Is a 315lb squat actually good? doesn't seem like you've made it until you can squat 200kg

is a 315lb squat actually good? doesn't seem like you've made it until you can squat 200kg

Attached: olympicSquat.jpg (787x800, 330K)

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315 for five reps is decent

Wouldn't comparing your lift weights to your body weight be a better measure? 315 for someone that's 200 isn't as big a deal as someone who weighs 140

It is the bottom tier of squat strength.
Some guys can't even for 1.

315 is rare for casual lifters. you will barely see it in a commercial gym.
however, it is not that impressive for people who actually train

You are good when you start squatting 405. That is when the mires start provided you go to a commercial gym.

High bar atg its not good but you are on the right path. Low bar you should be able to do it after about 2 weeks in the gym.

By normie standards 100kg is strong, 150kg is very strong, 200kg is ridiculously strong.


2x bodyweight squat is peak male performance anything above that is beta male strength cope

if there is ever a disaster and you have to carry a grill out of a building why would you want to struggle a fat chick that weighs more than you, when you can just lift the 120lb stacy out with ease and smash her as a reward later on

i squat 2 plates and have no intention of adding weight, only guys who i see that squat more are obese fatasses and a few actual big guys

not that i don't respect it, but i think i've made it

>this mentality
You haven’t made it.

>is a 315 squat good
>you've made it with a 200 squat

Attached: the people who fall for this.jpg (451x432, 24K)

it is actually the only mentality that allows you to make it, you'll forever chase something you can't have and forever be unhappy due to something so base and low as lifting iron

and i bet i can do more muscle ups than you, fatty

you literally squat 2 plates. you dont belong here, you arent fit and you dont even lift

Most people at my gym who squat, squat pretty much 100kg (except the females). Then there's few somewhat skinny looking zoomers and few big (tall and wide) guys who squat 140-180kg.

2 pl8 is ez pz definitely have not made it

>he doesn't train to fuck thicc booty

define fit

you suck dude

stop smoking so much weed

Also when you are assigned your ideal azn qt gf, or so I’ve been told. Going for that this year so I’ll update you guys.

yes, i know you have no semblance of what is fit or healthy, you just want to squat more because rippletits and other fatasses on fit told you to

i don't smoke anything, neither do drugs

Sounds like cope to justify not trying to improve yourself

It's a decent squat, but not impressive. Need to do a minimum of 4pl8 for reps in the gym to get people to stare at you.

t. 4pl8 squatter who notices people staring at me in the mirror during sets

i improve myself in ways that i see not being pointless, squatting hundreds of kilos is not one of them, don't really see the point of squatting above 1 plate to be honest unless you enjoy squatting

i'm not saying you shouldn't improve, all i'm saying is that there is no squat X=making it, it's what you decide what it is, everyone who tells you otherwise is just a crab in a bucket

>squats are for fatties!
>Muscle ups are a true indicator of making it
Whatever helps you cope, you weak legged bitch. Enjoy ottermode, I'll continue looking like a greek statue.

neither is general indicator of making it because there isn't one

if you need to squat 4 plates for greek statue legs, you suck at lifting

keep coping for your shitty life by lifting tho, i'm sure someone will love you if you add that one plate this time!

I get stared at doing 3 plates for reps on Back Squats.

ah i see how much you lift is actually unrelated to how big your muscles get.

No, you're correct about 200kg though. You're not strong until you can squat 200kg.

What ways do you improve yourself?

>the mental gymnastics this one faggot is doing to justify being weak

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>the bigger you are, the stronger you are, there is no difference in training methods
jeez, do you actually lift, or just larp as an SS fag?

>t. weak little shit trying to cope with his shit life by lifting, only to realize he's can't even do that right
Enjoy your calisthenics, boyo!

post your greek statue legs from squatting 2 plates

2plate is bitch weight mate.

I dont even look that big and I squat +3plates for reps.

i work on calisthenics progressions and cardio, while maintaining +40kg dip and 2 plate squat, towards which i was working before

>You don't need to be big to squat 4 pl8
>The only people squatting more than 2pl8 are the bigger guys

When you get bigger you get stronger and when you get stronger you get bigger. You can meme about how low reps don't build muscle but that's objectively incorrect broscience.

Ive had people literally come to me to mire when squatting even less than 3plts for warmups.
3 plate squat for most people is fantasy-tier strong, they literally cant believe it.
To add some perspective, most people squat .5-1 plate and never even improve from that mate. For a normie a 1.5 plate squat is very strong.

Maybe in your garbage tier gym but nobody pays you a second glance in my gym unless you have at least 405 on the bar while squatting.

jesus, did i hit a nerve? are you getting triggered because all you can do is load and move a bar?

please, do whatever you want and enjoy, just don't try to feel like a pinnacle of fitness because you can squat some arbitrary number, there is more to both fitness and life

Must be the gyms I go to. At the commercial gym it's usually from the younger crowd, older guys will come up and say I should wear a belt or some shit. While at my uni gym most people stare if they haven't seen me do it before.
Pretty much the same as this guy. Nobody really glances at you unless it's over 4pl8.

and yet there are dozens if people with sticks legs that squat for plates, just as there are people who do 2 hours of 1 plate squat and leg press and get legs twice as thick

>weak faggot cope post #445
shouldn't you be "improving yourself"? or is shitposting on Jow Forums what you mean by improving?

shouldn't you be squatting? or you don't even lift?

There are rare outliers of people with stick legs that squat that much, but that's mostly due to their own muscular insertions and their limb lengths. The general trend is if you have bigger legs you'll have a bigger squat. The only two ways to squat more is to improve neuromuscular efficiency and to get bigger muscles and you can only get so efficient before you need bigger muscles to squat more.

There sure is a lot of coping going on with you.
>Did I hit a nerve
No. That's multiple people disagreeing with your assessment. Fact of the matter is, lifting heavy makes those guys happy so as far as they're concerned they're making it. That's what it's about.

All you've done is act aloof because you consider yourself some enlightened individual because you don't lift "heavy" and do calisthenic workouts instead with the occasional 2pl8 squat. Then you go on to assume that they want to lift heavy because they have shit lives and/or are fat.

in the beginning i claimed there is nothing wrong with not squatting some arbitrary amount of weight to be considered made
what do i get?
>coping weak faggot
if you feel this attacked by that claim you do indeed have a shitty life and cope by lifting

>no u
yeah that's what i thought bitch, keep improving yourself by posting on imageboards lmao

Welcome to Jow Forums, newfag

Also 2pl8 is a garbage squat, my friend literally got it his first fucking week squatting. At 4pl8 you'll impress most gymgoers, 3pl8 you'll impress most NYRs.

This. 5 plates on diddies and 4+ on squats is when people start glancing sideways at me for whatever reason

Its like that in all gyms ive been to both in my country and in america.
Im not saying a 3 plate squat is anything special, im just saying normie standards are usually stupid low.

Yeah youre just trolling now mate, I just said 2plate is bitch weight and youre talking about "triggering" people like some retard edgelord.
Doesnt matter how much you screech about standards and "ss fatasses" and whatnot, 2plate squat is bitch weight bro. You should consider manning up a bit.

ya, that's why overwhelming majority of populace has trouble with their bodyweight and most of gym goers don't venture beyond 1plate

fitting answer for your point

lol you are right user, everyone else in this thread looks like jason blaha

and why would i do that? i'm genuinely interested
if you consider weight that most of the human population can barely put on their shoulders, much less squat, bitch weight, i can't take that from you but it sounds dumb as fuck
i'm a casual lifter and i do it for general fitness, health and enjoyment, i don't deny that, why should i squat more?

I squat 2.5 plates for 2x5, then last set till failure. I’m always afraid of going heavier cause my form breaks and don’t want snap city. I weigh 195lbs and 6ft so I do low bar with manaray stance. Most I did was 7 reps. I know it’s bitch weight but I’m still happy with myself

It's bitch weight in the sense that's not even half of what your body can handle, and if you're body can handle more weight there's no reason not too.

Faggot tier gym, come to my place, people will laugh at you until you squat at least 400kg for 50 reps.

If your standards are based on what most people can or cant do and not in whats achievable with hard work and dedication than not only have you not made it, but you wont ever make it in anything in life ever.
2 plate is bitch weight.


>literally my warmup weight for only 50 reps
lmao what kind of dyel gym do you go to buddy?

Yeah its pretty good. You can stop at 315x5 and just maintain from there.

>i squat 2 plates
>i think i've made it

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i also don't drink however much my body can handle, does that mean i'm a bitch?

if the pinnacle of your hard work and dedication is squatting, i feel pity for you

Too many get obsessed with numbers on the bar when the only reasonable measure of strength is the weight on the bar vs your body weight. Even then, you have to factor in age.

A 2 plate squat for someone who weights 70kg is 1.5x their body weight. Get up to 3 plates and it's double their bodyweight.

3 plate is well into intermediate/advanced by Rippetoe's strength standards. But if you weigh 30kg more, then it's barely above novice.

>only reasonable measure of strength is the weight on the bar vs your body weight. Even then, you have to factor in age
How dense are you? Really? Do you know what a "measure of strength" is? A 200kg guy who can bench 60kg is still stronger than a 40kg guy who can bench 50kg. Strength is how much you can lift. No, you're not stronger just because you weigh the same as a 12 year old girl. An ant isn't stronger than an elephant.

Jesus christ mate you're a complete retard.
Go stick your finger up your weak ass you fucking faggot.

In retrospect that 2pl8 squat comment was great bait.

you are very stupid
edit: wait... fuck you

One day I want to squat 365 lbs because that would be all my colored bumper plates:

55 Red
45 Blue
35 Yellow
25 Green

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im 148lbs and can squat 3pl8sx2. the only people at my gym that squat more than me are bloatlords

315 makes you stronger than almost everyone on Jow Forums so yes

>thiccfu at work comes in all giddy one day
>she got her gym crush's number
>she looks at me like a goat with four heads
>"oh, uh, what did you say? Sorry I thought you asked."
>she walks away and I realize she probably doesn't find him hot because of his PRs

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>tfw I now know for sure I can squat more than someone on this site
Thanks for the little confidence boost squatlet

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no because body weight ratios are for manlets

depends on the type of squat. 315 olympic squat like OPs picture is impressive. low bar squatting 315 on the other hand is meh

too gay holmes

Depends on the gym
I used to get people impressed once I started squatting over lmao2plate for some reason

Ur just weak m8 as am I

>6'1 355x5

Yeah, when I started lifting, 3 plates seemed pretty fucking strong, especially because I rarely saw anyone doing it in the commercial gym I go to.

I'm now closing in on 3 plates for like a 2x5 and while I'm happy with my progress, I don't feel especially strong, feels like I'm just getting started to be honest.

>Squatlet here.
>When i started squatting i did half squats using way too heavy weights
>one day i decide to to it right and do real full squats, but at 90 degrees i struggle getting up again and ends up busting my right knee.

>Intense pain when doing anything where i have to bend my knee, even getting to and up from a sitting position
>3 weeks and pains starts to get better.
>half year later i'm only going full controlled good form squats at my beginning weights.

I'm progressing really slow on my squats because i don't want to knee explode again..

Why squat when you can bike

Attached: rev_jan5_2013_Forstermann_3.jpg (666x1000, 152K)

Why not both?

His thighs are that big because he squats dumb dumb

>competitive cyclists squat The guy (robert förstermann) squats. A lot. Stfu with these claims lmao.

>competitive cyclists don't squat

>competitive cyclists aren't on fuck loads of PEDs

it's not impressive for young guys, i did like 15 reps with that at 24. now at 31 i feel im lucky if i can get 5

it's crazy how fast your body gets old

When will they learn that people aren't ants

those are 15kg plates but point taken

when should i start uising a belt? 2pl8s?

Dumb question.
I don't wear a belt below 4pl8, but that's because it's all relative.

If you're doing an LP, don't bother. Just focus on bracing correctly.
When you're intermediate, wear one on very heavy lifts. You'll start to understand yourself when to wear one

I'm almost at 4.5 pl8 for reps and I don't bother. Ultimately it's up to you.

Probably not at 2pl8s. I'm completely fine at 275lbs, but my brother who can easily get over 3pl8s is scared to not use a belt after 2pl8s. It's really up to you, just be sure to focus on bracing.

I hit 164Kg for 7 reps after 14 months. And my squats move the barbell vertically for 92cm.

My dream is still to hit 5x5x220Kg. Then i will feel accomplished.