i read all this shit about it being normal and healthy. we're literally made to reproduce and continue the cycle.
give actual reasons
i read all this shit about it being normal and healthy. we're literally made to reproduce and continue the cycle.
give actual reasons
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no it isn't
Only 7 day no fap works, that's it, after that your test plummets.
porn isn't normal or healthy
Don't fap, but you can still cum from fucking. That's healthy.
probably right. i didn't learn to fap until i was almost 18 (18 now) and have been doing it not even a year and don't feel lower in T from it
depends imo. is masturbation a problem for you? then no, it's not a scam. if you can keep your fap sessions to once every 2 days max or smth then yeah you dont need it
nofap is a lie, noporn is the real deal
People have low T because their T levels are already so low.
Damn what a great graph
Semen retention and Adderall made me kill it at the career fair today. Literally did 0 prep. Wore a clean ass suit with a nice tie, printed resumes, sprayed some mugler and proceeded to engage with everyone I talked to.
Jewish doctors just want you to jerk off more to desensitize your penis and make you more docile.
Buy a gun and fuck a teenager.
It’s the right thing to do.
My hairline has started growing back and it's day 7. I haven't jerked off in prob a month now but haven't came in gf since last week
Nofap got me laid
>no error bars
Jews will tell you that masturbation makes you live longer.
Neutered dogs live longer. Why not remove your testicles, goy? Its for your own good.
In my experience streaks of 10 + days boost test. Better for confidence, gains, endurance and mental function. Relapsed hard into porn the other day, felt the depression hit within the hour. Nofap is an excellent step towards making it. Also, jerking off is cardio, shit for your forearm gains
im natty high t and fapping doesnt have any negative side effects for me but when i'm on day 2+ of nofap i become a horny rape machine
almost started jerking off next to this one chick on the bus because i was so horny bro the shits indubitably fucked
nofap is decent if ur natty low-avg test i guess
Nigga, what?
No porn is the real shit. No fap is just a bonus
Reminder, this is the faggot who wants you to keep fapping
what the fuck are basic dialectics?
NoFap costs nothing and nobody makes money from it. Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry. Which one sounds more like a scam to you?
what are you losing by not masturbating?
prolactin inhibits T production and if you're constantly fapping your prolactin levels are high
had a 30 day streak. killing each day with meditation, cold showers, working out, reading. broke my streak and its been hard as fuck to get almost anything done. this shit works (for me at least) it does get worse before it gets better tho and progress is not linear
If you can't stop fapping for a couple of days to see for yourself then you should probably stop fapping.
"hurrr i drink alcohol everyday and people say it's not good but how is it really???"
It builds mental discipline.
By not submitting to basal urges you are truely free from the shackles of society. No-one knows freedom better than the Puritan.
It cant be a scam if it doesnt try to sell you anything.
Enjoy life
>adding gay porn or fucking trannies to a list of arguments against someone
>on fucking Jow Forums of all places
Nigga do you realize where are we ?
Nothing is going to turn you into a superman. Stop chasing it.
And there is no modality for improving your success with women other than talking to them. Even with plastic surgery and steroids, you still need to talk to them if you want have the opportunity to fuck them. All manner of male hermit refuses to accept this awful but simple reality.
Nofap just becomes another elaborate excuse to avoid having to take real action to resolve problems.
Depends what it influences. I think abstaining from porn is helpful for the reward system, motivation and such, it's basically like being addicted to any other drug. I sleep better on nofap(includes noporn obv), because I no longer go for hours when I'm supposed to sleep.
this. everyone here thinks doing no-fap cures cancer but it should only be used by people who are genuinely addicted to jerking off. if i dont wank it at least once a week, i lose all sexual drive and i have no motivation to pursue women.
If you were cloned 2 twice I could beat all three of you into submission.
I stopped masturbating after I met my new gf. Really haven't had the urge to at all, but I have at least 3 rounds every time I have sex with her. I've been doing a lot better in the gym and been more focused in general. Idk if it's because of no fap or because my gf is great but I've been feeling pretty good. It's been for about 5 months now
imagine someones life who was autistic enough to sit down and make this image
just imagine
>t. jamie
Thanks (((dude)))
>Its the jews
>buy a gun and have sex
>this is life
you made my day sir!
because ur t is still rising, it will go even higher on nofap i bet
f-f-fuckyou dude
>heavy metal loving, tranny fucking, pseudoscience selling, tranny fucking, faggot, atheist powerlifter
Yep, certainly sounds like a Jow Forumsizen. What's your point?
every single thread someone asks for evidence they just get called a jew by these schizoids.
these people dont realize they are absolutely bottom of the barrel insignificant retards and actually believe there is some sort of targeted campaign on the internet to brainwash a bunch of social outcast morons on an anime imageboard.
its the same when leftists pretend there is some russian propaganda that turns people into nazis.
these people are just schizoids who dont realise they are fucking worthless.
>is nofap a scam?
Not at all
Nofap has been proven to help people reduce stress, and decreases the chance of you getting some illnesses.
A lot of studies show that nofap is primarily based on anti-semitic, far-right extremism that usually mixes in Christian fundamentalism and elements of neo-nazism in regards of reaching purity.
I strongly suggest you masturbate daily, as it has more benefits than cons. Studies also show that experimenting is good for the body and mind. So if you want to stimulate your prostate with a dildo or other sex toy, enjoy it! It feels good, and no that does not make you gay.
But even if you did feel some attraction to men, it is totally acceptable as its okay to be gay!
Stop beating off and you'll find out why.
We can't explain shit to you. You have to experience the gains for yourself.
Or...Just keep on beating off and I will keep beating you in life.
Fucking retards.
Noporn is very useful.
Not sure about nofap tho.
No. It's the real deal. The thing is you have to do it for awhile to see results. You talk about 'reproduction' so think about it this way : As a man you are using life(sperm, jizz etc.whatever you call it) to create life by cumming in a woman. You are literally shooting your life energy into her. That's why women are generally happy having more sex than men are. Another thing to take into consideration is your diet, how often you work out and your age. If your younger then fapping is often isn't too bad but as you get older it takes your toll on you. One final thing drinking and smoking will also take a hit to your libido so probably quit that stuff. Try it for a month and see if it works for you.