Just look how great boogie looks. His dedication is finally paying off!

Just look how great boogie looks. His dedication is finally paying off!

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Other urls found in this thread:


He is building muscle mass too.
Imagine once he cuts how thin I will be.

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Serious question. Why, in every photo I've seen of him where hes supposed to be "happy", he always has this lifeless, perfectly parallel-to-the-floor smile?

Never once have I seen him smile where he genuinely looks happy.

probably because he is dead inside. His life is a failure and he will never be able to consider himself a men, ever.
He will always be this cringy fat fuck everybody hates and nothing can change that. I wouldn't be able to smile either

He’s working out now? Jesus christ boogie is going to make it

healthy eating only!

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He got 4.5 million subscribers mate, how can you consider that a failure?

Its called the social anxiety grin.

You fucking normie

Fame and money ain't all bruh
Being able to run, ask a girl out, taking pride in yourself... or even being able to see your dick is much more valuable than fame.


He's walking a whole mile a day.

If you had to choose between the two what would you pick?
>a healthy lifestyle, a humble job, a beautiful wife and kids
>playing video games all day, fat and ugly, lots of cash, ugly tranny looking wife that eventually gets blacked, fame

Now I want to fire up mass effect 2 and play as FatShep, and do none of the loyalty missions, just to see Boogie die at the end

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With all respect to boogs, it's because his teeth are admittedly messed the F up.

Forgot the link

This Guy is such a pussy why doesn't he get new teeth because its distusting

If you think boogie is not getting any nerd pussy you are delusional

disgusting money digging roasties
come on boogie let us some of that sweet pussy

>beautiful wife
Take a wild fucking guess.

With his blood pressure the way it was I doubt any dentist wanted to do any real work on him.

He also probably couldn't fit into any dental chair before recently.

He must have top-tier tooth genetics for them to still be intact after all these years of shit he's put them through, and all those litres of mountain dew

Fucking this. He's rich as fuck so I don't know why he doesn't just get a full set of implants

Let's try again in this tread. If repeating numbers, he will end up being fatter than he was before.

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That's 20 minutes at a casual 3mph pace, or probably around 200 calories burned for his weight, he could burn 3 times that if he just focused on walking for an hour instead of distance with no breaks.

But he does get sex? Prolly from feeders, but he still gets some

As far as i know, his wife literally cucked him.

Reroll but he will turn into a tranny instead

is sex supposed to be an achivement of some sort?

Just saying that he has never had trouble asking women out

Is that a Darkwraith? Looks cool

Oh and boogie is still a fat fuck

anyone can get women bruh
But having a life you are proud of is something much valuable and hard to achieve. Taking pride in yourself is worth much more than all the sluts boogie will ever get.


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Come on gimme digits

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