>Be me, in gym
>first day there
>new gym because I’ve just moved states for work reasons
>not allowed to use free weights before they have a pt sesh to make sure I’m not a giga tard
>no big deal, switching usual exercises for one day isn’t gonna make a huge difference
>doing bench on smith machine
>cute kinda nerdy looking girl comes up to me
>she’s acting super shy
>asks me if I can lower the bar on the machine next to mine because she can’t reach and it’s the only spare one
>my supreme autism prevents me from speaking
>sort of nod, lower it for her
>she seems a bit embarrassed, says thanks
What do?
Be me, in gym
>jesssuus that guy is benching lmao1pl8 on the smith
>hess sooo hott xD
>*puts bar up 'too high'*
>'hey sweety, mind reaching that bar for me xD'
>*you nod and lift the bar down without speaking whilst blushing in the face*
>'uhhh t-thanks :s'
It's almost like she tried hitting on you and you shut her down by being an autist. Perhaps that's why shes embarrassed?
She didn’t put the bar up, it already was. Also definitely want anywhere near as flirty as you imply. Also I already said I’m a turbo autist, and I’ve got the diagnosis to prove it
>what do?
Do what you always do, nothing like a little bitch
>not allowed to use free weights before they have a pt sesh
lmao is this a gym or a kindergarten?
Take back
She was afraid of you OP, same thing happens to me women feel the need to rehearse their words around unattractive people because they're afraid of being stared at or murdered
if you already admit and display incompetence then there's really nothing you can do, it's about seizing opportunities and they don't come twice. She basically handed you the baton, something you rarely get in life and have to work for by approaching total strangers at bars and chatting it up, and you couldn't make anything of it. Even if you had just smiled and made a quick comment like 'this is why I wear heels in the gym' you'd have been in.
How to fix being a huge autist?
Exposure thearapy till you either succeed or kys from the constant trauma
Best way to get more exposure to these situations?
Fucking this
you can't fix it you just have to be willing to embarass or humiliate yourself. Problem with autistic tendencies is that most parents/teachers and autists deal with it by basically telling them/themselves to be introverted and not talk since it can be disruptive in class and damaging for your relationships, which engenders a fear of socializing. Problem is this means they are way too slow to process an appropriate response in the quick time needed, since a social engagement can hardly last for 5 minutes over a simple act like moving a bar. Only solution is to completely ignore that and just say whatever comes out first and then deal with it later, whatever you say it's a hook to get her interested and engaged and it could be amusing. If it is inappropriate it could go wrong but even a negative point is more than nothing. Some guys develop negativity to a point that it actually is very effective.
First thing to do in brain is basically always either “oh god oh fuck oh god oh fuck” or autistic screeching which are both obviously bad things to blurt out
Join clubs that do activities that you like, take group lessons at a gym, do martial arts, work in retail, take cources. Basically do anything that forces you to interact with people. And its just like building strenght/muscle gains. If you are a natural it will take time, a lot of time. So keep going till you get it. We are all gonna make it brah
You see this sounds like good advice and probably works for a lot of people, but I’ve done this and if anything it’s made my anxiety and social problems worse
I don't have experience with having actual autism. But i was a severe social retard and this is the only thing that helped me.
I suppose I can’t fairly expect any more from you friendo.
Are there any mega autists around who managed to escape the tard pit?
we're not talking split second thoughts, though even something like 'oh god' is STILL more amusing or engaging than nothing or a grunt. Really just any sentence will do, make it ewasy keep it fitness related, ask what she's using it for and say if you can think of alternatives, ask what her routine is. Girls never see a cahnce to chat about themselves as an inconvenience no matter who's asking.
>Excuse me madam but might i ask what you will be using that equipment for?