Is Muay Thai when combined with lifting?

Is Muay Thai when combined with lifting?
Does it help with building strength and muscle?
Does it interfere with your bulking?
What kind of physique can I expect with rigorous Muay Thai training?

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A lot of fighters lift weights and are very strong. Naturally technique is important, but size is also a considerable factor in both weight and height.

If you weigh a lot and aren't fat, you can accelerate your body faster, shove harder, kick harder, and be harder to move in general. However, if you don't know how to use your size, technique will overwhelm you with ease.

Continue to lift weights and don't rely 100% on the training itself to get you muscular.

he looks dyel

and he would wreck your fatass

brute strength>>>>>>skill

I don’t think I’ve benefited enough from just lifting weights, so I wanted to spice things up and considered taking up Muay Thai. Will I see a considerable change if I combine them in my routine?

Your stamina and cardio will increase in ability and your flexibility will also increase because of how much range you are required to learn with leg kicks.

Check out The Golden One on youtube. He does powerlifting, strongman, and olympic style lifting but trains heavily in MMA. He recommends you lift weights before training in fighting as an optimal approach.

Let me clarify what I wrote

When you are training in both lifting weights AND fighting, within the span of one say, do your weight training first, and then follow it with your fighting.

I'm not saying lift weights for 3 months and then start fighting, but within the span of the same day, lift and then do your fighting to get the best out of both in the same day.

This is exactly what I see in my gym that is a weightlifting and MMA/boxing/kickboxing gym. Fighter lift before figth training.

I'm joining an MMA gym here soon (as in after this week)

Do they have free weights there so I can cancel my current membership?

Doing Muay Thai will interfere with your lifting somewhat, you can mitigate this by eating and sleeping enough. Lifting will help with Muay Thai because you’ll be stronger. Like all athletes that cross train, prioritise skill training in your primary sport and fit strength training in around it. It won’t have much of an effect on your physique except you will end up quite lean if you don’t eat enough, because it’s calorie intensive cardio.

I don't know your gym, boy.

Shut up you fat retard

someone post that powerfatter getting btfo by twinklet

who gives fuck boxing/thai is fun as fuck.
t. mancave buakaw/fedor/tyson with diy boxing bags


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the mma fighter was still pretty big although short
with proper technique brute strength>>>dexterity

True. I'd say that goes for cardio in general as well. You'll be whooped if you do the reverse.

God damn it I've been donig cardio(mma) then lifting for 2months now.

He looks dyel.

A guy I knew was deep into mt. He's at least semipro now.
He did lift weights and was very cut and pretty big, but most importantly upper body. The legs are important to train but having big legs means having a big target, and kicks to the quads hurt a ton.

You have mush for brains

post body rn faggot

Tell us why.