There is literally nothing wrong with being fat

There is literally nothing wrong with being fat.

Daily reminder you can live your life exactly as you want and no-one can tell you any different.

If you want to eat whatever you want whenever you want that is a perfectly acceptable existence.

We are on this planet for on average of 80 years, so why on earth is obsessing over your body so important?

This is not to say being fit is bad but rather that being fat is equally OK.
People should be free to enjoy food. We only live once. Why make life stressful and difficult by refusing to eat whatever you want?

No-one can successfully refute this.

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Shut the fuark up

>We are on this planet for on average of 80 years

Less if you're obese though.

if you find happiness in being unable to perform any physical activity easily, feeling like shit because you eat foods high in sugar and low in nutrients, risking death by cardiac arrest or heart attack, and sealing a fate of terrible old age, then have at it you fat fucking piece of human sludge. no one will miss you when you collapse out of exhaustion from taking three steps and crush you sternum and ribs from impact on the ground.

Not an argument. Seems like people really cannot challenge me here.

Let me ask you this, Jow Forums:

When you're on your deathbed, are you really going to be thinking "Damn, I wish I ate less fast food, I wish I ate less of the food I love, I'm so glad I restricted myself to 1.5k calories a day. It was so worth it".


post body

post body

Looks like someone is mad. Did I just obliterate your worldview?

While you toil away and have a difficult, tiresome and often boring existence, I will be here eating pizzas, chinese food, indian food; any food I desire every day of my life. I will enjoy the food I love while I am on this planet, meanwhile you will deprive yourself of it. Sad.

>When you're on your deathbed, are you really going to be thinking "Damn, I wish I ate less fast food, I wish I ate less of the food I love, I'm so glad I restricted myself to 1.5k calories a day. It was so worth it".

Not that poster, but I like to think I'll be on my death bed thinking something like "thank fuck I looked after myself so I wasn't here 20 years earlier".

wow looks like i've really got you there, haven't I?

Have you ever met a person dying of old age who wished they'd eaten less of the food they loved and did more tiresome, difficult exercise?

post body

There are many fat people who live to old age.

Eating whatever you want doesn't necessarily mean you'll be morbidly obese, but rather just fat. Being fat does not mean you are guaranteed to die earlier. People in fantastic shape die at 50, 60 and 70. That is life.

nice bait

what do you do in your freetime?

There are many heavy smokers who live to old age too.

This is not bait, this is just a genuine opinion of mine that I am asking people here to refute.

there's a difference between people who are fit in their youth and become fat as they grow older and people who are fat from a very young age.
The latter group is much more likely to die young

and yet you ignore all the arguments we've made about the quality of life of obese people (or lack thereof), as opposed to the length of life and the supposed "happiness" you derive from shallow gluttony

Post body rn

being fat is essentially compromising your health in the long run as long as it means temporarily satiating a temporary desire for eating garbage

At the end of the day if your happy with your weight then who fucking cares what other people think, HOWEVER I do find it interesting that many fat people feel the need to constantly justify why they are fat rather then just owning it, you would think if they where content with their size they wouldn’t need to make excuses, it’s almost like they aren’t actually happy at all and are only trying to justify to themself so they don’t feel as bad about living an unhealthy lifestyle, but hey that’s just a little food for thought

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Fat people are a burden on society.

Their health care costs are higher as we are forced to subsidize their health care.
They pay less taxes because they call out sick more often, get promoted less, and get paid less.
They destroy the environment by overconsuming, leading to widespread ecological disasters.

People with a BMI over 30 should be executed unless they can prove they have bf% under 15%.

Apart from being able to survive longer without food( which is not relevant in today's world) there are literally only upsides to being fit instead of fat.

Fit people also can eat whatever shit they want, just in moderat amounts. If you think all the downsides of being fat are worth being able shovel all kinds of food in vast quantities down your throat, you're even more retarded than I thought

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Oh no, I place a bigger burden on public services and national debt. Two things that will become irrelevant when I die. How sad :(

Away with you, fatty

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>be a burden and cause harm to others, including your family, friends, and possibly children
>There is literally nothing wrong with being fat.
pick one

you couldnt kill me if you tried, manlet. im 6 foot 4 and fat but i have enough strength to easily overpower you with my frame

if one secludes themselves from any family and social interaction altogether then they are hurting no one

Cope gets the rope

It will be a very short and uncomfortable life. Why not eat a bit less, live much longer and enjoy a better level of health, with higher quality, better tasting foods in the extra time?

To op. Enlighten me on fit people who die in there 50s~70s. Mortality statistics would preferable.
To /fit chill bros dis be bait


>Daily reminder you can live your life exactly as you want and no-one can tell you any different.
Exactly, and I use that freedom to keep hating fatties the same way you have the freedom to be a literal ball of lard.

>We are on this planet for on average of 80 years, so why on earth is obsessing over your body so important?
During those years, the only thing that comes close to being really yours is your body. You will lose it eventually. I aim to get the most out of it while I can and surpass that average by many years.

>Why make life stressful and difficult by refusing to eat whatever you want?
I don't consider eating well and exercising to be stressful and difficult, I like doing it.
The feeling of seeing myself change and improve over time easily beats the feeling of temporarily satisfying myself by stuffing my face with food.

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I hope you’re being ironic op. A real live human being couldn’t have wrote this unironically because being fat sucks and one needs to improve yourself to feel better . You can have that opinion of live let live but you’re going to die in your 40s, late 50s at best with that attitude. Shits not healthy bruf, not to mention feeling like worthless bottom of the barrel glutton.

t. fattie on the road of redemption

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Some people are on their deathbed because they eat so much food and such poor food. They do look back wishing they had made a change earlier, but then the day comes and their hearts give out before they are able to make any substantive changes.

Quality of life. Why live a shit life of struggling to go up a flight of stairs, or be able to go up 3 stories without losing breath. And before you give me your opinion on the subjective quality of life, being able to eat whatever you want when you want will never be as satisfying as finishing your first 5 mile run or being able to bench 225 the first time. Nothing will compare. If you even think food will then you obviously haven't achieved said things.

You use up more resources than I do and I don’t like that

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I can go on rollercoasters and aircraft.

Imagine being this self absorbed

What do fat people even do having sex?
How do you even enjoy doggy when you can even see her ass or your dick entering her?

>We are on this planet for on average of 80 years, so why on earth is obsessing over your body so important?
Because I don't want to be an out-of-breath, fat, ugly, unhygienic, smelly, disease-ridden cunt for those 80 years.

>being fat is equally OK
It's not. Higher risk of cardiovascular disease, higher risk of yeast infections, joints are fucked, ligaments are fucked, zero mobility.
Also doubt anyone will enjoy your lard spilling over airplane seats.

>Why make life stressful and difficult by refusing to eat whatever you want?
I want to eat beef, chicken, pork. I do eat it almost daily.
I want to eat spinach, broccoli, paprika, tomatoes. I do eat them daily.
I want to eat fruits. I do eat them daily.
I have soda maybe once a week because I don't have sugar cravings like your fat ass.

You have no argument, fatty, you only have sour grapes.

Moderate bait. I do all this to just not die of heart disease like the majority of my family does because they're all fat.

I know old people who were fat for most of their lives, their joints don't work and they have a painful existence.
Contrasting that are those who were fit their whole life and they are a world away from the whales who have constant joint pain and literally can't do anything other than watch TV.
But if you never want to run around and play with your children and don't want to be able to do anything when you retire, be fat. Also don't pay into your pension because you only need to buy a TV.

I don't disagree, honestly. Eat as much as you want if you can afford it yourself. On the other hand, most people are going to inherently not respect you for demonstrating a complete lack of self control, and you can't be upset about it. Women will find you disgusting, and they aren't wrong to feel that way. I don't give a fuck if you do what you want, but you can't expect to command the same respect that somebody who's in shape will. 80 years is a long fucking time to be incapable of relatively basic human functions, but to each their own I guess.

I don't think it means what you think it means

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>heightcoping fatty
You are a waste of good genetics.

Based and fatpilled

>Food is his source of happiness
I only feel sorry for the mentally ill.

>This is not bait, this is just a genuine cope of mine that I am asking people here to validate.

I lift so I can eat whatever I want without being a fat piece of shit. Don’t get me wrong I have tons of respect for fatties at the gym trying to make it, but if you’re one of those “proud” fat propel you’re a disgusting waste of a person. You consume more without giving back, you take up space on public transport, and your unhealthy lifestyle impacts those who care about you emotionally. Also it sets a bad example for the next generation.

Shut the fuck up, boogie you fat fuck

But if I’m fat less women will talk to me.

>If you want to eat whatever you want whenever you want
But I do that. The thing is I said to my brain "Now you enjoy eating like this" and after that I started to enjoy good and healthy food in moderation, much more than unhealthy shit.
It's just that easy. It's just a choice. The enjoyment of food doesn't have to change.
But you want to stay fat. Just that you play the part of the victim.

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destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC

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Go post something on Jow Forums so I can see if you have a leaf on your flag

>average of 80 years
not if you're fat

they are a burden on the taxpayer, including their family

>There is literally nothing wrong with
being fat