Lifting/Social advice for University

Starting uni tomorow lads, how should I go about establishing a social circle and becoming chad?

Do many people at uni lift? Should I use lifting as a way to befriend other potential chads? How do I fuck as many girls as humanly possible? Will being Jow Forums help me attract people?

I’m not a seppo so advice about frats/dorms is irrelevant.

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I made my first friend by sitting next to him in a packed lecture and the next one by going to the same gym as him

Its easy as fuck to get laid and make friends in uni. Just be yourself bro.

What if I’m literally borderline autistic?

you won't be alone
I notice that almost everybody here is accepting and looking to make new friends, even if you're full on tismo mode
just be a good person, don't be a shitty cunt, and you'll be alright, even if you're socially awkward, everything will be alright
also, if you happen to fuck up while socializing with somebody, just take a mental note of the situation, learn from it, and move forwards
it won't be the end of the world if you sperg out, i've done that a million times & i'm happy & socially successful
you'll be alright famalam

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After a few months of university, talking to a specific group of people, I thought I was part of their group, then one day when were all leaving the campus, and I some how ended up walking with them out, and they all went to their cars and started saying bye to each other, and not a single one of them acknowledged my presence or said bye to me. I ended up by myself in the parking lot standing around wondering what just happened. I thought my autism days were over, turns out they don't just go away when your older and around other adults. At least when I was a kid the kids would at least acknowledge your and shit talk/laugh at your completely unwanted presence so you'd know you're not part of the group and should move on.

That was 2014, haven't spoken to anyone besides my parents since.

Thanks mate, reading/hearing a lot of shit that’s unsettling me about first impressions and whatnot but this helps.

literally the stuff of nightmares

I’m worried about this sort of shit

I rarely talk to anyone when Im in the gym at uni. Now that construction has been completed, people have to scan their ids in a very precise way to get in which means at lot of the people just knock on a window to be let in. Everyone is polite about it. Social gains come as slowly as physical gains.

If you force it it will never work
Just be urself

same bro. Fucking hell I feel so out of place at Uni

If you feel out of place at university, get ready for the NEETbux life. Hope you're prepared.

>say hi to people
>take initiative
>make conversation
>take interest
>3 yrs later they still barely say hi back

fucking autism engineering

If you're in engineering the getting laid part is tougher

>not being a reclusive shut-in in uni
fuck this gay ass place man i'm only here to study
funny thing is, all the "true" friendships I had were formed outside of school in extra-curricular activities
play a sport or join a club or find a hobby with a "social scene" behind it because 99% of social interactions at uni/school/work are fake
t. made more friends in 2 years public gyms than I have at 4 years of uni

common interests are important for social bonds
being at school with them isn't just enough, you gotta be DOING something with people to maintain a relationship

College is the perfect place to build good habits. Once you start wageslavery, you will NEVER have as much free time again. You will NEVER have access to endless attractive women. You will NEVER see a collection of easily joinable social groups again.

These are the mandatory habits to build:
>working out regularly
>consistent sleep schedule
>consistant study habits

These are the mandatory skills you must learn:
>talking to new people
>time management

Take your studies seriously, because it's easy. Your hard degree is easy in retrospect, you will find.
People matter. You have a unique opportunity to make social connections with friends, professors, and recruiters. In the age of the Internet, this is the one value that college provides over studying yourself.

College is the ultimate A/B testing chamber. The bigger the school, the better it is for this. You can mold yourself to be whatever you want. There is no consequence for fucking up and being an autist, because there are so many people that you can try again elsewhere.

College is the ultimate self improvement playground. Do not waste it.

Op literally go round and say Hi to anyone. It doesn't matter, everyone else is looking for friends too

Depends what course you’re doing, if it’s a science type one there will be spergs galore.
I started uni thinking I was borderline autistic due to my high school years only to finish off that first year of uni finding out how normal I actually was compared to everyone else.

Do you want to know the truth, OP? Everyone at uni is genuinely scared to talk to anyone they don't know. It's why freshmen are all awkward retards. I lucked out since a couple of high school friends went to the same college as me. Eventually you'll make friends from just going to the gym or group projects in class. Avoid the chicks though, most of them are bitches. Most guys will probably be friendly and talk to you as long as you aren't a cunt. Also just start conversations with people you sit next too. You'll get the hang of it eventually.
>t. was pretty quiet freshmen year and now spend half my time at the gym talking.

Escalate, motherfucker. They don't respond because, to paraphrase a great man, "to acknowledge you is no benefit, to ignore you is no loss". You are ignored because there is no point to acknowledging you. There is no point acknowledging you because you deliver no value.

There's an engineering students' club, but you don't lead it. Groups go barhopping, but never because you invited them. Club promoters get paid for every coed vagina they can bring to the clubs over the weekend, and not only are you not one of them, you don't even know any of them. Grad students and faculty meet for Friday night drinks away from the filthy undergrads, but you don't know where. There are plenty of hot women on campus, but you don't approach them and therefore have an 'in' with neither them nor their social circles. There's a dude with a bomb-ass coke connect, and another with an unlimited stock of prescription amphetamines alongside every nootropic known to science, but neither of them are you. There are sports teams, study groups, local bands, social cliques, and a constellation of hobby and activity groups, and you have no substantial role in any of them.

You play no role in campus life. Nobody is willing to vouch for you. Why would anyone bother responding to you? What value do you bring? You might think 'well joe rando engineering student doesn't bring much to the table either'. Well, Mr. Rando has the power to respond to you. That's social validation, and you feel pretty keenly how valuable that is. Instead of continuing to demand that people hand over valuable social validation in exchange for worthless small talk, try bringing something to the table next time.

Holy fucking based.

>becoming chad?

Reminder you can't become a Chad. Chads can just beee themselves and people like them. They've always been popular and think the world is just generally a nice place because everyone has been kind to them.

Deliberately changing yourself is totally contrary to Chad state

Bzzt, wrong answer bitchboy. College is a prime time to change your entire activity pattern, look, fitness level, social circle, and personality. Savvy bitchboys realize that they can change, and leave college as Chads. Dumb bitchboys spout ngmi Jow Forums memes about the impossibility of what amount to pretty ezpz changes to habits, diet, exercise, grooming, choice of activities, socialization, etc.

Holy fuck my man

If you had been talking with them you world know they were on their way to the cars. So apparently you were not talking with them, just following them around

3 years into uni, still a friendless virgin

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Fellow junior here, how did you fuck up that bad? Literally every year has been better than the last, I went from a miserable socially autistic skeleton to a Jow Forumsfag with friends and a gf, just lift and step out of your comfort zone frequently and it's impossible not to improve at uni

>tfw actually autistic but my obsession is public speaking and I've sought out and recieved enough practice that I'm better at holding an engaging conversation than 99.999% than normalfags, but can't actually put my voice to use discussing the issues that I feel are important

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>College is the perfect place to build good habits. Once you start wageslavery, you will NEVER have as much free time again. You will NEVER have access to endless attractive women. You will NEVER see a collection of easily joinable social groups again.

This is a total lie. Once you're done with college/school shit you literally have 24 hours a day of free time and are able to enjoy life to the fullest.

Friendly advice from a guy who finished uni 2 years ago and has improved his life 10x. I've never partied more than right now. This cannot begin to compare with uni social life. Not one bit.

>>College is the perfect place to build good habits. Once you start wageslavery, you will NEVER have as much free time again. You will NEVER have access to endless attractive women. You will NEVER see a collection of easily joinable social groups again.
This only applies to fratfags and people with easy majors.
If you're a STEM major, you'll have a lot more free time after uni

This. Plus, partying (and girls) get waaay funner after college. Way more girls are looking to get down and dirty with ya, some are even looking for relationships so if that's your thing, you can literally get whatever you want. In college 60% of people don't know what they're doing, girls are timid, parties are elitist (somewhat) meaning you have to have solid social connections to get into most of them. In the real world shit gets way easier, especially since you don't have to spend all your free time studying.

And that is pretty much all that needed to be said. Excellent.

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Don't be autistic and not notice people trying to make advances to be friends. Your first few weeks your on a quest to find the degenerates. You have no idea how many lonely degenerates that my group could've been friends with if they were able to hold a conversation for 2 minutes instead of making it awkward. People fall into their groups really fast at college and you need to find one asap

>there's a dude with a bomb ass come connect, along with an unlimited stock of prescription amphetamines

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Cookie cutter drug addict

>Doesn't understand chads are born, not made

You can IMPROVE yourself and become popular but that's not being a Chad. Chads are born, effortless and oblivious to their Chad-state. Chads aren't calculating or deliberate, they simply do what they feel like and people like them because of that.

Same. When I first joined uni I was at least somewhat Jow Forums with decent social skill. Now I’m a skinnyfat socially retarded moron who can’t even talk to people

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