Is it possible to go to the gym, be an autistic sperglord and do just machines and no compound /indep weight lifting...

Is it possible to go to the gym, be an autistic sperglord and do just machines and no compound /indep weight lifting, and do a bunch of cardio too and still get gud gainz?

Too autistic to venture into certain parts of the gym if my posture/form is bad and i look stupid desu sam

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Just look up form on YouTube you massive fucking retard

Swallow a fucking handful of benzos if you’re that uneasy about going to a gym and lifting weight with a fucking free bar omfg what the FUCK is wrong with you

>taking benzos before the gym

utter mongoloid retard. I don't expect much asking this question on a korean basket weaving forum but still. thx for the non answer i guess.

You’re the fucking mongoloid retard with such crippling fucking mental issues that you’re shit scared to venture into a gym and lift some fucking weight like a faggot little child. You don’t know who the fuck you’re talking to you little DYEL mongrel, I bench 2.5pl8 for reps and I could squeeze your head like a fucking balloon stupid little shit. Scared little bitch, that’s what you are. If you’re too fucking anxious or too afraid of how people perceive you in the gym then benzos are the doctors fucking orders, what sort of a “man” is too afraid to go and lift some free weights? Nobody gives a fuck about you, if you fuck up nobody will remember or care. You will not end up in some epic gym fails compilation. Look up the form and do the exercises you fucking amoeba.

thx 4 the motivation bruh just what i needed

Slowly work your way into free weights if you have this much anxiety. Have a clear plan, too, and like user said watch form videos and just focus on form and getting comfortable.

And seriously consider meds if you are this nervous


Look up literally any of these guys and find one that you find the least cringe and understand the best

>Alan Thrall
>Ed Coan
>Brian Alshure
>Stronger by Science articles

All decent teachers tho Athleanx is a clickbaiter but besides that. Unless you are in some hardcore powerlifting gym or a super douchebag area nobody is gonna give a fuck about you as long as you are not being a total retard which the videos will accomplish. So throw on some headphones, and get in there to start learning.

I think you need to cool it on the roids user, I imagine your prick is small enough as is with an attitude like that

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/thread pretty much
Sums up my thoughts

Roids have zero effect on the length of your penile shaft..
When on testerosterone injections the balls may temporarily shrink but that's it.

grab a broom and practice form at home lol


I'm working on my front squat form right now. I practice with the empty bar, I'm still not ready to use any plates. I back squat 2 plates for reps. You pay money to use the gym, not to be afraid of the people.

Use leg press, leg extension, leg curl, and calf machines for legs. Start by using primarily dumbbells for upper body lifts though. It will get you started on lifting and handling free weights. You can use some machines for upper body but try with the dumbbells. Once you’re confident and have seen some gains you should move onto at least doing barbell squats.

But if your gym has Hammer Strength machines then use those because those as much as possible because those things will make you juicy.

Do however much cardio you want if that’s what you’re into.

baste et roguepilled

Based boy

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Machine workouts will get you bro cut.

I think I fucked my hair a bit doing shit like that but when I was a kid I could transfer a machine bench to an actual bench with equivalent weight. The motion isn’t that different

But since I was about 20 years old, yeah we lift with weights.

Fucked my gait* sorry. If you bench you have to row or your have an imbalance


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