Just starting to lift. Roast my haul
Just starting to lift. Roast my haul
Other urls found in this thread:
>that guy who uses non-regulated supps
This is so fucking DYEL
should've waited a bit before buying, resolution cuck
We need a word to describe the equivalent of boot for lifting
Why do you say that?
>buying anything from GNC
you got jewed hard. How much was that creatine? 50 bucks?
t. dyel
Why is it pretty much a rule that befor people even start going to a gym they waist money on an ungodly amount of useless supplements. Before the even know what they're doing.
creat is the same, just buy the cheapest you can find on ebay
You dont need that shit. Just eat food.
overpriced whey
overpriced creatine
get vitamin k + d3 supplement
fish oil good
Studies have shown that that anabolic window doesn't exist and protein shakes are a waste of money if your daily intake of protein is adequate.
So unless you're not eating enough, don't waste your money on expensive protein. You can get the same amount of protein in that whole container with just 8 dozen eggs. If you add 4 eggs/per day to your diet you'll achieve the same results as taking that protein, except you'll save $24 a month.
I honestly didn’t know that. I just have a bunch of gym rat friends that recommended me to grab all this shit. Definitely on a budget so I’ll keep what you said in mind when I run out of the protein. Thanks
>protein shakes are a waste of money if your daily intake of protein is adequate.
We got a regular genius over here. In other news zinc supplements are useless if you're getting enough zinc.
Whey protein isn't expensive dumbass, it's by far the cheapest source of protz, about 3 times cheaper than eggs or bread.
Your calculation about eggs is so off it's not even funny. Eggs aren't a particularly protein-rich food either, they are fairly balanced in prot/carb/lipids
I do shakes because I lift before work and it's a quick way to get breakfast in. Otherwise I agree
I started lifting after a two year break and I've basically got the same stuff.
Shoutout dyelfriend we're all gonna make it
You almost had me, user. But your b8 needs to be just a little bit more subtle.
Say goodbye to your hair
you dont need any of this shit cuckhold just eat food
creatine is gay because it makes you puffy and doesnt do anything besides damage your kidneys
its the code word used by pro bodybuilders for steroids and when you read their books they say they took lots of creatine and recommend you take creatine too if youre serious
they dont actually mean creatine though they mean steroids
it took me 10 years to realise this :(
>damage your kidneys
Creatine is the most researched supplement, so I expect you to have some sources to back that claim up?
looking good user, you got your bases covered. now don't forget to actually lift, eat, and sleep and you're golden.
if you can find a nice cheap whey that is birthday cake flavored thats the best
whey is good cause its cheap for the amount of protein it has per serving, but you can usually get whey really cheap online probably about 40% cheaper than in stores
try bodybuilding.com or some other online stores for cheap whey, usually one brand or another is having some massive discount sale so i shop around on whatever shows up on google, almost always free shipping
i bought an expensive kaizen whey for once and i was suprised how good it tasted, it even have chocolate chips in it, but i think ill go back to birthday cake
fish oil is good, and a multivitamin will be good too, any will do, the cheapest is fine!
i used ON gold standard whey for about 10 years so thats a great brand, but now i buy cheap whey from pretty much any brand thats on sale
Get out reddit
i would wake up every day with sore kidneys
also it raises kidney damage markers so when you get a blood test the doctors get concerned
i forgot to say overall you did good! so many people spend hundreds of dollars on supplements when they first start out, buying like 5 different kinds of fat burners and 400 different amino acids all in their own containers
everything you bought is proven effective and good :)
Try doing a -500 cal diet at 1880 cal daily limit as an office drone and tell me how easy it is to hit 40% protein goal. I can normally only hit 140g prot instead of the 180 without going over.
He asked for sources not anecdotals bro
Ghost has good flavor.
Are you retarded or just uneducated?
From your pic i believe you started taking supplements, not lifting.
nice. now go to the gym and do ur weights it sick it piss
>Just starting to lift
>already fell for supplements meme
never gonna make it
>flavored protein
B). Creatine is neat (and goes well with betaine, et al.).
C). Fishoil is OK; flaxseed is plausibly better, for many reasons.
Your waiting your time here my man.
These fucktards are far too inbred for that kind of logic.
For some reason they can't grasp that whey powder is food, not some magical protein drug.
>cucked by a GNC employee this hard
lmfao you fucking mong, supplements are a waste of money
>spending this much on supplements
>not spending the same amount on a good beginners test cycle
Isn't flaxseed more estrogenic than soi?
enjoy not having any hair faggot
No one here disagrees with that
It's €30 per kg and like €18 per kg if you buy it in bulk are you seriously that poor?
Creatine still overpriced tho
>switch games in the corner
>Shake made with milk =45/50 g of protein, easy and quick both to make and consume+ you can take it were you want
>4 medium eggs=20/25 g of proteins, can't take anywere and takes longer to make
>Make shake with two scoops
>14 shakes per container
>Now you're spending $60/month on useless supplements
Just add the 4 eggs to your breakfast you sperg, it literally takes 30 seconds to cook an egg. Eggs are the most potent source of choline on the planet, and cost $0.99/dozen at Aldi. It blows my mind how lazy you fuckers are.
ripped off
>meme oil pills
>cookies and cream
ok ill take the bait, what protein should you take instead?
Eggs are disgusting and you probably look like jason blaha
Very solid components. Just about the only ones proven to work. However gnc is pretty shit and overpriced. When you decide to restock get some muscle feast protein (one of purest brands according to labdoor), bulk supplements creatine monohydrate (cheap), and Viva naturals omega 3 (also highly rated by labdoor).
I read somewhere that creatine has the potential to damage your kidneys if you take it and remain really dehydrated on it. But that's like taking steroids and not working out, drinking tons of water with creatine is like step #1.
go back to /fraud/, pussy
>double protein powder amount
>compare it a non-double egg amount
Also what type of small bitch ass egg has 4-5g of protein in it? Regular eggs have 6g's and jumbo eggs have 9g's
If you need to supplement 50 grams of protein into your diet, then you are fucking retarded at programming and you need to redo your meal plan. I understand this is just falling on deaf ears but you're wasting your money.
Hand in your natty card, sir
Eggs, meat, dairy (if you can stomach it), and peanut butter. There is nothing inherently wrong with supplementing with whey protein, but if you're on a tight budget, just buy more food.
Fried eggs are maybe the most delicious breakfast staple on the planet. There's literally nothing like a hot breakfast with some over easy eggs, uncured bacon, and some hearty grain toast.
You don't think Fitness models would go on the internet and lie for money, do you?
>Regular eggs have 6g of protein
>Fails to notice that 6×4=24
>Still under the numbers that I gave
>Proceeds to ignore all arguments and make one up to counter
You fucking retard
and Hairline
Did you fucking read my post idiotic mongoloid
1 scoop=25 g of protein
1 shake full of milk = 30/35 g of protein
I never noticed that this board was so fucking full discalculic and dislexic spergs
I suggested 4 eggs per day in comparison to 1 scoop of the whey per day. Then you compared a two scoop protein shake to 4 eggs.
8 small eggs * 6 grams = 48 grams of protein, same as the shake
You can bump this thread in other ways if you want, you don't have be completely retarded.
Whey protein is not necessary. It's totally fine to occasionally grab a protein shake when you miss lunch or something, but if you're drinking a shake or two every day instead of eating a good diet, you're doing it wrong, and you're wasting money.
This. And a men’s multi, because whatever, why not? And is OP eating enough vegetables? No. Whatever amount he tells you, he is lying. Drink a few V8 low sodium everyday.
you'll have to try harder than that
why does this whole thread feel like a weird shill
>so fucking full discalculic and dislexic
SeeTo find the flaws in your calculus
What? ‘Cause of the vegetable juice thing? Or this mysterious Men’s Multivitamin?
Seems I’ve been caught red handed! In truth, my name is E.L. Campbell, great great grandson of George Campbell of the the Campbell soup company and 4th cousin of E.J. Wyeth, of Wyeth pharmaceuticals, the makers of centrum vitamins. I was attempting to increase the stock price of these companies by posting on Jow Forums. Adding to our families already great wealth! But this astute young man has foiled my sceme! But I’ll get you next time!
I'm so confused
This is the worst fucking thread ever
Where the fuck is the preworkout???
myprotein offers 1kg for 21 euro
bulk, you do the math, still cheaper
poor? no, smart shopper? sure.
have fun giving your money over when cheaper, same quality is available faggot
Why supplement creating when you can just eat 1kg of beef per day?
supps are a scam man, and I'll tell you this as someone who was fooled by the powder-jew for years
I definitely got results but it was through consistent eating and training correctly, I just happened to be taking the snake oil at the same time
don't buy supplements
1) my protein tastes like shit
2)i literally fucking said that ON is €18 something per kg how is €21per kg cheaper you absolute troglodyte
>being so low T you need pre workout
Nastiest shit I’ve ever tasted unironically
Tomatoes are the devil, too much acidity, as well as watery as fuck they also be substituted with tons of other fruits and vegis.
I fucking hate tomatoes
creatine, whey, and fish oil are probably the least wasteful supplements you can buy ding dong. there's no reason not to be using creatine and whey no matter what stage of lifting you're on
nothing like a little amphetamines to get the blood pumping
there's no better way to bulk imo. it's hard to hit 1gram of protein per pound of bodyweight just by eating, makes it a lot easier if you can drink three protein shakes of water a day.
>starting to lift
>throws away natty card
What is wrong with kids today? No drive to not take shortcuts.
Found the money grubbing roastie
There is 140 grams of protein in a pound of chicken breast. Add jumbo 4 eggs for another 32 grams of protein. With those 2 things alone you have 172 grams of protein, and thats without any other meat or beans or nut of dairy.
I think it's completely reasonable to hit a 1g/lb of bodyweight.
you fucking retard
>protein and fish oil make you not natty
What the fuck am I reading
lol. now you've got to eat a pound of chicken every day, and four jumbo eggs every day. That's a lot of time cooking. It's still easier and cheaper to just buy whey protein and drink it with 8oz of water in a blender bottle. Less filling too so you can easily get the 200g of protein a day you need to get shredded.
Eating a pound of chicken and 4 eggs over the course of 3 square meals in a day is perfectly reasonable, you manlet
Whey protein is literally both the cheapest and easiest way to take your protein you ding dong diddly simpaloid.
>how many times can you bump a thread with the same b8: an experiment
fixing your diet is a better use of your money than supplements that you have no idea how to use
>eggs aren't a particularly protein-rich food either,
okay retard
post moar pix
cookies and cream tastes like shit and if you like it you are a degenerate. chocolate only.
>5 g protein per 6 g fat
>better than whey that's 75+% protein
Eggs are about 30% protein in terms of calories. Whey is over double that, while being cheaper and easier to eat.
You WONT find a cheaper source of protein per 100g of product than unflavoured whey protein from a reasonable company such as Bulkpowders, Myprotien etc..
Food is of course important, but all these retards seeping out of the woodwork screaming that whey is somehow expensive and a scam, its cheaper than the fucking eggs your buying.. Lower in fat, extremely simple to digest, not to mention that its higher on the bioavalibillity index.
WHEY IS FOOD, its a spray dried component of milk.
Ground beef
All fine sources of protein..
A good pea isolate contains about 25g of protein per scoop. Or just over 4 eggs worth.
Remember as well that if you separate the yolk from the white then each egg is only worth around 3g, so you would need to eat over 8 of them to make up 1 scoop.
The bioavalibillity of protein from eggs also drops when you remove the yolk, compared to a whole egg.
>I read somewhere
>Source: Dude, trust me
Even if we pretend what you said is true, literally just drink a glass of water.
hey yall is this a meme
i never ever eat vegetables
Kidney thing is bullshit,never had such issue and i was using creatine for years. It does speed up balding,thats far worse