>took amphetamines
>didn't lose weight
>did keto
>didn't lose weight
>got his stomach cut apart
>still isn't losing weight
good god can anything on earth stop boogie?
>took amphetamines
>didn't lose weight
>did keto
>didn't lose weight
>got his stomach cut apart
>still isn't losing weight
good god can anything on earth stop boogie?
Other urls found in this thread:
Boogie took amphs?
these threads should be a 30-day ban at minimum
if keto didn't work it sounds like he was sneaking fruits or carbs somewhere
yeah you can see the vids about it leading up to his surgery, i don't think he names it but he says he was taking a "appetite-suppressing medication" prescribed by his doctor, which was most certainly either wellbutrin or vyvanse, which are basically amphetamines. also fun fact: straight up methamphetamine is sometimes prescribed as an appetite suppressant, i've never known anyone who has taken it but it's called desoxyn
Sup boogie, dubs and your heart explodes by next week
The fucking blob he's consuming all the worlds resources for his perverse gains and he needs to BE STOPPED NOW!
Dubs and boogie loses all the excessive weight
Dubs and boogie tips over and bursts open like a foul pear.
Reminder to report ALL boogie threads
Trips and nazis will be exterminated.
anyone who likes this disingenuous fat fuck
is blue pilled.
fit related: you can always tell alot about
someone by how they appear.
99% positive boogie is the one who makes all the boogie threads
You dropped your dubs user
>good god can anything on earth stop boogie?
narrow doorways
Dubs and boogie will continue to be reviled on fit for years to come
It's related to fitness you mongrel
Why do you guys pay attention to him? I'm genuinely curious. Call me a newfag bit I've seen this guy on here for years and it's literally the same thing. You're treating him like a Kardashian it something.
Also rolling
he's a lolcow you fucking redditor, he's amusing to watch and make fun of, he's a trainwreck. for example, he just came out as bi and as a furry
Fuck off retard
dubs and boogie becomes the next king of fit
Goodbye Boogie
>boogie has made out with dudes but i havent kissed a girl since high school
The idiot got a gastric buypass which cuts out an important process in nutrient absorption. Which means he should be able to pig out on food and not gain weight.
yes he literally can't control his eating and whatever he says to you about diet and discipline is bullshit, he is doing non of that
Why dont peoplejust tell Boogie about squats and deadlifts? If he cant stop eating, literally all he has to do is just do sets of heavy squats and deadlifts (400lbs+ for at least 5x8) every other day with light cardio on off days and it wont matter what he eats.
>telling a fatty to squat
fatties are squatting heavy perpetually
A massive myocardial infarction, dubs and it happens, trips and boogie lives forever
He'll probably get aids before his heart explodes. Biggay2988 is a disgusting furry
Wellbutrin is not similar to amphetamine salts in structure or receptor affinity. However, Vyvanse (lisdexaphetamine) does have similar structure and mechanism of action.
Also, desoxyn is reserved for refractory cases. It is last line. It's not "sometimes used." It's RARELY used due to side effect profile and concern for addiction.
For fuck's sake this triggered me.
trips and free gf for everyone who votes for Bernie
fuck, time to go donate again I guess
What he needs is the carnivore diet. It's really the best way to eat delicious food all day long, while still eating a caloric deficit, due to the filling nature of animal fat.
Imagine being obese as fuck, gay and a furry. Has booger completed the trifecta of disgust?
I know Adderall is an amphetamine and while I was on it I lost my addictive urge to fap because my brain was being stimulated with an enhanced flow of dopamine. However, when it wore off I had the urge to binge fap to "chase the high" so to speak. And if I decided to fap while on it, it felt amazing but made me even more addicted because now I'm chasing an amphetamine-enhanced orgasm that my brain cannot replicate naturally.
That's probably what boogie did. He gets his dopamine from eating shitty foods so he probably just gorged himself while on amps to get an enhanced hit. We all know he doesn't eat because he's hungry, otherwise he wouldn't be eating 3k calories a day with a stapled stomach.
At least you've kissed a girl user.
>Dubs and his heart explodes
>Trips and he dies from auto-erotic asphyxiation
He did lose weight though.
Well if someone ever needed to be on meth to lose their appetite Boogie was certainly it. If meth didn't make him stop stuffing his face he will never ever make it.
Yeah boogie would never sneak a piece of fruit.
Dubs and Boogie swindled us.
lmfao. Jesus Christ, that divorce really destroyed him. Wouldn't be surprised if he starts transitioning at some point like Chris Chan did. Can you guys imagine that?
Not today, goldentsteinberg
Because he's a fruit.
Tfw boogie has dubs in this name
Can you guys imagine that?
I don't wanna!
and shit literal rocks?
yeah no thanks
>chris-chan x boogie crossover
fund it
boogie's a furry
Daily reminder: fuck (((them))) and take your bloat max pill
nobody pays attention to him. he keeps creating threads here for attention.
yeah chain his fatass up in a room with no food and slip him water every now and then. that would stop this fat piece of shit and these annoying ass threads about him.
Ban boogie posting RIGHT FUCKIN NOW
Always make sure to leave this in his threads
You are all like little babies. This is how a real man gets dubs.
dubs and boogie lives for 30 more years
he just came out as gay hes the best
you niggers cant get dubs
I will be the one to pierce the dubs barrier.
this many people has posted and not get dubs
does this not show boogie is bigger than even dubs?
Gay dude here. My husband and I both love you. I can't speak for the whole gay community, but you have my respect and I'm sure you have the respect of many more in the community. Just keep being you, man.
>But my ideal partner is a cat girl in her late 20s.
I'm pretty sure he has lost weight. Just not at the rate he should have
guys stop bullying a bisexual man plz
“Uberwolf was the one I wrote in my 20s. A Male wolf turned female by magic desperately seeking a cure to be Male again. Seems so silly now.”
It’s over for boogie now, isn’t it?
wtf does he mean by lgbtq "safe zone"? does he mean his house? is his shitty home some kind of faggot bunker? what kind of person actually says lgbt safe zone like they're in some kind of war?
fucking hate booger so lets go
he has lost literally 0 lbs since the beginning of the year, that's really fucking bad
dude stop talking shit. there are several medications which are specifically prescribed for appetite suppression. off label use of ADHD meds is not common and has huge side effects.
common weight loss drugs:
phentermine - amphetamine class
topiramate - antiepileptic
bupropion (wellbutrin) - NDRI antidepressant
GLP-1 agonist injections
t. MD currently writing paper on weight loss
Of COURSE Clinton'd get the stretched-out donut...
Jesus fucking Christ.
>girl hits on him
>he makes a Freudian slip about eating in his reply
You can't make this up.
That's the whole joke. Where have you been the last 4 years?
Wow, so he’s an honest to goodness faggot and a furry on top of everything else? Why do the mods not purge this shit as soon as they are posted?
>nuclear submarine commander boogie spent 5 years undersea without food
>didnt loose weight
>mars colonist boogie travels to an inhospitable planet with no food supply
>didnt looss weight
>guantanamo bay detainee boogie goes on hunger strike
>no need to nasally force feed ensure, he wont loose weight
Can I shadow you please
good lord this disgusting freak is beyond saving
gossiping about a literal who is sure fitness
>I got to kiss a girl when I was a hormonal teenager!
haha woah he's just like me :)))))))
>took amphetamines
>didn't lose weight
>did keto
>didn't lose weight
>got his stomach cut apart
>still isn't losing weight
>good god can anything on earth stop boogie?
Honestly the only way at this point is to phisically keep him from eating.
Like if he and a relative/friend made a deal and he was forced inside of a room with barred windows, a sink, toilet and shower.
With his friend supervision in case of emergency.
He'd start eating the room or himself. There is no help for Boogie
Unironically, tie him up like an heroin junkie