This i basically all i eat

>Peanut Butter
>Whole Wheat Pasta
>Olive Oil
>Fish Oil
>Vitamin D, C Supplements

>Rarely deviate from the above
>Only eat different things when out gf or buddies
>Do this in order to autistically buy food in most efficient way possible - bulk buying etc.

Should i add anything for optimal health?
What deficiencies would I have after a year?
Am i going to die because of this?
Am i gay?

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water :^)

try to eat some fat meat (pork,beef) from time to time


Some more fruit variety, nuts and legumes wouldn’t hurt. Try peppers, chick peas, lentils, apples, rice, almonds, cashews, dark chocolate, Tuna and turkey.
Also this


My God.

>no fruits other than meme banana
>vitamin C sups

I uh....


you could and should replace salmon with sardines. Salmon is great but because of pollution they are full of nasty things, unlike deenz'


>not boiled Oysters

literally why

I only eat potatos and sardines

Based deenz man

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It's the staple in my diet and i would be 1% the man i am today if it wasn't for them

all i eat
olive oil
whole wheat bread

>Whole Wheat Pasta
Replace with non-wheat alternative

oh i also eat pancakes with this mix that has a good amount of protein and fiber

What would you recommend?

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>tfw iktf
Desperately in need of more meal variety
That being said OP eat some more fucking fruit and start eating based sweet potatoes

"""A non-wheat alternative"""
There's lots of them. Try some.

>Should i add anything for optimal health?
Remove oats (it has plenty anti nutrients like prolamines)
Add butter or gf tallow (for better balance of Omega fats)
You could add some meat heart like ox, lamb, pork wth for anti oxidant gains (it's loaded with Coq10 and Carnosine, best anti oxidants known)
>What deficiencies would I have after a year?
None but make sure to eat some red meat once in a while (for iron, zinc etc)
>Am i going to die because of this?
You're not
>Am i gay?
Might be, just don't over do it

Do you mean a non wheat alternative pasta or another type of carb?
What brand do you get?

>whole wheat bread
These are loaded with anti nutrients (prolamines, phytate etc), you would do better doing white bread and pasta
> inb4 fiber meme
Not worth it, just eat some broccolis with

This is actually worse than sugar on a day to day consumption
Fructose doesn't mess with insulin but it does mess with liver, being converted into fat and deposited as visceral fast in and around the liver (non alcoholic fatty liver)
Actually, fructose it's what's feed to ducks in order to make foie gras (corn and corn syrup), and honey is basically that plus some minerals

I don't eat pasta very often so I don't have any 'brands' to mention.
I eat bread made out of 'spelt' instead of modern wheat. There are several brands of them, I'm not shilling any of them. Just go look.

don't trust this guy, OP! he's shilling for (((big spelt)))!

i make a watery potato and sardine paste and drink it throughout the day. at work, at the gym, in the club - wherever
pretty versatile my man

Chicken breast
Rice w/tumeric
Peanut butter
Boiled potato
Whole egg
These are my day to day dishes, I always look toward eating them. You just need to rotate spices from time to time.

sardines are the worms of the sea, absolutely disgusting tasting i would never.

thanks for all the responses lads and 10/10 Jow Forums babes

You look forward to eating chicken breast, rice, broccoli, boiled potato, etc... nigga i don't care if your spice is formed from the ashes of jesus christ himself, that shit ain't tasty after two weeks of eating it daily.

> sweet potato
> proton shake
> pb2
> chicken breast
> banana
> apple
> eggs
> carrots
> cherry tomato
> frozen vegetable medley
> butter
> evoo
> oats
> sips (monster, cokezero)
> mcdouble

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But it is, chicken fried on tiny bit of olive oil is amazing, just like rice. I add hot spices and low calorie sauces so it tastes amazing every time. Maybe I have weak taste buds, I don't know.

Red meat check out Stan Efferdings stuff

>olive oil
enjoy your cancer

>i add low calorie sauces
ahhhh, that's the key part you left out. you're adding hundreds of milligrams of sodium and other artificial chemicals to everything you eat, of course it's gonna taste good at that point, but that's not healthy or Jow Forums.

Relax bud, it's only several drops.
Don't add them with every dish or every day, maybe 2x a week. Besides I only use tomato sauce with onions (forgot to add them).

olive oil has very low boiling point, you should use it for sautee at best, otherwise use it on cooked food only
pls user, i beg of you

Alright user, I'm gonna research it.

It's okay to abuse sodium whole bulking.

Fruits are sugar

uh, where's your kale bro?

What to use then. I can fry chicken without oil, but I have to be careful with it then, otherwise it's gonna stick to the grill pan.

rapeseed oil is perfectly fine, if you want to step up your game you can use coconut, peanut, or canola

it depends. If it's atlantic salmon it sucks. But sockeye and alaskan is fine.

Expected that sort of answer, thanks. I only use like 3-5 ml of oil per meal.

fruit is a bit of a meme. vegetables are better. blueberries are acceptable.

>Peanut Butter
>Fat-free Greek Yogurt
>Frozen Blueberries
>Chicken Breast
>Brown Rice
>Black Beans
>Red Kidney Beans
>Flank Steak
>Red Sweet Potato
>Fish Oil
>Never deviate from the above
>Buy bulk
No homo, just dedicated.

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A handful of nuts is nice. Especially 2 or 3 Brazil nuts.
Consider broccoli sprouts and Ashitaba
Green tea

From a sheer variety perspective-
Quinoa or brown rice? You don't have to.

Red Yeast Rice
Vitamin K2 in both MK4 and MK7 forms

Based fruit memer.

>raw beef
>raw lamb
>raw butter
>raw milk
>raw eggs
>cod liver

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No, fruit is not. Bananas for example are loaded with things you need. They also contain high levels of tryptophan, which the body converts to serotonin and can help improve your mood. One reason they are great for breakfast. They also provide relaxation benefits, including helping you sleep better at night.
>blueberries are acceptable
They are the number one source of anthocyanins, especially when fast-frozen and lock in the antioxidants. Not to mention a whopping 36% of your daily vitamin K.
Different fruits have different vitamin profiles and benefits, same as vegetables.

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Not gonna make it. Nice try though

It's 15 grams. What is wrong with a little fiber crunch?

>High levels of tryptophan

More like meme levels of tryptophan.

Chicken breast has 24 times the tryptophan per gram than a banana. Oats have 23 times. You'd need to eat bananas like a fucking monkey to match a bowl of oats.

There's literally nothing impressive in a banana that can't be easily sourced in fewer calories elsewhere.

What is bad about a little grapenuts? No added sugar.

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to be fair, nanners have a lot of potassium, and most burgers are potassium deficient, especially if they're actually following a meme low-salt prescription from their moronic doctor and thus wasting even more potassium through their piss.

that's all they have going for them tho. modern bananas are high sugar low fiber diabetes fuel.

if at all possible I would be drinking the milkies from this absolute unit of a milk tank in pic related

So that makes it a meme? I also eat way more chicken then bananas. Just 1 banana a day to be precise. It does contain high levels of tryptophan, as do chicken and oats which I also eat.
There is also nothing impressive in many things that can't be sourced somewhere else. That's hardly an argument against something. Bananas are healthy for you, same as oats, same as chicken, same as many things organic. You're just being narrow minded and immature.

rate my diet:
and sometimes when I feel frisky I get some burgers or pizza

>A lot of potassium

There are still dozens of better options. Spinach will pack a far better potassium to calorie ratio, as an example.

> I also eat way more chicken then bananas.

Good, so you aren't even getting a meaningful portion of your daily tryptophan from bananas.

> It does contain high levels of tryptophan

It contains 0.01g per 100g. How is that "high" when there are literally dozens of ordinary foods with 10-100 times that?

>So that makes it a meme?

>Joke levels of nutrients
>Fucktons of sugar (inb4 lmao 3g of fiber for 27g of carbs)
>Everyone still talks about it like it's amazing

Yup that's a meme

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>My total grams of none added sugar are already under recommended daily.
Explain how any of this makes them a meme or bad for you? It's calories, healthy ones, and has lots of nutrients you need.

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you sound like youre trying to be healthy op
do you eat farmed salmon?
its poison
dont eat it
only from the ocean

eat some beef, sunflower seeds, and maybe some more fruits and veggies and youre all good

Why does no one eat cucumbers for based potassium gains?

Cucumbers are best fruit. I like to eat them with salsa or avocado sometimes.

Also, raw onions and garlic ofc

Add some spinach and kale, and you're good. And this is coming from a plant based fag.

Thanks for all of your input, internet pals.
I will add beef, quinoa, blueberries, spinach, kale and sunflower seeds.
Here is a picture of thot.

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