Hypochondria thread

Greetings, Jow Forumsizens. How do YOU cope with hypochondria/severe anxiety caused by germaphobia? Do you clean equipment before using it? Do you stay awake at night knowing that picking your nose one day might lead to Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) and kill you? If not, how so? Is it because you aren't aware of the dangers, or simply ignoring them?
Sincerely, a hypochondriac whose life has been ruined by an irrational fear of microorganisms

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I eat raw meat.
I drink raw eggs.
I drink raw milk.
I can't buy raw butter anywhere locally.
I eat raw fruit.
quit being a pussy.
germ theory is just that, a theory. never been proven to be harmful.
now go get vaccinated or man up.

just evision yourself as the biggest colony of those fuckers going, albeit without the protein shell. Viruses are much worse in any case and typically won't survive on surfaces in the open air.

I had pretty bad hypochondria back in high school. Thought I had cirrhosis because of drinking, felt imaginary pains, overreacted, my life was shit. What I had to do was focus on living healthy and thinking about things in a bigger way. If you live healthy, then you know you are doing your best to avoid all these hypochondria problems - you won't get fat and have heart problems, you'll stay active so you won't get x problem, etc. Then to cope with my previous problems, just take a look at rockers in their 60s who've been doing hard drugs and alcohol for YEARS and fat people everywhere who still live to their 60s, just because I fucked up earlier doesn't mean I am doomed. It took me a whole year to get my mental state in order, and then I still have lapses every now and then, but I'm practically hypochondria-free now. Talking with friends also helps

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Here's my two step fool proof strategy to not get bacteria.

1-Wipe equipment down before use.
2-Long sleeve shirts and leggings.
3-Don't be a faggot with AIDS and a compromised immune system.

Can't tell if joking or retarded. Please be joking. Please PLEASE be joking. Germs have been proven to be harmful (some) time and time again. Are you ignorant or just dumb? Come on, man

Germs aren't proven, hence they're merely theory

Thanks, buddy. I've tried talking to friends and family but they seem uninterested/think it's unimportant or I am just faking it. I'm sure you know just as well as me how consuming it can be

How the fuck aren't they proven? Christ, buy a microscope

Have the parasites from all the raw meat gotten to your brain or were you just born retarded?

That seems fair enough, thanks. What about other sources? What about cancers or diseases you cannot prevent?

Damn, you just roasted this nigga. Destroyed his will to live harder than my hypochondria destroyed mine

they exist, that much has been proven.
where is the proof that they are harmful?
where is the proof they even survive in a healthy human that isn't shoveling processed carbs down his throat every 30 minutes?

>raw fruit

Have you ever read a scientific paper? Or taken a biology class, perhaps? Okay, here you go en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease

well look at a dead body, it decomposes, thats what bacteria are working towards when you get sick but your body stops it.

hey idiot, that is a theory. never been proven.
bacteria feeds on dead things.
are you dead or alive?
thank you for proving the point for me, you pussies.

Can you imagine being so much of a goofy faggot you waste this much of your life and day worrying about these things?
Lol thanks for the laugh OP, holy shit I'll just keep living life and still not getting sick because I have a functioning immune system

Two types of cancer, broadly speaking: lifestyle induced (everything from asbestos related mesothelioma to skin cancer) and genetic. Lifestyle cancers: all things in moderation, avoid exposure to heavy metals, and generally live clean. Genetic caused: you're fucked but it's very very unlikely.

For bacterial/viral diseases: Try to use common sense and avoid shithole countries and people from them: for example, Haitians have TB at epidemic levels. Regarding pandemic/endemic diseases: just be a normal person with a functioning immune system and you'll probably be ok. Look into immune health supplements to give you a sense of control.

Pretty reassuring, thanks, I truly appreciate it

The fuck should I worry more about than my own health?


No matter how hard we try, we are only here temporarily. If I every get anxious about dieing, I remember the transient nature of existence and calm down.

Sub 70 IQ confirmed

I feel you. It's true. Yet, what happens to our conscience, to our personality, to our memories? Everything is truly meaningless after all

No worries my dude, final pro tip: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM WEBMD. You are not a diagnostician and you do not have the knowledge or experience to draw useful conclusions. Take reasonable precautions to get a sense of ownership over your health and ability to withstand germs and know you did your best.

Thank you, good sir! Advice to live by, really. After all, death is a much larger part of existence than life, and living is 100% guaranteed to cause death

This in my late teens I went to the ER 7 times in one month every time I had a new disease
I was afraid to sleep cause I might die
I was so nervous I couldn't eat
WebMD amplified every worry every ache and pain was cancer, cyst. Internal hemorrhage
Go on FPH if those people can live for so long literally rotting you are fine
My dad has done meth and banged meth heads raw and is still kicking, he had a stroke and the dr told him to stop doing meth or he'll die
Guess who's still doing meth and is still alive
The human body is amazingly tough
Trust me buddy you're fine anxiety is just the devil trying to fuck with you cause he doesn't want you to be great

That FPH thing, lmfao. Your dad should probably quit meth, though. Just my 2 cents. Thanks for sharing!

I know how that feels bro, been there but things are a bit better. In the last few months, I thought I had skin cancer, brain tumor, tetanus and so on.

You know how I deal with it? I acknowledge how bad stress is for my body, and realise that by worrying I'm probably doing more damage that what is actually going on, so I just try to not worry. Lifting helps a lot. Perhaps try meditating?

Fucking immunelet pussies. I hardly shower, never wash my hands, and eat raw food, and I never get sick.

The immune system is tangible and if you’re not constantly using it you’re gonna lose it, bitch. Disease resistance is a thing.

The statement about stress, 100% true. Also, tetanus and brain tumors are one of the things I fear the most, also Listeriosis and PAM

No, you're not gonna just lose it like that, in a snap. Yeah, it's a thing, but a limited one. We're not really "immune" to anything. Also, about showering and washing your hands, gross. Do you live in India? Basic hygiene, dude

Based and aajonus pilled
I agree a healthy person can assimilate and control most bacterias. I eat some raw meats and a lot of raw eggs, getting raw goat milk soon, i Think being exposed to a lot of them makes u stronger

Most microbes dont do anything. In fact many protect you from other harmful stuff. Stop being a pussy and educate yourself

Kochs postulate

Not stupid shit you have no control over like a random collection of germs you can't see your exposure to. If you spent a 10th of the time you waste on WebMD learning about nutrition or exercise you'd probably be healthier and less prone to disease. In short your constant anxiety over somethibg so stupid makes you an insufferable person to be around

> CDC continuously has to tell people to wash their hands to reduce the spread of pathogens.
Thanks buddeh.

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yall ever get freaked out over rabies? one of my biggest fears other than no one ever loving me

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It honestly helps me going to FPH seeing how badly people treat their bodies and still somehow survive
And yeah trust me I know but hes been doing hard drugs for 27 years I dont think he can stop
Love you buddy