Okay, I am broke and going to be for the foreseeable future. Very little money to spend on a gym...

Okay, I am broke and going to be for the foreseeable future. Very little money to spend on a gym. I could perhaps justify a once off purchase of a dumbbell set or similar.

What should I do? What routines should I be doing? Anyone else /povhomegym/?

Attached: 1549979806624.jpg (1584x1984, 783K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lift heavy random shit around the yard
Build sandbags of multiple sizes
Get dumbbells some weights and a bench
Buy or get free weights from craigslist or put up an add.
Learn the art of bodyweight training and movnat.

Any resources for calisthenics/body weight/dumbbell only routines?

Get a job

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Pushups and situps


Wanted to post this in the last thread but it was ded when I got home.
Just built this in my basement for around 100 yurobucks and its pretty good so far but will have to see how long it stays together without killing me...

Attached: IMG_20190225_221028.jpg (3264x2448, 2.34M)

I do but also have a wife and kids to support and I'm not making much for now. Thanks
Something like this is also an option. Cheers

Whoever made the OP pic needs to be gassed.

t. fag

Find a big rock and take it home. Dinotendies is pretty smart with his home gym too

based pic

>lifting for vain whores

Fucking pathetic.

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t. incels

Nope, I'm just not an animal who craves sex 24/7, you fucking low IQ'd dog.

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Your arse must be sore

one kettlebell

Weak libido is a sign of low test

>that pic
cringing really hard rn my dude

You should review expenses and prioritize gym membership.


call local gyms and ask if they offer a discounted rate if you buy X months/1 year in full. lots of them will, and you can usually get a good deal. friend of mine got LA Fitness for some shit like $15/month by doing that. don't buy second hand equipment because the amount of money you'll put out versus a gym membership with weigh (kek) heavily in the gym membership's favor. plus you get way more equipment at the gym versus whatever the fuck you buy second hand

This image is legitimately embarrassing, it comes off as if some 19 year old made it who just started lifting. Stop posting it around here.

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>doing it for women

Beta herd mentality, never gonna make it.

calisthenics. Despite what bloatlords on Jow Forums say, you can get pretty strong and aesthetic with calisthenics if you do it right (well, maybe not in the legs).

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Go to reddit and check out Jow Forumsbodyweightfittness

garbage post, garbage image
just stop

XD nice one, I actually have Klinefelter syndrome

Having strong mind means ABSOLUTELY nothing if you don't have a strong will.

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Body weight, resistance bands



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