So Jow Forums lifts? But do they take care of their face? Face is probably equally as important as having a fit body, so any man that care about himself should focus on skincare
Whats your routine?
Whats your magic shit?
So Jow Forums lifts? But do they take care of their face? Face is probably equally as important as having a fit body, so any man that care about himself should focus on skincare
Whats your routine?
Whats your magic shit?
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bump, my skin has been playing up recently and I have no idea why, i haven't changed my diet or anything.
I wash my face as soon as i wake up and use skin wipes after my morning shower and before bed.
Literally nothing. If I do anything special is when it breaks out
>Face is probably equally as important as having a fit body
Lel, it is way more important.
Mine is:
•Retin-A twice a day.
•No sun exposure.
•Cod liver oil.
•Low glycemic load meals.
•NoDairy (I'm a genelet).
started doing cardio last month and my face has cleared up a lot. do cardio, acne comes from too high blood sugar. don't eat too much junk food and do cardio.
C A R D I O.
>no sun exposure
Where do you get vitamin D from?
Eggs and cod liver oil.
Topical routines can only ever mask symptoms. Get fit, EAT CLEAN, get fresh air, exercise and sun every day, don't touch your face, and don't jerk off more than once a week. If you do all of these, you will not have acne. If you have acne and claim you do these, you're a fucking liar or a deluded retard.
I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Why is jerking off bad for your face?
>sun every day
This ages your skin.
You would need to do it a lot for it to have an effect.
My routine:
>Wake up
>Sun cream
>Face wipes
I'm only 19 but I still get rejected without ID from buying fucking energy drinks, because in the UK you have to be 16 to get them lel. I run treadmill first thing in the morning so I don't have to run outside without Sun cream/have to reapply Sun cream after showering and waste money. I think Sun cream is literally the most important part of preventing aging, pic related was kidnapped and in captivity for 18 years, shielded from the sun
was she not in her twenties in that photo?
why is smooth skin impressive in your twenties?
if she was 40-45 in that photo i would be impressed
Retin-A is the answer -
pic related is a GILF in her 60s using retin-a since her 20s
How the fuck do I get retin-a in the UK
I have suffered from acne for years, but for the past 3 weeks I have had 2 spots at most going from 1 spot a day I will now post my routine.
Wash face with warm water and dry softly with a clean towel
Apply Dermalex Acne
Wait 10 minutes
Apply Dermalex Moisturiser
No Dairy
No Sugar
I started Keto 3 weeks ago and my acne has almost completely stopped, mostly due to the lack of sugary drinks, chocolate and cheeses.
Vitamin B Complex
Bio-Culture Complex
Virgin Cod Oil
Go to bed at 10pm atleast
Lay a clean towel or shirt as your pillow
Wash face with the morning routine
Pic is my face
Forgot to mention:
2 lemons a day for Vitamic C
1 tea spoon of tar tar cream fro Potassium
Thanks, good shit! Also you are qt
is retinol the same thing or at least a sufficient substitute for retin-a?
I have them so bad, am very self conscious about it.
Weirdly enough, have only had 1 woman of about ~20 sexual partners, including long term gfs, ever comment on it.
would still like to find out how to get ride of them, very unsightly.
;^) flex a cep for me babe
wow, OP's pic is very similar to my face, except my cheekbones are more prominent.
>Face is probably equally as important as having a fit body
face being important means having good facial aesthetics.
>any man that care about himself should focus on skincare
any man who has skin problems should focus on skincare.
>Whats your routine?
drink water and wash face.
>Whats your magic shit?
for those who suffer from neck razor bumps, i noticed that when i take wash my neck the coldest water available in my bath, they tend to go away.
She is 32 in that image.
afaik you can get a doctor to remove them by cutting them out
but they are also very normal, something like 40% of all males have them including myself
>drug store brand exfoliator
>bulldog moisturizer (day and night)
>and wash my face with the shower gel i have
i rarely use sun-scream
i'm a student thus on a budget, do i need more?
>is retinol the same thing
>or at least a sufficient substitute for retin-a?
>do i need more?
For what exactly?
i have fordyce on my lips :(
are you a psychopath?
What? Kek.
accidentally clicked on before auto reply
>cutting them out
lol no thanks no scalpel has ever touched my pp nor will it ever
just to have a clear skin (i don't have acne)
and no blackheads, and to maintain a young skin look
Tretinoin and your meals should be low in sugar because it ages your skin faster.
>mom is in her 40s and doesn't have a single wrinkle on her face
>she looks the same as she did when she was pregnant with me 20 years ago
Just how far can genetics take you, /scg/?
Ejaculation depletes zinc, and overdoing it can directly lead to an increase in acne. About once a week is fine. If you jerk off much more than that, you need better shit to do with your time. It's why you can't get a fucking woman.
>This ages your skin.
Use some common sense you fucking idiot. I said "get sun", not "sunbathe in the Sahara desert with no sunblock for 16 hours a day."
I'm starting to think acne is just a physical symptom of mental retardation.
Based and redpilled.
How to get rid of a pimple guys?? Some websites say don't touch it but then it just stays big and red. Literally how do you get rid of these things?
women dont comment because its normal and they have seen that shit on most if not all of their previous partners
the hell is this thread just wash your faces and learn to shave losers
>If you jerk off much more than that, you need better shit to do with your time. It's why you can't get a fucking woman.
Who cares, mongoloid? And no, you would have to ejaculate more than 5 times a day to deplete zinc levels significantly.
>I'm starting to think acne is just a physical symptom of mental retardation
Moron projection. Sun has nothing to do with acne and even a little bit is bad for the skin.
Depends on how bad it is. If it looks yellow and bubble shaped then gently pop it wit ha tweezer, drain the puss and then wipe up with dis-infectant.
If it's red, painful and small then leave it alone until it goes or becomes above.
Diet, it's that simple.
Mouth breather.
huh. maybe. thanks for making me feel like not a mutant freak user :^)
t. baby face genelet with embarrassing facial hair so he has to shave it
See this? Nothing but fucking excuses. I guarantee this faggot is absolutely covered in acne.
Post face.
You mean tretinoin. Retin-A is just a brand name for a product that contains it. Any tretinoin cream will do the exact same thing.
Sure. Now let's see yours.
Upload failed first time.
I do a facemask every day. Alternating between a foaming cleanser and a clay mask. I'm beautiful.
You already typed I was "covered in acne". Seems like your advice is working for you, but there is no proof.
That better be your nutsack boyo
Accutane at 5mg per day. No sides, smaller pores and clearer skin and complexion.
For real anti-aging, use sun creme everyday for your life, for the rest of your life. You'll probably save up 10 years of aging that way.
Retin a is a meme. Its only a temporal solution because it sheds your skin and removes dead cells, It doesnt actually help with aging itself
im a 20 year old male (male) and i have fairly bad acne on my cheeks. i wash my face twice per day, first with a cleanser then a salicylic acid solution, but i swear my face doesnt even look better than when i dont use anything. i know that sleeping on my side is part of the problem, but i change my pillowcase every other day or so. would moisturizing help? im kinda desperate.
People always says Retin-A, but what brand? What kind of that shit? I know its basically vitamin A but what product is best for results?
>Seems like your advice is working for you, but there is no proof.
I am proof nigger. I used to be covered in acne. I used everything under the sun to hide the symptoms. BP, acids, suulfer, tea tree oil, manuka oil, oil cleansing, you name it. They all "work" somewhat, but the root cause is ALWAYS diet and lifestyle. Start with cutting out sugar, 100%. Get at least 30 minutes of sun every day. I don't know why it helps, but it does. Maybe it's the UV rays killng bacteria. Don't know, don't care, I just know it helps. Use sunblock if you're really so worried about aging like a fucking woman. Cut out all processed foods as much as possible. Get your omega 3:6 ratio as close to 1:1 as possible. Honestly, you should be doing all this shit anyway. Acne is 100% preventable with diet and lifestyle, even if you have shit genes for acne like I do.
>eat carrots every day
>only wash my face once a day, warm water then cold water
>no soap
>apply sunscreen after showering in the morning
>use sunscreen as after shave
Voila, good bye to acne and oily skin.
Yes, it does.
Fix your diet.
I don't think brand matters.
>What kind of that shit?
Pic related.
Man, I got rid of it with diet. I'm even on NoFap. I'm just not aware of any solid evidence that links acne with sun exposure.
Also, sebum is vital for good skin, so accutane is not an answer
How do I get rid of all those blackheads around my nose. The area is puffed up and it gave me nasolabial folds
>anti-science brainlet is also a liplet and chinlet
as expected
>If you jerk off much more than that, you need better shit to do with your time
It takes like 5-10 minutes
>eat carrots every day
Beta-carrotine has shit conversion in the body to retinol, your designed to eat meat, eat liver not fucking carrots
Can you just start with 0,05%?
My skin is used to different products and used retinol before
0.05% tretinoin is the sweet spot for anti-acne and anti-aging. You can use the concentration forever.
Ate carrots all my life and dont do shit
Yes, just remember that a minority of people like me have to endure some skin issues for the first weeks of treatment.
Post face. Let's see how your enlightened, scientific ways lead you to perfectly clear skin. Let's see your massive, estrogen-filled nigger lips and Jay Leno chin. Or are you just a cowardly, shit-talking little faggot?
I get acne because of all the shit foods i eat, naturally my skin heals very well and is good so acne isn't really a problem, but want that anti aging going on
You're missing the point. Why are you so eager to defend chronic masturbation? You might be more motivated to get a girlfriend if you didn't jerk off so damn much.
>even a little bit of sun is bad for skin
Damn it, why would life exist and be dependent on the sun if that was the case? Stop buying into these memes that an hour or 2 in the sun means certain death jfc
Go outside, get a healthy tan from an outdoor activity and also get that free vitamin D
Also I used to have awful acne and used acutane which worked wonders, now if I have any minor breakout I use aloe Vera gel and over night 90% of blemishes are gone
Also acne is predominately a genetic factor, something like 87% genetic. You’ll know if you have genetic acne just by how aggressive it is and how much of your body is covered by it. I had this type of acne and nothing worked on it except acutane
Do you moisturize? You might drying it out too much causing irritation
>coconut oil for acne
Jesus Christ. Never, ever fucking do this. Coconut oil is practically the most comedogenic shit known to man.
Fapping deplete the zinc count by 0,5 mg, 1 zinc tablet have like 20 mg which should offset the nutrients lost, and its not a big difference anyway
Fapping and acne dont go hand in hand unless you fap a significant amount a day without getting any zinc in your diet or vitamin
im thinking my only option left is accutane. im 21 and i still have really bad PIE marks all over my face. i just got an AHA/BHA scrub that can hopefully alleviate some of the scarring but i've had this since i was 13 and i havent found anything to help
The root cause of acne is not diet and lifestyle lmao, its sebaceous glands.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, you don't know everything? That maybe, daily masturbation could contribute to acne via other methods we don't yet understand? Try actually using the scientic method, rather than just parroting what you heard someone say was in a study somewhere. Try actually doing an experiment with yourself, and see if it works for you. It sure as fuck works for me.
Thats why i said 5mg per day you fucking faggot, compared to 80mg that doctors recommend.
It shrinks your pores enough to get you clearer skin, but not to dry it out.
Hell, even 10mg doesnt dry you out.
This is some true nigger tier logic if I've ever seen it.
>using shaving cream and other mainstream cosmetics
Butter is the shaving cream your face desires. Makes you smell good too!
t. what nigger? you want a fucking source on water being wet while we're at it?
Topical Apple Cider Vinegar fixes bacteria (acne) and fungus (dermatitis).
I have a shit ton of blackheads in my nose too. Someone answer this.
Also checkem
>Splash face with cold water after shower (don't wash face in shower
>Light moisturizer
>Sunscreen (!)
>AHA or BHA exfoliant or skip step, rotate every three days
>Rich moisturizer
>Rosehip oil
T. faggot with soft even skin
Are they actually blackheads or just sebaceous filaments? Anyway, it depends on your skin type, but try cleansing every day, exfoliating with a chemical exfoliant two or three times a week and make sure to not rub your face all day and change your pillowcase each day (or flip it).
Also just see a dermatologist. He's gonna be able to fix them way better than I could in this thread.
>wash with normal cleanser
>spot treatment
>Cera-Ve Skin Renewing cream serum (retinol & hyaluronic acid)
>Morning moisturizer with 30 spf sunscreen
>Wash with anti-acne cleanser (salicylic acid)
>Exfoliate with scrub on tuesdays and thursdays
>wash back with benzoyl peroxide cleanser (bacne is pretty much gone, only on shoulders now)
>spot treatment
>cream serum
>night moisturizer
I throw in a mask about once a week
So far this routine has seriously improved my face. I used to get really small acne bumps and breakouts around the bridge of my nose and on my cheeks, and the retinol has really helped with that. Also drink water
wow you're actually retarded
do you moisturise?
Would accutane help with the acne on my back?
And it is the stuff about it fucking up your liver true?
>probably equal
Haha, dude, lol.
I was my face with soap every day and shave a couple of times a week. I'm 25 and it's not as smooth as 5 years ago, but it's still the best I see in my age range. Eating clean and having good genes does more than any routine.
Remember carotene in your diet. The color you get from it means more than any smoothness or tan. You can get it from spices alone, so it's not hard.
Retin-A is amazing but this chick is also photoshopped and has had surgery.
>using shaving cream at all
accutane is a bad choice friend. my joints are still fucked 2 years on. I wouldn't completely write it off but look into it, so many people have life long side effects from that shit
are you fucking retarded? Thats literally what acne is. Oils secreeted by your fucking pores trapped underneath your skin.
fucking retard