. Not too bad if you think about how fucking cheap it is.

idk, made me feel nauseous everytime when I used to take it.
strength gains are placebo imo.
also don't wanna bald early.

It's a meme.
It doesn't help me perform better or make gains. The only effects that it has on me is to make me wonna pee and stomach pain.

also makes you go bald

Red meat makes you go bald?

its not a meme, there are plenty of actual studies proving it works, google it...
its not magic though, the effect isnt huge, but it is there


Attached: SIR Creatine.jpg (2224x5968, 2.33M)

Great way to go bald

It all depends on your genes.

Hell my grandpa is in his 70s and he looks like fucking Elvis. If you don't have trash genes you will NOT get bold. Actually I would even appreciate to have slower hair growth and safe money.

creatine doesnt do anything for you