
just had my gyno surgery. had it since puberty, was never on the sauce.

>b-b-but you're coping

yeah I am, and I'm glad I went through this procedure.

Attached: Screenshot_20190224-175331_Gallery.jpg (1079x855, 535K)

my fatass tought that was a fetus

thanks for sharing nigger

Attached: athleanallah.jpg (1132x632, 135K)

hows the scars?

I've had it as well. One of the best decisions of my life.
No visible scars. Incision was made on the outer edge of the nipple


Fuck that looks delicious. If it's been frozen, I'll gladly pay you for it in BTC.

Can you cook and eat them? or maybe mail them to DinoTendies? Pls make a thread on this

pics, damnit

had mine last Tuesday. Feels good so far. Still hurts a bit but it was worth it. Cant wait till I am fully recovered

Mmmm, fuck yeah.

Milk truck just arrive

proud of you user. I'd like to get it too but it costs 2k euros here (I'm a poorfag from eastern europe so thats way too expensive). I could get it for free if I go to a non private hospital, too bad the waiting times for an endo appointment is 5 months long.

Wtf is this?

had the surgery too. ausfag here. sue thistlethwaite who did it for me couple years ago.

scars invisible unless you're a surgeon who knows what to look for. apart from mild indentation of the nipple when i raise my arms it looks normal.

well worth it. haven't had to worry about bitch tits ever again

u gonna eat that?

I go onto and first thread I see is this

Fuck you OP, I was eating pizza from last night

5.2k USD/ 4.6k EUR.
breast gland. pretty much every human has em.
we're gonna make it brahs

since your breast tissue is gone does that mean you cant build your pecs up anymore?

Muscle tissue and breast tissues are not the same.

How much did it cost bro?

gj user, happy for you.
any before/after pics ?

it's "female" breast tissue that is removed. fibrous shit (which is why you can't use liposuction i think), not related to muscle.

I could have got this procedure for free but every doctor i ve seen was like
"yeah,you got gyno"
"Can i get the surgery then"
"LMAO no, its not severe"
I fucking hate fat doctors

is male gyno a turn off for women?

unless you're a tranny, yes

Good stuff bros. I plan on getting mines done some time in the future.
How long before you guys could go back to lifting?
Does it hurt afterwards?
How much was it?


so wtf is this? you putting tits? you quitting your tits? you female or male?