Does Lifting Weights Stunt Growth?
Does Lifting Weights Stunt Growth?
All the kids in my high school who lifted weights stayed at 5'5"-5'6" while everyone else grew past them.
Anecdotal, I know, but I am convinced.
Why do manlets even bother with lifting?
When will they learn
Delete this 5'6 is an acceptable Haight
Yes, it is, for a woman.
Olympic weightlifters start training at 10yo.
Theres some gigantic motherfuckers in ow.
IMAO sething lankets that this man got a gf amd you are still incels
>tfw you 5'7"
>I made it
Should we tell her?
Never words just pass over their heads
Giving them rights was a mistake
Imagine how it feels being 5'6 in 2019 thank god im 6'3
>not a manlet
>shit like this still hits me like a truck
You don't have to mog just her you have to mog everyone around you
>Tfw 5ft 6 with 5ft 7 gf :-(
No, not even for a woman. I wouldn’t date a woman shorter than 5’8”
>tfw 5'8
>only girls that will date me are 4'11 and 5'0 womanlets
>sex life is awful, my slightly above average dick never fits in their dwarf pussy
>your bros joke that you are a pedo
I just want to fuck a bigger girl lads.
Jow Forums always hates on manlets but for some reason womanlets are perfectly fine. They're too brainlet to realize short women are perpetuating the manlet menace by birthing 5'5" sons for 6'2" chads. Where do you retards think manlets come from?
Its not your height letting you down m8, its your autism. There are plenty of 5'8" guys dating 5'6" and 5'7" girls
I guess this is a good enough place to ask a question that I think is really weird.
Why are women so terrible at telling heights?
Every girl says that they want a guy who is 6' or 6'2" or whatever but they have no clue what that is. I am 5'10" (yes I know, manlet), and every girl, from acquaintances to girlfriends has guessed my height between 2-4" taller than it actually is.
I have good posture but women really don't know shit. I have told one female friend my height and a few months later she was talking about how I'm so tall at 6'2", and was surprised when I corrected her.
I also had to constantly correct my ex who I dated for a year and thought the whole time I was 6'.
I'm starting to think that women only care about the number with height and have absolutely no idea what it looks like in the real world.
>this whole post
Most absolutely redpilled post on the board today
Yeah it made my dick smaller.
Doesn’t lifting weights, with proper form of course, actually promote HGH?
finally an opportunity to use this image
Manlets lie about their height all the time and it's warped a lot of girls' perception.
If a 5'4" dude is convincing girls he sees that he's 5'7", those same girls are going to look at 5'10" guys and think they're 6'1".
>tfw 6'3"
>love short girls
>don't want short kids
Life is pain
So when girls say they want a guy over 6' what they're really saying is they want a guy over 5'8"?
t. 5'8 manlet
>tfw I'm a 5'11 manlet but I tell everyone I'm 6' and they always believe me
No idea but I do feel shorter after a workout.
>Does Lifting Weights Stunt Growth?
Only if you fuck up and injure your growth plates with bad form (which is pretty common for teens that don't know what they are doing)
what kind of men are 5'6 lmao, how can you even call yourself a man if you are that short
What is wrong with americans