EC Stack Log

>Day 1
>Sunday, 2019/02/24

You f4ggots told me Bronkaid was cheap. It was $16 per box of sixty 25 mg caps. This won't even last me an already shortened 6 week cycle. Fuck that. Anyway, I already bought it. I guess I'll save on groceries since I won't be eating.This is my first time doing an EC stack. I'll be documenting it for posterity.

>Starting Stats
5'5", 143.8 lb (65 kg), 28.5% BF
Squat: 3x6 165 lb (75 kg)
Deadlift: 2x6 205 lb (93 kg)

>Goal Stats
125.4 lb (57 kg), 18% BF
Squat: 3x6 197.5 lb (90 kg)
Deadlift: 2x6 235 lb (107 kg)

Attached: 2019-02-24-fitbit.png (318x311, 8K)

Following modified HotNFit protocol. Skipping the three day ease-in period. Fasted last night from 2000. Currently 1230. Haven't eaten yet. Drank some herbal tea.

>took 12.5 mg around 0850
>was gonna follow the ease-in protocol but had a feeling I wouldn't need to.

>"had a feeling I wouldn't need to" cuz I abuse caffeine on the daily and used to abuse modafinil

>0900. I was right. feeling nothing.
>decide to take the other 12.5 mg half.
>wash it down with the rest of my 12 oz french pressed coffee
>20 minute drive to H Mart. listening to some hot 80s pop.
>felt nothing on the drive

>feel nothing in the store
>boppin down the aisles to some 2000s trance/techno/DDR-type music (it's an asian grocery store thing)
>all of a sudden
>trance remix of "footloose" comes on
>oh shit
>my heart does a weird drop and I start dancing a lil bit
>body wants to move to the beat
>feel really happy
>rest of the grocery trip is awesome
>got a 7 lb jar of kimchi

>drive back is super calm
>feel good
>feel calm

That's all. No anxiety. I'm relieved that it doesn't make my head feel "high" like Modafinil and Adderall do. Not sure how I'm going to dose this around my HIIT/lifting sessions though. Might skip on a dose or all three on those days.

The only thing that sucks is limiting my caffeine intake to three 12 oz cups (1 cup per E dose). I usually wake up and have 32 oz of coffee and then a few cups throughout the afternoon/evening. Can't do that now cuz I'm being careful.

Oh its the cheapskate. Well if you didn't eat so much in the firat place you'd have money

All right. Gonna dose 25 mg E w/ 12 oz coffee again at 1300. I gotta go study but I'll update later. I forgot to mention that it did nothing for my nasal congestion. Chest feels relaxed though.

About half an hour after second dose, felt really horny while studying. Didn't feel like masturbating so got some chores done. Folding laundry is my least favorite chore and I usually let it drag on for hours. I got two weeks of unfolded laundry folded in less than half an hour and it was even tolerable. That's definitely the ephedrine.

Otherwise still feel pretty much the same. Felt kind of hungry though. Wasn't sure if I should just go ahead and fast the rest of the day. Decided I'd rather not. Broke my fast at 1445 with some supps (negligible calories), a pack of roasted seaweed (30 cal), and 100 g of kimchi (25 cal). I'll probably eat more kimchi. Shit's tasty.

Sup, Jow Forums. Just took my last dose for the day. I just realized I misread the hotnfit guide and I can have twice the coffee I thought I was allowed to have. Sweet. I'll start that up tomorrow. Gonna start earlier tomorrow as well around 0700 instead of 0900.

How can 57 kg be 18% of bf at 5'5 when i'm 5'3 with the exact same weight but 12% bf
Do you literally not lift at all


>started feeling ridiculously horny around 1830 (1.5 hours after last dose)
>didn't masturbate
>would rather have sex
>no one to have sex with
>ok meal prep instead
>meal prep while listening to some dirrrty dubstep
>start dancing while waiting for water to boil
>wait wut where did I learn how to dance
>music (esp electronic music) sounds so fucking good
>dancing around the kitchen in my socks feels so good
>get all my cooking done
>time to study some more

Oh cool it’s this thread again. EC does nothing but surpress appetite man. If you don’t have the willpower for that then yous a bitch.

I’d understand if it actually burned fat but it doesn’t. At most an extra 100 calories.

>DAY 2
Sup, Jow Forums. Continuing my EC stack log. Pic is my macros for Sunday 2019/02/24.

Dosed at 0800 today and 1200. Taking my coffee with cream. Libido is ridiculously high. Haven't felt this horny in years probably.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I've been getting slight ab cramps after starting EC stack. Diuretic effects are real.

Studied til 2 last night. Slept well but not enough (6 hours).

Noticed my hand was a bit jittery in class today. Dropped my phone and my pencil. Also noticed that I didn't have to wear a jacket in class. Have to wear at least a sweater every day cuz it's freezing in there. That's definitely the stack. Walked outside. 30 degrees F. No jacket...

Short jog + leg day. Squat 3x6 170 lb (77 kg).

Had to take last dose at 1730 instead of 1600 cuz was at the gym and didn't have caffeine on me.

Attached: 2019-02-24-macros.png (1061x384, 37K)


I lift. Maybe my lifts are just weak. Feedback appreciated.

>Starting Stats
>5'5", 143.8 lb (65 kg), 28.5% BF
>Squat: 3x6 165 lb (75 kg)
>Deadlift: 2x6 205 lb (93 kg)

>EC does nothing but surpress appetite man.

Where are your bench and ohp my dude

Then educate me on how ec stack does more than surpress your appetite the same way all stims do? Tell me about these magical fat burning powers that no one seems to get with it

>Where are your bench and ohp my dude
I think my OHP is 1x1 95 lb (43 kg), but I haven't done it in maybe a year. I don't bench.

It makes your body work harder
The caffeine makes your body remove fat from storage and glucose into yoursystem
ECA gives you more energy which makes you more active raising your NEAT considerably, and it makes your body work harder and you breathe more.

ECA stack works perfectly and people see really huge drops in bodyweight while on.
The also see their dicks shrink and ED problems when on it.

Wrote about it ELI5-style in my last thread. I'm not concerned with Googling things for you or whether or not you disagree with what I put in my body and why I do.

Yeah, I forgot to write about that. Last night, after being horny all day and doing other things instead of masturbating, I finally gave in, and it wasn't pleasurable at all. I felt numb.

This thread sucks. You’re one of those meme people that likes to care about this shit for 3-5 days then immediately drop it and go back; post once a week at most and I’ll be more impressed. Also wtf that height

>meme people
Calling things memes is a meme. It's a dried up, crusty attempt at a joke. Try harder. Anyway, good call on the once/week update. I don't think there will be many more interesting day-to-day changes for a while.
>Also wtf that height
I'm cool with my height. It hasn't affected my life negatively in any way. Even if it has, it hasn't bothered me.

Maybe you’d be less anxious if your lifts weren’t so shit. Besides how you expect lifts to go up on a 20lb cut?..

Attached: 664E1ACF-2DAB-4E86-B434-8BC3B5EA357E.jpg (480x712, 33K)

I don't have anxiety. Anyway, idk if my lifts will go up. I'll try my best but I'm most focused on losing weight.

> $16 for sixty caps is expensive
OP I...

even for a supreme manlet, 125lb is pretty low. enjoy your short stint with an eating disorder after you gain it all back