How do I achieve this

I want to max out my score on this in like 7 years how do i do it?

Attached: JTF2.jpg (2120x2814, 523K)

Focus on the bench since everything else on this is a breeze in comparison

This user knows, if you can't even do 30+ pull ups then youre a fucking DYEL

But how do I do the run?

Unironically everyone on this board should easily get 30 in the sit up category

Sprints, look up videos for people training for marines and other military roles, the idea is you get very good at sprinting for a long period of time, which is very hard but is just about the only way to guarantee you'll ace it

1.5 Miles is a sprint?

Well being able to continuously sprint 1.5 miles is a bit of a dream especially if you want to bench 350 at the same time, but doing intervals of sprinting to jogging would probably do the best for your time

Ok ill look into it

>how do i get good at a mid distance race
>hurr sprint forever

Yall are fucking morons, look up a collegiate distance training program. Prepare to run 6 days a week. Long runs, fartleks, and interval training are all required.

No its not don't listen to this retard
t. Actual sprinter

why is it important to bench? seems like a weird addition to this which i guess is some military thing

>body weight exercises
become a skinny bitch obviously

160kg bench??

start by doing 78 push ups everyday until you can do them all continuously. in the same day do 24 pull ups until you can do them continuously. after that work on your bench press. while still doing the other exercises (because they should be a joke to you by now)

yeah didnt realise it was in kg. that is a lot of weight

Is it possible to reach level 30? I struggle to imagine anyone who would be able to bench 160kg and meet the rest of the criteria, feel free to prove me wrong

they literally designed this evaluation so that you cant max out every single one. its geared to be impossible unless you are a super human. not saying you cant get a high score but to beable to sprint fast and do a 160 kg bench press? that would be a scary ass dude lol


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why do support & specialists need a better 1.5 mile time than assaulters?

> assaulter
Is that really the best they could come up with??

In my last PT test for academy I would’ve scored an aggregate 81 in the B column but I didn’t weight train at all. At least I passed!

>not running brapleks

Normal infantry vs spec ops
Idk genius, maybe think a little?

isn't jtf2 canada spec ops? so assaulters aren't "normal infantry" here

you need to run at
>14km/h for assault
>16km/h for support

to max out points, so just train running at that pace for a mile, if you can only do 400 metres or whatever to start then do that then go longer the next time.


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In this case the most obvious answer is NOT the correct one. Middle distance proficiency is a combination of speed and endurance, which are most effectively trained as separate skills. So a competitive miler will train alternating days of overdistance/underspeed (long easy runs 7mi+ at conversational pace) and overspeed/underdistance (track interval workouts e.g. 4x800m, 10x400m, 20x200m). That's how everyone from Frank Shorter to your local 5k winner does it.

race me brah

Post times
Right here I got:
4:30 mile
9:45 3200
15:53 5k
1:16 13.1
2:40 26.2

>17:01 5k
>1:10:30 14k
>2:21:00 25k

dunno the others, nice brah

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JTF-2 2 hard, just go for CSOR my friend.

How so?

simplest test of explosive power, a clean would be better but you can fuck that up due to it's relative complexity. everyone knows how to bench.

Keep at it man, i had to eat sleep and breathe cross country for 10 years to hit those times.

you'll never get in faget that's how

>sit ups
>bench press max

What the fuck is this? Sit ups suck dick and bench press is useless in everyday application. Hell even overhead press makes more sense

Shut up you nigger I'm gonna join just for that

You haven't even done BMQ u fucken pussy

t. grunt

Haven't tested situps but based on everything I could probably easily pull an 85+ for assault right now. Why is it so easy? I guess when you're above this level any more fitness wouldn't matter that much and it's 95% training and experience.

No but it doesnt change a thing

To clarify, I'm not saying I could join JTF2; I'm way too retarded.

haha pussy have fun rucking

Also its situps in one minute without straining

I'm going for Officer anyways but I'm gonna fucking make it

that run speed + that bench is not fucking easy

>I'm going for officer anyway
Dear god, I hope you're english and stay the hell away from my trade for boasting on a morrocan basketweaving forum

lmao sure thing fatty, what province u in

Surely there's nothing wrong with expressing interest in a career on the internet is there? I have no doubt I'll be able to do what I need to do to make it
Not fat or dumb enough to dox myself

>Surely there's nothing wrong with expressing interest in a career on the internet is there? I have no doubt I'll be able to do what I need to do to make it
Prove me wrong then senpai

This kid will be 'that guy' in basic

I will

Post your score bros

Run:20 points
Pushups 25p
Sit-ups 30p
Pull-ups 30p
Bench 20p

Looks like I mog you all with 125 points

I can't run for shit. Max asthma mode.

But I still score a 92 on this.

When you hold a rifle its similar to bench press.

>75 point minimum requirement
>9:27 - 9:22 1.5 mile run
>48 - 49 pushups
>48 - 49 situps
>9 pullups
>85kg/187lbs bench

You hold a rifle with your pectorals?

I can run a mile in just under 8 minutes, 60+ pushups continuously, 8-10 pullups and can bench 215lbs or 95kg. 5'10 185lbs or 178cm 83kg
how shit am I Jow Forumsness wise? Looking to improve the mile time more than anything

>Measure strength by the bench press, one of the least effective indicators of overall strength of the main lifts

good job canada

It's more to prove you have a good chest imo or good muscles in general. Some twinks can do 100 push ups easily but cannot really bench lmao1pl8



tfw 30 score on pushups but 19 on bench

No you aim forward perpendicular to your body not up into the sky