Why are people afraid of squatting? Literally no one at my school gym uses the squat rack besides me. Is squatting scary to dyels?
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I like having knees ty
I hate doing them, but I feel so good afterwards.
I used to hate them too, they just felt awkward.
They aren’t fun to do for most people, and legs aren’t aesthetic.
>I like having knees ty
Squatting only fucks up your knees if you’re a fat powerlifter or have shit form
post body
>Be me
>Squatting 150kg
>Qt 3.14 comes and says
>Your knees are going to get crushed under the weights,user
>I squat for Jesus Christ
>Girls walks away and never talks to me ever
I use a smith machine.
Yes it is scary.
This is why you see noobs use machines so much. Machines have pictures of what you're supposed to do and nothing will fall on you
>Legs aren't aesthetic
>t. beatch body
Based virgin squatter.
I only do front squats, back squats is too painful for me, I tore my ACL and never went to the hospital so it healed itself and always aches and cracks if I do back squats.
Also it hurts my lumbar because I slipped a disk in HS football.
Front squats actually improved both my knee and back pain surprisingly, so now I thank the front squat gods by doing them as my main leg lift.
Also its funny mogging dyels and larpers who back squat my front squat weight.
shit mobility and form, imbalance makes it hard to squat to depth
nobody without back issues is 'afraid' of them you delusional beta
they don't do them because they're a lame nerd lift
you think
>chad legpress
>virgin squat
is really a meme?
I aspire to be like you, can't back squat either
Massively based
>”concern yourself not with the gym thots who seek your destruction. Instead, lift with a holy vigor for the Father and the heavenly treasures that await you.”
So based, stay strong my brother.
Nobody wants to take the time to get flexible enough to do them. Most guys just go to the gym to work out upper body. It’s difficult and people just too lazy to do them.
I'm afraid of squatting because a year ago I lifted too heavy trying to 1rm at the end of a workout and my back went forward. Almost went to snap city but I took some of the weight off in time so the muscles in lower back just went into spasm instead and I couldn't bend my back at all without agony. Made a full recovery except I've got this fear of squats and deadlifts and haven't done them since, wut do? I can still hear stuff popping in my back from the last time, it doesn't seem worth taking that sort of a risk when it takes five seconds to end up in a wheelchair
>I squat for Jesus Christ
bitch will probably never forget you, based
>Is squatting scary to dyels?
Im having trouble with low bar squats. When doing working weight i find on the start of the up movement my butt slides back. I'm bracing pretty hard so my core corrects for it for the most part but i do feel a little uncomfortable in the lower back after.
Is this purely a form issue or does it result from a weakness somewhere?
They're scared weak bitches just like
My patellar tendon is fucked up so I can't go heavy :(
can only do like 3x5 at 225 before it starts dying used to do 5x5 above 315, dunno if it's a form thing or some injury from sports
It's purely a technique issue. There are times when my squat looks beautiful and I have a nearly perfect barpath with 240kg and times when my butt is going backwards with 200kg.
Absolutely based. This is the best response you could have given. The fact that she walked away means she would have been a spiritual gains goblin
It sounds like your spotters dick is too far away so your ass instinctively compensates. Make sure your spotter's crotch is pressed firmly against your buttocks when you start the lift and the problem should go away. Personally I like to remove my shorts first to minimize the butt to crotch distance (technique only).
Based holy kin
Squats and deadlifts. Never skip leg day bros.
legs are aesthetic. why would you want to have a big upper body and tiny little twigs for legs?
They are my favorite lift. Ironically I started loving them and stopped being scared and feeling like the weight was gonna crush me when I started doing heavy triples and testing 5rm instead of doing volume work. Got a lot stronger too
Yeah, most people aren't comfortable with a heavy weight on their back and squatting down to an unfamiliar depth. It's completely understandable desu. Few things induce as much dread as unracking >85%
I used to squat like you.. then I took an arrow in the knee
they are the most technically difficult lifts after oly lifts, so of course normies are intimidated
Badass templar knight detected. Jesus would probably give you a sucky if he hadn't been dead for 2 millenia.
They aren't fun and they hurt a lot of things that probably shouldn't feel pain, like wrists in my case. Second shittiest exercise to do next to deadlifts. At least I do them though.
Thanks m8. Any cues to stop the issue? I have a dodgy back, which has improved tremendously through lifting, so I'd like to avoid risks as much as possible
Not him but for me a mental que that really helps is thinking "move chest at the same rate as hips" when coming out of the hole. Or just thinking: chest chest chest
My knees hurt
What works best for me is warming up my hips before squatting. Banded hip stuff, leg swings, goblet squats, good mornings. Sometimes when I'm really fatigued it doesn't work but most of time it solves the issue.
poor form and not warming up properly
I lift in the morning, but don't take my morning poops until after the gym. Always a bit afraid that I'll drop a log mid-set.
Imagine needing to jack off your egos tiny dick like this.
Most people who refuse to squat without actually trying ARE pussies though. I wish I could squat more, I’ve had 4 meniscus tears. I think the initial one was from sprints while overweight and then squatting on the existing injury, but the second one was definitely from repping it out ATG way too fast. Even now if I only do 1pl8 and go slow, controlled, and to just at parallel the tear I have atm gets a little aggravated. Point is I have tried, and still do squat a bit. I understand someone straying from them after a squat related injury though
Yeah, jeff said that too but it doesnt seem to help me. I think it then my arse goes one way and chest the other.
I do some ballistic stretching but mobility has never been an issue for me thanks to gymnastics, tkd and hurdling
Virgin Larry, full of whey, based are you among the bloatlords, pray for me now and at the hour of my squat, amen
Too bad squatting has no benefits
Im the only one squatting at my gym and yet I look like others, only squatting two plates but still, idk why I'm not skipping leg day like all those bitches
Fucked up my knee a week ago squatting.
Went to the doctor today and got an Xray. Results coming in tomorrow.
Minor pain in the knee, but alot of stiffness moving my knee through the full range of motion. Alot of swelling as well. I think I need to check my form. I'm pretty disappointing because I want to keep the leg gains going, and I really don't want to re injure myself after healing up.
Yeah based jeff is who I learned it from too. If mental ques don't work you probably have a muscular weakness or even a mobility problem. My butt shoots back if my legs haven't fully recovered or if I 'forget' to brace abs. So I guess you may have weak quads or abs
Making it, breh!
>squatting two plates
>”why do i look like everyone else”
Lift dyel weight, look like a dyel
Because you have shitty balance
I hate that the weight is 100% on top of me. If I'm deadlifting and I can't keep goign I just drop it but I'm afraid of collapsing while squatting. how do I get over this psychological thing
I think it might be because of starting off. I had terrible balance and didn't know where to rest the bar on my back/shoulder area the first time I squatted outside of the smith machine.
But ever since I started them, it feels hella good.
What the fuck do I do about it
Are you falling forward or falling backward?
Probably because the human body was not meant to support 300+ pounds of sheering force on the first thoracic vertebra.
Front squats are better than back squats but are not perfect; hex bar deadlifts, band resisted jumps, and sprints will give you more of a nervous system/muscle stimulus while simultaneously being safer for your body.
The sad truth is that barbell movements are simple -- and can be effective if done properly--, but they are a dated form of training.
Stop having shitty balance
Backwards, every time
stop being a pussy
Lean a little more forward onto the middle of your foot. I'm guessing you have your ass out a little too far and tend to lean back.
i have a bad back but i squat and deadlift
am i gonna die?
i keep it fairly lighy.
ACLs don't fix themselves. You may think you are fine now, but when you need a knee replacement at 35 because your unstable knee tore up all your remaining cartilage, you are going to hate yourself. Get treatment.
I’ve been squatting forever but recently been experiencing what I think is tendinitis in my hammys, right behind my knee. Squats can be tricky
Count yourself lucky user.
At my gym, unless you're the first one there in the morning you're never going to be able to use the squat rack
why do you keep going there?
I'll have to give that a shot, should mention that it doesnt happen so much if I widen my stance but that tends to be painful in the hips so I don't do that.
i like to fit in skinny jeans, it helps me steal your busted face girlfriend.
>lifting heavy doesn't make you aesthetic
who is this man, how can i convince him to enter me no homo and how do i become like him
>i like to fit in skinny jeans, it helps me steal your busted face girlfriend.
this is sad but true
Squat everyday
baste & pilt
Chinese weightlifters are aesthetic as fuark. Look at dis dude C&J 3x his body weight over his head.
Hard to get the right form. I'm struggling myself right now. Wide stance wide angle supposed to engage glutes more but it irritates my knees. Narrow stance more narrow angle feels better, but I'm trying to recruit glutes. What do.
are there vids of non chinks training shirtless besides klokov?