Ab roller

How do I use this piece of shit? Or is it just another meme?
>do 1 rep
>lower back explodes

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learn to brace.
ever did squats or deadlifts? you do the same shit you do there, your abs should be strong enough if you do weight above 2pl8

Place your knees on the ground and slowly roll your upper body forward till you feel the pressure on your guts. Don’t go to far if you can’t.

I think people look dumb as hell when they use this thing. Like nigga just to some sit-ups/v-ups/leg raises/toes to bar/bicycle kicks/or a million other ab exercises that won’t make you look like a chump.

ask me how I know you're pathetic and have shit lifts.

It took me 5 months, but I recently got these mother fuckers for 5 reps, from standing. Controlled. All the way down, touch my nose on the ground, all the way up, touch my hands on my feet. for five.

impressive, keep up the good work!

None of that shit compares to The Wheel.

>muh exercise looks funny nyeeh
Nice job projecting your crippling insecurities, faggot. Bet you don't even look people in the eye when you do your barbell glute bridges.

This is great shit for abs definition and outer chest
Get on your knees -90 degrees between feets and knees
MAKE SURE that your back are bended back "cat like" this way you avoid tension on your lower back
Your shoulders from front should be also close to each other to make sure the back I as curved as possible
Enjoy your monster ass (and broken veins in nose and eyes)

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Monster ABS*

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flex your abs and ass to stay stable. I'm guessing you're doing it on your knees since doing it from standing is advanced shit.

thanks friend

I can do 3x12 kneeling. How do I progress to standing?

Stand up

But in all seriousness I can do 3x10 and can’t do a single one standing

>Bet you don't even look people in the eye when you do your barbell glute bridges.


Don't worry you've already seen the best joke it had.

tuck your arse forward and tense your abs

>Enjoy your monster ass (and broken veins)

i am 180 cm tall and weigh 90 kg and am doing 4 sets of 10 of these once a week. It's tough but nothing compares to it

Before you start one, i arch my back like sluts do in porn, and start from there. I go all the way down until my belly and chest touches the ground, then raise back up. But you can't start directly with these, spend some weeks doing other ab exercises

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>Planet Fitness Anti-Intimidation surveillance committee has just released footage of OP

Attached: CcOysvQ.gif (400x300, 3.41M)

>can do slow controlled reps kneeling until i get bored (like 30+)
>won't try from standing because i'm afraid i'll blow my back out since i twinged it a few months ago and it's not 100% again yet

wat do

just try it, if you can do so many and are fine, you should be able to handle it - it's unlikely you'll just snap in two from the first one

>Doing glute bridges
>Not hip thrusts

Not going to make it