Do you smoke herbal remedies after your workout? If so, what are you smoking?

Do you smoke herbal remedies after your workout? If so, what are you smoking?

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I smoke weed BEFORE I workout to help me get in the zone but not after. Jow Forums has me considering quitting tho

fuck off frogposter

Used to, got sick of coughing up mucus and quit last year. I just hope I didn't fuck my lungs too much

I don't know anyone who smokes weed who isn't a loser. I can't tell if it makes losers or attracts them.

Either way, it is for losers.

Nope. I do vaporize herbal remedies though. GSC currently.
I sometimes do it before too, unless I'm doing sonething which requires more aggression.

I smoke on occasion. Maybe once or twice a week. Then I watch anime or play vidya. Not to relax after workouts. The endorphins got that covered for me.
Now Adderall, that shit gets me pumped up and ready to workout and get shit done for the rest of the day

My desire to smoke The Marijuana (TM) drops to a 1/10 after working out. Post-workout high is enough to satisfy me, don't want to ruin it with a different high.

Makes them generally. You need a hint of loser to get hooked on it but then it makes the loserism grow like a tumour. Without starting on weed they might have cured themselves of loserism but won't while they still depend on it.

t. losers

Never vape weed and box. It slows your reaction time considerably. After, though...

thc and cbd edibles are god like for pain reduction on rest days

same, then I switched to edibles and vaping and the cough disappeared.

Yes, no intelligent or successful people have ever smoked weed. Every person who has even tried it is destined to live in their mother's basement for all eternity.

Once a fortnight and always make sure I lift and go to the sauna beforehand.
I eat dark chocolate, mango and drink teas and juices during it. I usually spend my time watching anime and older movies while high. It's more for my own enjoyment more than anything and I look forward to it. I wouldn't do anymore than that though. I don't do it for spiritual or health bullshit reasons.

Vaping weed is amazing. I hope you save your avb and make edibles with it. ;)

Vaping and edibles are great because they can fuck you up without fucking up your lungs

I'm not convinced Vaping is 100% healthy. Hot vapor is still irritating for the respiratory system, just not as much as smoke

I believe there is slight resin build up from vaping. Nowhere near the amount caused by smoking though..
At the end of the day we cannot completely avoid breathing toxins of some sort anyway, so any build up or damage from vaping is negligible.

I skipped the gym today and im going out to cop an ounce soon so I can get high as fuck and continue to neglect my real life issues (unironically)

>Getting mad at frogs on Jow Forums
Lol wut

Ignore him, he’s a redditor

Cool story dude.

I think I may be the most high functioning stoner I know. I go to a semi-prestigious liberal arts school and am doubling in philosophy and Econ and minoring I’m math and I smoke 2-3 times a day everyday. The only time when I don’t prefer to be high than to be sober is when I have to do math homework; beyond that I am high basically all the time.

Does anyone else know this feel? Am I alone?

>posts a decade old meme commonly posted and associated with reddit on 4channel
>doesn't expect to be called out

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Weed is alright but I think thc is overrated. Cbd is where it's at, personally

Smoking plant itself sucks. Just fucks up your oral health, and overall breathing, fine occasionally but not if you’re using everyday. Ignore what others say. Vaping however has proven fruitful as an daily thing for me.

I’ve been experimenting with a lot of strains, and the best in terms of energy and focus, has been anything “Cookie” related. I’m currently vaping GSC by Rove, highly recommend. Munchies are nonexistent too.

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This, putting anything but oxygen into your lungs is never good, but it ain't terrible

Degenerate stoners go on the cross too

>being a pothead
I seriously hope you don't do this.

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I've heard that cannabinoids can act as an anti-inflammatory agent and this can theoretically inhibit muscular growth if you smoke post-workout? Does anybody know anything about this?

i dont research shit lol i just smoke and be happy. if arnie smoked its no big deal

I disagree. Too much of anything is bad, and what too much really means is dependent on the individual. Too much of marijuana will lead you away from reality, of course, but you also need to take into account what strain is being used. Most strains today are those that have been bred to contain ridiculous amounts of THC with lackluster levels of CBD. Marijuana can totally be a part of a good lifestyle solong as the THC-CBD ratio is kept atleast somewhat balanced, or keeping the usage to once or twice
a week.