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Is a lack of morning wood a sign of low testosterone?
Ryder Clark
John Richardson
Your boy been hitting the gym, getting some rampant unasked for erections and backne
But if there’s one thing we can teach you it’s that testosterone is a fucking meme. Going from 600 to 900 won’t do shit for you. Lack of morning would isn’t even necessarily related to low testosterone.
Also, a dude at 500 can get as big as he wants to be.
Jack Young
objectively fucking untrue test is very important for buiding mass
Brayden Wood
Yes OP.
Mason Rogers
This. I’m 1080 and don’t get it that often.
I also barely get 80%+ boners in general ... probably have a fucked up dick. Such is life
Landon Russell
Everybodies bodies react to hormones differently 250mg of test injected will feel different to me than it would to you
Daniel Allen
No it isn’t. Your boy took a few classes. If you take steroids and pump yourself up to 2000. Yes that helps. But small fluctuations in testosterone related to lifestyle do not really change much.
Your boy was always a monster in the gym, still is. But I highly doubt it has anything to do with that particular androgen.
Because it’s a meme
Jonathan Miller
Stop calling yourself my boy. You're not my boy. I have no sons.
David Lopez
>Testosterone isn't important
Test IS important. Non Negotiable.
This. Why do you think women are naturally weak? They can't build serious mass without roiding.
Austin Ramirez
Camden Cruz
You do now it’s 2019 your boy is in this shit and I’m ready to go
Kayden Brown
I hardly ever get unsolicited boners. every once in a while I'll wake up with one but I'm never walking around with a hard on. my test levels were on the high end of the normal range
Thomas Bell
I'm a 21y virgin.
Always horny.
Am I high test?
Tyler Miller
Possibly not. If you experience sex you might stop being horny.
t. Used to be a virgin
Jacob Harris
did you even read his post? he never said test didn't do anything, all he said was that the test boost you got from nofap or brap sniffing is going to have an unmeasurable effect on gains.
Parker Peterson
Your a fucking idiot, my 8 year old has a better understanding of physiology than you.
Go back to huffing paint.
Charles Butler
How do I sell my 21y virginity?
Kevin Sanders
LMAO, you think test and being horny goes away because you just had sex?
Most faggot shit i have read on this board the last 5 years
Jordan Thompson
>tfw wake up midfap
my body start masturbating before i'm fully conscious
Nathaniel Mitchell
Acknowledge your boy.
Elijah Stewart
Brayden Reed
The more I JO or fuck the less i get them
Cooper Kelly
Yes, that is correct. If you do not get morning wood, you are probably low t.
Easton Cruz
Your boy hopped on TRT and now gets erections all the damn time
Isaiah Rogers
Drink a lot of water before going to sleep and voilà.
Jayden Moore
>tfw my boy is retarded
Carter Brooks
Excuse me. No one is claiming to have an advanced understanding of physiology, except for I suppose you re your 8 year old.
It is a known fact that getting sun exposure for your testicles or whatever you idiots are doing to temporarily raise testosterone has a negligible effect on gains.
I pray your 8 year old does not grow up to be as ugly and stupid as you.
Jace Allen
But much better at the gym than you.
Andrew Stewart
God bless you. Someone had to say it
Asher Mitchell
I get erect smelling my girlfriends hair desu user and I'm low test. Morning wood just means you're lusting something you can't get.
Leo Martinez
Most likely not.
Christian Price
I never get morning wood either
Could it be from stress/depression? I never get wet dreams either, and I don’t jerk off
Alexander Miller
Literally just wake up with a boner it's not that hard lmao
Thomas Richardson
high stress/low test
Christian Nguyen
Are you retarded?
Levi Long
Yeah, both of this will affect it
>wet dreams
Not everyone gets them, I've done nofap for extended periods, I've had some fucking hot dreams but I've never climaxed in my sleep, pretty sure I've humped my mattress several times though.
Anthony Bailey
Do a lot of marketing.
I'm 29 and trying to protect mine against girls I'm not interested in.
Easton Thompson
>If you experience sex you might stop being horny.
I've actually wondered about this, I kind of want to lose my virginity for literally this reason
Adrian Cook
Take zinc I take 300-500mg a day and my morning wood is strong
Liam Ward
Your thirst is prob off the charts. When you start having steady sex, your shit starts normalizing. Less degenerate thoughts and all that
t. Former incel like every man at some point in his life
Kayden Watson
I don't get it at all. I'm not stressed, I've been exercising (of course), I almost get enough sleep. Should I be worried?
Lincoln Hall
It is a symptom of low test. Doesn't necessarily mean that you are low test, but it's more commonly the cause of low test than most other possible causes.
Evan Brown
>300-500mg a day
Jesus, you're unironically poisoning yourself. You shouldn't be taking more than ~65 or 70mg under nearly any circumstance.
Grayson Cruz
>Your thirst is prob off the charts
Yes and no. I've had the chance to have sex, I've just turned it down several times because I've had a mate interested in the girls, or they've fucked me over in the past. I'm not that fussy at the end of the day though, I've just got a few rules I try to uphold. I need to put some real effort in to losing it this year
Jack Russell
women have significantly lower t levels than men though