Who else adds this to their water, while on a cut? It's an acquired taste. I add a cup of this to my gallon jugs.
*Apple Cider*
that stuff erodes your teeth when you mix it in gallons of water like that lol
what about with lemons?
How does it help with cutting?
To elaborate a little, when you mix it with water what your doing is constantly bathing your teeth in slightly corrosive liquid.
Take it as a shot, and then wash it back with water so that you get it off your teeth.
does anyone feel like this actually helps them? literally every claim i've read about it seems to be unsubstantiated.
Or drink it with a straw so it doesnt make contact with the teeth.
Is it hippyscience? I don't think it works.
>Tfw do it anyway
boomers will remember this
just brush your teeth afterward
That's even worse
Best is to:
>take a shot of apple cider vinegar
>immediately after rinse with water
>use corrosive liquid on teeth
>then use physically abrasive toothbrush on them
Here's the big question. Why?
>corrosive liquid on your teeth
>add abrasion
>When you've just readied a swig and the dog just then decided to jump at your hand causing you to throw it straight into your eye.
Literal modern snakeoil
Ding ding ding!
Thought it was a meme but legit it killed my hunger for several hours.
like others have said it's bad for your teeth so dilute and also try and drink it faster and not sip during the day.
First sun gayzing, now apple cider?
Jow Forums's literally becoming a mommy blog
kys OP
I had plantar warts on my feet for like 3 years that wouldn't die and I put this stuff on my feet and they fell off in a week. Idk why you would drink it though.
its literally a food product, thats its original intended use...