is this gyno
Is this gyno
not sure post more pics
probably but even so there is some other condition going on there as well.
nah it's just loose skin from losing weight probably. you're lucky this isn't Jow Forums nigger
No you're a woman, Tykeisha
He isnt nigger, belly button jsnt visible
Could be. Best see a plastic surgeon with a lot of experience with gyno. If you are near Toronto I recommend Dr. Fielding. He charges about 3k CAD which is about half. He is a Gyno specialist with over 2000 surgeries. He did amazing with me.
I'm white and have the same problem. Still better than when I was over 300lbs.
another condition like what
i'm sorry OP but this is the result of the indian diet of eating practically no meat, lots of cooked sweeten milk products and all the fucken plants
you're fucked
fucked how
That is 100% gyno.
To add OP, I have gyno and trust when I say you can have a good physique even with gyno. Girls really don't make a big deal out of it as much as dudes do.
That being said, it doesn't mean that you can't fix the rest of your body, your gyno makes it worse but it isn't the main reason your body is bad.
>poo tits
But I'm not Indian
No you're just black
clearest case of gyno ever. just get the surgery, they have financing options with monthly payments
like the gay
look like loose skin with a bit of fat
I'm guessing Indian. Idk why, just getting that vibe.
OP you skinnyfat piece of shit start lifting weights. If you still have floppy tits after you're able to bench 225, then yes, you probably do.
imagine being an honest to goodness shitskin
No it’s just bodyfat
bulk or cut
Just loose skin. But you do need a bra for those flapjacks.
Why do so many Indians have physiques like OP’s.
Really just curious