Doctor said my moobies aren't boobies but fat, how do i get rid of them?
Doctor said my moobies aren't boobies but fat, how do i get rid of them?
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Lose weight.
Literally stop eating so much
but how
Fast, fast, fast!
which from the 200 methods of fasting is the best for a noob?
Count calories, eat at deficit. Get used to being hungry, it's pretty tame as far as withdrawal pangs go anyway you damn junkie.
Eat less, move more
snake plus fasting till goal weight or you enter starvation mode
*stuffs face full of m&ms*
*drinks entire 2 liter of coca cola*
*eats entire box of donuts*
*dies of heart disease at 40*
being serious I dont eat candies or soda at all, and I eat fast food really sporadically, I always said that my overweight is probably a sedentary lifestyle
because being 100% serious and honest I dont eat that bad really, I hate candies in general and my diet can be summarized in
breakfast: coffee + toast or something
lunch: beef/chicken + beans or rice
dinner: usually a sandwich with ham and cheese
that's my daily diet pretty much, sometimes a cup of coffee in the afternoon too
Take what you'd eat.
Remove half
That's fatty COPE right there.
Pic related is (you).
Stop your bullshit and eat less
well, I'm literally telling you what I ate today, and yesterday and the day before that and the day before that,it's literally all that is in my pantry canned beans and random meat
>eat less
I hate this retarded advice. I went from 196 lbs to 166 lbs by eating all the veggies I wanted until I was full
Eat as much as you want as long as it’s vegetables. No I’m not a faggot vegan I had tuna as well
You literally have to write down everything you eat in a day and start cutting back on things. Any and all snacks. All soda. Limit your grain intake and start replacing it with fruits and green vegetables if you're worried about starving. You also need to start burning more fat than you take in, which means lots of cardio. 20 minutes every day should be enough.
You also need to be patient because real and healthy weight loss takes weeks for any noticeable changes.
you see if that was true, you wouldnt be fat. Accurately track everything you eat on my fitness pal, and youll see why youre wrong.
then cut at 1500kcals a day, hitting atleast 150g of protein while lifting every day following whatever fucking PPL you want.
Boom, theres your next 6 months, now get the fuck out of here you lard ass.
Lose weight. I lost 134lbs and I have saggy eggs on a fence moobs still. Make it happen.
Also, work on your upper body strength. more muscles there means your body's circumference will get bigger so you will get better fat distribution.
>You're a physical anomaly that will singlehandedly rewrite the laws of physics and thermodynamics out of your ability to generate energy from nothing
>You're eating too goddamn much
dont even try user, he doesnt want to hear the truth.
ok, let's play this game.
>assume that "toast" means 2 slices of toast
>since only a monster would eat dry toast, I'm assuming you butter it
>you mentioned in taht you have cans of beans. I'll assume you eat one at lunch
>the "random" meat in your pantry (not fridge?) is weird. I'll use a chicken breast to assume calories, but let me know what this magic mystery meat is. Hell, let's make it BBQ chicken since you aren't eating this meat dry.
>sandwich with ham and cheese
>just to be safe, I'll assume you put mayo, tomato, onion, and lettuce on it
>you claim that's ALL you eat for dinner, so... fine. I don't believe you, but let's stop there.
this poster explains your problem, OP You are lying. You claim to have eaten just over 1000kcal in a day. NO ONE eats that little.
That's not all you eat, fatass.
You may not be consciously lying, but you need to cut the fucking shit if you ever want to improve your life.
ok, I'm being serious here. This is your guide to making it:
>get a little journal
>write down everything that goes in your mouth tomorrow
>even if it's a single sunflower seed, write it down
>for now, you can estimate amounts (like "one big piece of chicken"... no need to be autistic and weigh it exactly)
>the point is that you clearly have NO IDEA what you actually eat
once you know what you actually eat, report back here and post the food log. we'll go from there
Should probably just transition.
usually I accompany the toast with marmalade and yeah 2 toasts
yeah, 1 can + random amount of meat desu and I said pantry but of course you don't store meat in the pantry
I put tomato but no mayo, I just put everything in the sandwich and then toast it a bit, I eat 2 sandwich that means 4 slices of sandwich bread + the rest
and yeah, I was planning in buying a kitchen scale mostly because I am planning in visiting a nutritionist to see whats wrong with me
one reply and we are already uncovering food you are hiding from your diet
ok if it's 2 sandwich and some marmalade added, then that puts you at 1500kcal / day
fuck a scale, fuck a nutritionist. you are still lying
even a nutritionist can't help you if you don't come clean about what you actually eat.
I guarantee you the firs thing she's going to have you do is keep a food diary.
if you continue to insist that's all you eat, then you truly don't want to change.
ok that's 1500 cals. what else are you eating?
also, post height & weight
Try eating 1 sandwich and a veg. You'll be happier.
Keep celery, broccoli and cucmber on hand for snacking emergency.
Now fess up porkster and tell us what you have at 3 in the afternoon when you're widdle tummy gets rumbley
I know you're lying.
T. Ex-fatty
Eat more and dont work out
>I went from 196 lbs to 166 lbs by eating all the veggies I wanted until I was full
you still consumed fewer Calories. you at less
im 155 5'8 and i got puffy booby nips but i dont think its gyno because its not hard or anything it just feels like fat how much weight do i have to lose
well, I never claimed to be eating perfectly
I'm just mentioning what I eat most days
like really, if I'm here asking for help in a totally random meme forum, what's the point of lying?
I'm 172 cm, that's 5'6 I think? and last time I weighed myself I was 100kg thats dunno 220 lbs?
in the afternoon I drink just plain black coffee
It's genetics, trust me
>5'6 220lbs
Get your ass over to /fat/ before you kill yourself man
>Now fess up porkster and tell us what you have at 3 in the afternoon when you're widdle tummy gets rumbley
Lost it on that, basted user.
but I have been low as 170lbs, my weight usually is around 170-200lbs sometimes in the upper limit sometimes in the lower limit
>tfw 180lbs but still have saggy bitch tits
is there even hope
me again from
what exercise do you do?
nevermind, I'm going to assume it's none
google HIIT
I still want to know what the fuck else you're eating.
idk why anyone would have bread + refined sugar paste for breakfast when they could have
4 eggs, breakfast meat like turkey sausage, 1/4c beans, veggies like wilted spinach, 1/2c oats, and a piece of fruit for the same caloric cost
honestly, she's not even that big compared to most people I see here in the southeast USA
imagine what the fuck people bigger than her are eating
based and manuelpilled
sorry, I thought you were OP, nvm
>I'm 172 cm, that's 5'6 I think? and last time I weighed myself I was 100kg thats dunno 220 lbs?
holy fuck
100kg and you claimed to eat 1500kcal. now that's some real bullshit.
OP, seriously write down everything you eat tomorrow. No judgement, just eat normally. You _have_ to get a legitimate baseline so you know what you are putting in your
>widdle tummy
tells me that you truly don't know how much you weigh.
get on a scale now. what gets measured gets managed. you need actual data to know how where you're starting from
not a lot, I have signed up for gym a couple times through the years never done a lot of progress I work sitting in an office everyday
wel I gonna try to write down everything I ate today to the most minimal detail I can remember
>woke at 5am cuz well I'm a lark I wake up early naturally
I had 1 cup of tea no sweetner at all just water + teabag
toast + marmalade like I said + cup of coffee with some milk
>ff to 1pm lunch
1 can of peas + some "slices" of beef dunno the cut is called "round", I made it in a grill with some spices anything fancy, I added a bit of olive oil and salt to the peas
>ff 3pm
black coffee with sweetener, it's usually my wake me up for the afternoon
>ff 7pm dinner
2 sandwiches with exactly 2 slices of ham and 3 slices of cheese each, toasted to melt the cheese
and so far the last thing I put in my mouth in the last hour was my toothbrush and like I said I'm not a fan of soda so most of the time I drink plain old water, when I'm home (weekends) I sometimes drink a beer with lunch, but it's not a every single weekend thing
on weekends I tend to eat pasta at least one of the two days for lunch if that matters
most of the time my morning coffee is mixed with milk, my afternoon coffee is always black
sometimes when I'm out of bread or cheese or anything I make popcorn for dinner, not microwave popcorn, I buy the kernels and pop them myself, just salt
I rarely very rarely eat cereal in the morning
like I say fast food is something really sporadic and mostly when I'm late outside if I;m home I rarely eat fast food
I usually don't add sauces to my food, I dont keep ketchup or mayo in the fridge because they always go bad, I'm really simple in the food matter really, I know you think I'm lying but I'm not
if I must admit something is that my greens consumption is extremely low, the only vegetable that I eat is pretty much the beans
how much protein I eat everyday? I don't really know
>how do i lose fat
If only there were a way...
Why do fat people lie like this?
Sure. Surgery. Lose weight, lop them off.
Man I fucking love donuts. Really could go for a nice warm plain cake donut.
>most days
Most days when you aren't binging on trash
Pic related, but it's probably not for you, fatty.
200mg of caffiene seems like a fair bit.
Because the initial desire for help turns into indignity once everyone informs them to stop eating like a fat fucking sack of shit.
Pesky pride. Even the biggest hamplanet has it, when they think they don't.
go outside and smoke a cigarette
i got u bro.
rice. its all fibre. it will kill your appetite, take up space in your stomach, and lower blood insuline which is signaling your body to store more weight.
no refined sugar. it is making your body dump insuline, and throwing off healthy equilubrium as it is panic dumping insuline constantly to combat a phenomenon mostly unexperienced before the modern era.
only eat what you cook. once you look forward to cooking you made it. now it's busy-work to eat, and its soooo easy to throw in all your nutrition needs and exclude excesses of nutrients you do not need.
Will weights or push ups remove the tatas?
Hit a speed bump today and felt disgusting.
170 pounds is still FAT unless that 170 is mostly muscle
T. 5'6" 135 lb manlet
This dude is either bait or delusional
Water fast at LEAST one day a week and count your calories and only eat 1000 -2000 calories a day that consist of veggies, brown rice and lean meat
ALSO, STOP DRINKING CAFFIENE! It fucks up your metabolism. Want to get energy without it? Take a walk every morning. Go to work at 6 am? Get up at 5 am. You always have time to work out, youre just making excuses, everyone has a spare 10-30 minutes or else you wouldnt be on Jow Forums
Do you do the Snake diet by any chance?
source on the caffeine shit please, i'm not buying what you're selling
Lower body fat will
*eats a 5000 kg solid block of indigestible fiber*
Ah yes. Eating less.....
not bait, again I have no reasons to lie in an anonymous site
I eat what I cook most of the time, I think it's a matter of quality over quantity
I would recommend cutting out the breakfast toast and replacing it with 2-3 eggs. With the dinner sandwiches, switch to chicken breast or something. Look up what this user said about HIIT. I'm doing it right now and am seeing good progress, you've just gotta keep at it.
Not OP but does it really matter where the calories come from? Just curious but as long as your input is less than your output you should lose weight right?
CICO is a meme, if you lower CI your body will force itself to lower CO because your body is not stupid. You will get a lower body temperature and potentially fuck up your metabolism for life if you naively lower CI by eating trash.
1500 kcals of pure sugar every day will give you diabetes, you will lose more weight by having 2000 kcals daily (or have one day a week where you fast) eating whole foods and keeping your carb:fibre ratio relatively low, at MOST 10 gram of carbs for 1 gram of fibre. Engage in some sort of daily exercise just for cardiovascular health. If you want to lose weight fast, then FAST. Do these things and you will get long term results
>2 sandwiches
the lies are already being fucking exposed you fat fuck. you eat more than you tell yourself
I'm not lying you asshole, I made a breakdown, if I wanted to lie I would say whatever shit so you believe it
Again, what's the point of lying in an anonymous site
>TFW started doing this but failed and ended up just digging the other half back out of the trash can and eating it
I've been exercising a lot but I admit I don't eat the best, I'm not super overweight just maybe like 6 lbs and I've lost 5 just watching calories but I'll start trying to eat better
christ, now i know why people thought my tiny tits was gyno when i posted my body the other day. fucking hell
>3 slices of cheese each
>300cal each
>600cal just in cheese
>"i dunno erm... i dunno i dont eat that much"
FFS wake up. i did it too - lost 200pts last year. Get Myfitnesspal and TRACK...THE ...FUCK...EVERYTHING
Get a double mastectomy.
im just as bad as him but im STILL losing weight, my metabolism is insane man. i look like a twig
dude. i dont judge him. i was this mode for nearly 30 years. he just needs to get perspective and then it will just work by itself.
Eat with your head, lift heavy and do the coreexercises 3 times a week - thats all it takes.
You can't out train a bad diet. Get on it user
does this shit actually work?
Even if your man-tits aren’t Gynecomastia, which they likely are if they’re bad enough to notice. Normal males don’t store fat in the form of breasts. You have extremely low testosterone or some sort of hormonal imbalance either way.
I’m also afflicted
Lose fat is one way
My endocrinologist mentioned that too, my test is fine and she said it was weird,she actuall asked me repeat the test because she found that odd too and asked for some extra tests, she thought it was gyno first too