You do box, right user? You dont want to be that loser that gets beaten up by someone smaller than you, right?
/fight/ - Martial Arts General
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>inb4 muh gunz
lets be real, you wouldnt dare risk 25 to life over a petty squabble
How the hell do I stop my knuckles from bruising? Everytime I go to training the knuckles on my right hand bruise quickly.
dumb move to encourage striking, too much to risk in street fights bro. get hit in the head(not even badly) and you'll drop some iq points. one of my friends has long term memory problems from sparring as a kid
tape em?
I do but they still bruise
You aren't taping them enough. You need to go full antonio margarito.
At least get yourself 5m elastic wraps then reinforce it with sports tape. If you really need you can even put extra tape on top of the gloves on the wrists.
I use cotton wraps does that make a difference?
Bare knuckle boxing is safer than gloved: bloodier yes but not as damaging as leather pounding your head repeatedly which causes concussions. You can break your knuckles by punching someone in the skull.
No it's just a preference honestly. I don't like cotton because it just feels like a extension to my hand, and it doesn't absorb shock as well. Elastic ones bring that tight feeling and have more bend in them when you punch.
I think I made a mistake then with my handwraps.
Well they aren't that expensive, just go get yourself some elastic ones, just make sure they are long enough.
Well I have to get soccer boots as well so I'll get them ASAP
there is absolutely no evidence that bareknuckle boxing is any safer than gloved boxing. This is a popular meme that has been seeded by the fledgling BKB industry, not an opinion supported by medical science.
Bareknuckle punches come in at a higher velocity and less time to impact. The bludgeoning object in this case, is significantly harder. By way of analogy; two objects:a pistol barrel and a pillow. Both struck to your head with the exact same amount of force, the former would be a playful gesture, while the latter would at the very least fracture your skull and possibly put you in a vegetative state if not outright kill you.
One of the more prominent rationales for "BKB is safer" is the idea that A) head shots are less frequent and B) combatants will throw with less force for fear of breaking their hands. As someone who has competed in lethwei, and has watched many hours of BKB footage, neither is true.
The only way to make boxing or any form of pugilism safer is to institute rules that stop the bout when one fighter has obviously received a concussion. This will never happen outside of amateur sports, because it would lead to very short lived entertainment products and not very attractive for gambling either. As it stands, virtually every BKB promotion has the exact same problem boxing does: letting fighters repeatedly experience concussion and continue fighting as long as they can meet an arbitrary count and display some low level of instinct and coordination to the satisfaction of the referee.
And just for future reference, never use a moron like joe rogan to support your opinions.
Mixed martial artist here, been doing it since age 17. Lifting since age 13.
Ask me anything.
>leather gloves are like a pillow
How do I best combine lifting with martial arts? I want to get better at kickboxing (beginner) and I want to try out BJJ, but I also want to be big and strong.
Any thoughts on routines, frequency, progression?
should i bother starting bjj while im still fat or wait a year? i don't wanna hold the class up being a clown
What's your iq?
Implying your boxing and bejayjay will help you 1v3 in a streetfight against niggers who will not hesitate to stomp you the moment you go to the ground
Either you support your MA with lifting or you do some MA while getting big and strong. Focus on one thing if you're not some genetic goldmine.
You do MA to get / stay in shape. Not the other way around. But no matter what you do, you still need to work on your bad eating habits, fatty.
That's why you do sprinting too
>full Antonio Margarito
There's a few fatties in the bjj gym I go to. One guy was so fat I couldn't sit on his stomach with my knees touching the ground.
But be warned that there's a difference between being fat and being obese. You can still do things if you're fat, but you can't do anything if you're obese.
Then train them until they don't. Practice knuckle pushups, friendo
I'm not sure if that's totally true. Theres a white belt at my bjj gym who's easily 300+lbs and he fucking destroys anyone not a brown or black belt regularly. He's not particularly skilled, but that kind of pressure is really hard to take and even harder to counter
>Going to dinner in a nigger infested part of town.
See, that's where he fucked up.
>Not getting valet.
That's where he fucked up again
>Not calling them out on their bullshit, and letting things escalate just enough so that you are justified in killing three hostile niggers.
That's where he fucked up, yet again.
>Being afraid to go to prison
That's where he fucked up yet once again.
His girlfriend is absolutely correct in feeling her boyfriend is a weak cuck and she should immediately leave him.
Obviously you can still do things at that weight, there's a heavyweight division in most martial arts and they go up to that weight.
But if you're truly obese then it's better if you lose the weight first before doing martial arts.
lol the body builder fights like a compensating single digit IQ fucktard
Think I'm ready to start up bjj again. Had a shitty shoulder and been very busy, but it's starting to line up again.
Also how the fuck do I pass guard in nogi
BJJ is for middle class faggots
You can't go 100% on both, but if you switch to muscular endurance for exercise until you get used to it all then you can switch back
I had to reduce volume when I started bjj, mainly with the squats.
My leg mobility is dogshit, i can't throw a decent high kick to save my life, could i join a kickboxing gym and actually become decent at it or will i just embarass myself in the long run?
Total novice here. Guy I was talking to mentioned the BJJ instructor and owner trained and got a black belt under Royce Gracie and also competed in the UFC.
Should I only do BJJ on first and branch out or do only striking, or do both despite being a novice.
Fat dudes in my jiu jitsu club tend to be pretty good. Slow, but good crushing power
>how the fuck do i pass guard in no gi
Kek, its way easier because the person playing guard has fewer means of control
Start practicing knee cut passes
I could never pull off knee cut at my old gym so I kinda wrote them off. I'd usually arm drag (which still works) or some kind of torreando thing with grips moving at very high speeds since I'm a lightweight. Also these guys know leg locks so I have no idea what I'm walking into
Im transitioning from powerlifting to bbj right now. What sort of training and programs should I follow on days where I'm not rolling? Am I supposed to keep it light or should I train as I do normally?
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Start stretching. Be consistent. It's pretty simple and you can do it when you wake up or before bed.
Elbows on knees, then spread the bitch open. You can use your hands, but theres an opening where they grab your inner elbow and armbar you
Are you sure that's the only option near you? Those prices are pretty steep.
I did the same thing about 9 months ago, but I do kickboxing in addition to bjj. I've found that 5/3/1 with boring but big or boring but strong works very well for me. On some days I feel totally zapped and need to take it easy by just doing the main lift, the bbb supplement, and the one main accessory for that day, and others I can add up to 4 or 5 accessories and still feel great.
Just watch your body and be careful of injuries.
I've noticed this makes cutting very difficult though.
Get away from 12 month agreement unless you're sure you like it.
Look for guard opener, then.
Knee slice, back step, x-pass, torreando, leg drag, double under, over under.
Or join the dark side and fuck it try a leg lock (straignt ankle lock being wb shit nao).
Im starting judo next week, first class.
lol wtf, its fuckin expensive here
>sexually assaulting your girlfriend
>petty squabble
I live in Texas. Even if I do some jail time, it won't be 25 to life.
is there ANY good elite level boxing content on youtube??? there seems to be a large divide between pro boxers/olympic winners and the videos of a bunch of retards in a circle shadowboxing. I want to see the techniques and training they use (besides the PED stacks) gearing up to the olympics.
The owner trained under Royce Gracie and fought in the UFC
I'm told it is very good.
Look up Next Generation MMA in Dallas. That is what I am looking at.
Great, what happens to your girlfriend?
Try what fits for you. Maybe you like striking more than bjj/grappling. maybe wrestling is your thing.
street fighter my ass. this guy is fucking garbage.
For every manlet that gets lucky, 100 of them get their shit pushed in just because they were smaller than the guy they were fighting.
Size > skill. Always.
M8, no elite athlete is going to publish their training leading up to Olympics. Doubly so for combat sports
You've just outted yourself as a complete brainlet my friend
Whatever you say, manlet.
You guys are silly lmao. Theres no secrets, and theres plenty of national teams with their training on youtube.
surprise! it looks just like any other competent boxing training, guys working on their conditioning and guys refining their technique and guys drilling with eachother.
russians. Surprise! Doing light sparring and shadow boxing.
Theres no "special" training reserved exclusively for a specific event, because to do so would be undesirable - whatever is newly learned is poorly learned, and worse, can interfere with what is already established. Motor learning 101.
Do you cry when punched? Not sobbing and bawwing but just physically tearing?
>tfw can't dodge a single fucking punch because I'm so slow
How do you improve this aside from cardio?
do you not do cardio?
Been on and off cardio due to knee issues caused by my very flat fleet. I've just started up again though. On Couch to 10k.
you fight and have shit stamina?
yikes why even user. sort yourself out before you get braindeaded
Hey I'm trying. I'm back on the cardio because I've got some supportive shoes now. Plus I'll need the cardio for soccer in Winter anyway. Like I said, its been hard due to my awful feet giving me knee issues.
how old are you?
God I wish I could just fight again. No greater feeling than being in that ring. Combination of hard physicality, honed technique, and clever mindgames. All happening on waterfalls of adrenaline and in front keen viewers who watch every move you and your opponent make.Truly the greatest competition human can partake in.
I would trade rest of my lifetime for 1 year of life with healthy shoulders so I could fight. Life truly is hell.
stop being a faggot and start running
your knee pain will go away
But I am running. Its my running day tomorrow. By the way how can I stop the stitches? I get them really quick.
why'd you stop?
>running day
you dont run everyday?
test test mods are gay
I do sprints on my lifting days.
You have less weight behind your punches, and impact time is reduced too with BKB. This does significantly lower the concussion rate, compared to getting hit with gloves.
you video proof that no
all it takes is one hit to rock your little skull and it's lights out
mma guy knew that, powerlifter didn't and got more than btfo, he died
there's no gym routine to make your skull less breakable
look at him go! haha
you dont have less weight behind your punches. You have a marginal difference in weight. What isnt marginal is the padding and resistance and drag from the glove, which slows down punches significantly. Why do you think 16 ounce gloves are both used for sparring, and the regulation insistence for heavyweight fights in the amateurs? Why do smaller weight classes have to use 12s and 10s instead of 8s like the pros?
Why do knockouts happen more frequently from punches in MMA? Its certainly not because they are the more competent punchers. Why do knockdowns happen so quickly in street fights?
It is very analogous to airbags. heavier and larger gloves significantly reduce the speed than smaller gloves (or no gloves) and speed is more important than mass in kinetic energy (KE = 1/2 * m * v^2) and impact is less due to the considerably larger padding and surface area ( J = F * time )
I hate to reference the show "sports science" because it is hardly scientific and their methodology in most episodes is often actually retarded (being primarily a show made for entertainment, not education) but this is a pretty demonstrative example:
Bas produced the most force with his bare knuckles. If they had run this test a bit more intelligently, I'm certain that would still be the outcome.
This is actually one of the rationales used to defend BKB... i.e that knockouts would happen more quickly and thus the bout could be stopped early before the fighter's brain suffers repetitive punishment. Well, okay, fine. But thats really only true if you have rules/regulations in place to stop the bout quickly after a fighter has lost consciousness. One of the things MMA has done right. However, there is no sign of this in the BKB scene, where they routinely let knock down drag out affairs carry on for entertainment's sake, exactly the same as professional boxing.
>deliberately escalating a situation and putting your GF's life in jeopardy just to sate your ego
Fucking WEW, people like you should be exiled from society for your fecklessness. What a shame, because your first two points are sound and would've prevented this situation from happening in the first place.
Larger gloves provide more surface area and protect the hands therefore encouraging blows to the head. Cumulative brain damage doesnt need knockouts. Getting in fights outside the ring is something teenagers and poor people do (even in the ring to be honest)
Here's a fact that only frauds will dispute; physical strength is a valuable technique in itself. If you go to any self-defense class or dojo and the coach is actively enabling DYELs, run like Hell because they're selling you an illusion of security, like the TSA.
Box? *Scoffs*
*Shoots double leg*
physical strength isnt a technique...its a general trait. Technique is applied/coordinated expression of strength. Only muscle is capable of work (a rather simple fact that amazingly seems to go over the average retard's head here, people who apparently think movement is powered via magic)
Its not an either/or thing like the retards commonly reduce it.
> you go to any self-defense class or dojo and the coach is actively enabling DYELs, run like Hell because they're selling you an illusion of security, like the TSA.
True, but its also because there is still to this day an astounding amount of ignorance about physiology in the general public, and in sports and martial arts many coaches remain totally fearful of strength training.
*screeches in ebonics*
10 monkey surround you and start soccer kicking your head and stabbing you with broken bottles
Torreanda all day
Strength training is useful but it is actually useless and dangerous past a certain point and gives dudes dangerous ego boosts that they should check.
post body
*Chuckles* so you brought backup? Time to ramp things up a notch.
*Shoots sextuple leg*
I cant say it is "useless" to be stronger. And of all the physical traits that can be improved with training, it is by far the most improvable (VO2 max for example, is largely genetic and not very trainable)
that bodybuilders/gym rats focus exclusively on building up large amounts of muscle mass while ignoring doing anything else isn't a problem of being "too strong" but simply a problem of their psychology or ignorance. For example, there is a common misconception that bodybuilders have poor "gas tanks" (cardiovascular endurance, "condition", "wind" etc) *because* they are incredibly muscular. Which is actually not true at all, it is simply that they rarely, if ever, train in a manner that would produce improvements in condition. After doing a set of very heavy squats, the heart rate would be very high (much higher than can be produced with any amount of jogging for example) and the individual would be gasping for air...... and then he goes and sits on his ass for 3 minutes or however long it takes for him to catch his breath and for his heart rate to return to a comfortable state. The most obvious solution (but one very few people will stick with because it is brutally hard) is to immediately move onto another exercise with little to no rest (obviously this requires progression in and of itself. I and many other people trained in this manner have vivid memories of how sick one can get when they are pushed this hard, until condition is improved Literally sick, all over the floor)
> gives dudes dangerous ego boosts that they should check.
I agree in principle, but a lot of activities give people a bloated ego and false sense of security. I know people whove been beaten silly while wearing a pistol, and such an individual likely would never have put themselves into a situation where they could get assaulted before they purchased the pistol and attended mall ninja "tactical" classes that made them feel like a delta force operator.
i hate how skinny fighters cope with ''muscle for show will slow you down!"' like fuck, muscle is muscle. even bruce lee lifted somewhat. Why do people get so sensitive about lifting in this circle..
It helps to just always be feinting and moving your head. That creates a lot of misses in and of itself and if you are always doing it you will condition the muscles you need to do it better
>there is absolutely no evidence that bareknuckle boxing is any safer than gloved boxing. This is a popular meme that has been seeded by the fledgling BKB industry, not an opinion supported by medical science.
Completely retarded post.
Enough Jow Forums for today. This board really hit the dumps foll force.
>i hate how skinny fighters cope with ''muscle for show will slow you down!"' like fuck, muscle is muscle. even bruce lee lifted somewhat. Why do people get so sensitive about lifting in this circle..
It's because of people like you. Inept assholes with a big mouth.
no liftier with a brain fights a martial artist on his rules, but a martial artist who lifts is superior to a non lifting ''functional'' ma, you retard.
part of it is coping, part of it is simply ignorance on the matter. The soviets demonstrated to the scientific world back in the 60s that strength training not only wouldnt hurt athletes of any kind (strength training was considered GENERAL physical preparation in the soviet union - no matter what your sport was, you did it) but would go a very long way to making them the best athletes they could be.
A lot of these myths and superstitions about muscle have been around forever and are still around simply because of a lack of education in basic physiology and physics. A lot of people are simply stupid and cannot be helped, but most are probably just ignorant on the matter and can be helped with education.
Another problem is misinterpretation/misattributation. Gym rats and bodybuilders these days, having produced extreme muscularity (with the help of drugs of course) while doing little to nothing to improve their conditioning, flexibility or acquire any skills other than lifting weights, will be seen to be "clumsy" and "slow" (naturally, the same way ANY novice is clumsy and slow at any skill they have no experience with) and instead of attributing the inefficiency to being a novice, the person will attribute it to their most glaringly standout feature: the massive muscularity. But it actually has nothing to do with it, and all other factors being equal (which they never are in reality) a stronger individual will perform better than a weaker one. This is actually obvious when people stop and really think about it (i often have to use extreme examples to get people to think correctly) but they rarely do because its quicker and easier to simply access memes you've accumulated over the years.