
>heart beats like a motherfucker

so why should I do cardio if lifting is literally cardio

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>nearly die of heart attack

hmmm doin me a heckin big think there fren

Get on my level
>heart beats while I'm sitting on the couch doing nothing

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yea do moar cardio

>fuck gf
>literally 20-30 mins of HIIT

I think I'm good.

your girlfriend doesnt though

define beats like a motherfucker, because I doubt it stays above 150 at all

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>talk to oneitis
>heart beats like a motherfucker

Can i substitute that instead of cardio

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seriously I never got this

>smoke weed
>heart beats like a motherfucker

so why should i do cardio if smoking weed is literally cardio

>I think I’m good
>your girlfriend doesn’t though

How does this make sense

hes talking fucking his girlfriend you mental midget

are you fucking serious? i can't tell cos bait has gotten so retarded recently

>heart beats like a motherfucker
why should I do cardio if I can just watch hentai?

>bait has gotten so retarded recently
so good recently*

Means youre still fat, do 5x12 benches and 5x8 the rest of the lifts.

Heart isn't supposed to beat this hard while lifting weight
This is exactly why you need some cardio you moron

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So you won't be so fat

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