Cardio thread

Discuss all forms of cardio fitness

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Wanted to ask about Plantar Fascilitis, mine came back recently and it's tolerable, but I wanted to see if anyone has any advice on it? For background I just started running again after focusing on upper body

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Gearing up for a 100 mile bike ride in May. Got myself a training plan to build up the milage.

10 - 15 miles during the week and then a long ride at the weekends. Before my 100 mile bike ride, I'll be having a 75 mile bike ride a few weeks before, before a wind down to the event.

Anyone got tips? I've never ridden that far, so wondering at what points to have breaks, for how long etc.

I have sex with my gf haha

Rate the run I just had:

71 minutes
40 Degrees but sunny
Lots of steep hills
7:37 mph pace.

Got an Ebike last year and I'm having the time of my life, I love it.

I have sex with her to.

So I have a pretty nice hill near my house, gonna start doing some HIIT soon, once I hit 180 pounds I'll start doing cardio, at like 160 right now. How long should I be doing it for? 30 minutes? Should I be just like sprinting up the hill and then walking down it and then sprinting up it again? I don't know jackshit about cardio, thanks bros.

Combat sports like BJJ, Boxing, wrestling and Muay Thai are amazing forms of cardio and I highly recommend to anyone looking to lose weight or build cardiovascular endurance/ muscle conditioning

can you get good cardio and gains at the same time. Been thinking about cutting my rests and work intervals down to 30 seconds and instead of doing set after set of an exercise doing like 1 set of say push ups then like a set of dips then a set of pullups so on and so forth until I get through all the exercises I want to do that day once then do them again up to 5 times.

hiit is a lot simpler than people make it out to be. You give it your literal all until you start to slow down (that's typically 30-40 seconds) then you rest until you can do it again. (dont let your heart rate go under 50% of your max hr when resting though) Start out with like 10 intervals then work your way up. Don't do real set intervals your body has no idea what 1 minute is or what 1 minute of rest should feel like.

Thoughts on rope jumping for cardio? Is it a good choice?

yeah it works anything that gets your hr up works. Personally prefer mixing in sets of burpees and pullups in there to get a bit more full body stimulation but it's not necessary for just getting good cardio

wanna try bjj but my cardio is shit. should i work up a decent base endurance before i go? don't wanna go and pass out

People new to cardio should not be doing HIIT

If they are reasonably fit and healthy they can. The only people who should avoid are literal fatasses like Boogie

I think its largely fine if you're not a blob person. lissc is fine too but if you can jog a mile you can generally do hiit.

I've had it twice, in the same foot. Both times it involved too much treadmill running. I will never get on one again.

First off, cut back on your running. You need to build a solid base. Even if it means only doing a mile (or half mile) at a slow pace. Get your muscles used to it over several weeks.

Check out how to use a massage ball to fix PF. Don't go barefoot. Get nice running shoes and orthotic insoles (I wouldn't go custom insole since they are expensive as fuck). I just bought orthotic sandals for the summer that actually look decent. Honestly, a few months ago I would've worn clown shoes if it fixed my PF symptoms.

Nip this shit in the bud. It is annoying at best and debilitating at worst for so many different activities.

Also, make sure you are running correctly and not heel striking. Watch videos. I think too much heel strike played a role in my PF.

Ty cardio-bro. I got some new shoes yesterday and with my insoles I felt a definite difference, my high arches didnt help my feet.

So would like an elliptical be fine in place of the treadmill? I still want to do cardio since i've already shed like 5 lbs on the treadmill.

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Does Dance Dance Revolution count?

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Did a 100+ mile last summer. Check the weather, bring spares, pack some cliff/protein bars, take one BIG bottle of water and one of orange juice and salt. Just keep thinking about turning over the pedals, try to get into the flow of it

I get tired just running to the end of my street and I have to run 1.5 miles in 14 minutes this fall. How fucked am I?

HIIT is not real cardio

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Skipping>All other forms of cardio. Fight me.

I do erg rower exclusively right now until the weather warms and I can start running outside. It doesn't translate great to running but it will help with weight loss, especially when done in a HIIT program. I never did like the elliptical.

I have high arches too. Keep them well supported.

I gotta start running. I’m not horrible so I don’t need to start at C25k. I just need to be able to run hard for maybe 2 minutes, and possibly hop a fence or something and then wrestle. Any suggestions on routines?

start erging, faggots

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yes, you just walk to the bottom of the hill after each sprint. i recommend walking backwards for part of the way, it's a nice way to stretch your calves.