post chads, brads, troys, etc
Chad thread
>yeah I just played sports my entire life and do my pushups
>what? diet? uuh idk I just eat whatever man I don't know
he was in my grade at school, and can confirm he was a gigachad.
Just call it a twink thread you little faggot
What is a Troy?
Funny thing though, I saw a pretty buff and good looking asian guy couple of days ago, chuckled internally and thought to myself "That's a Chang"
holy shit, im not gay but hes hot as fuck and it makes me curse my genetics. id literally suck his dick
I know chads and beads, but what are troys?
Chad's little bro? That's how it sounds like to me.
upboated good sir
>grade school
hes Australian , at least try to type like an australian mate
> white
> chad
>Chad=being white, having surgery and using steroids
American society is so fucking weird.
>t. turbo coping nigger
ǝʇɐɯ ʇɥƃı∀
he wrote grade AT school, which is accurate
t. skinny fat small dick white """man"""
t. discord tranny, r/asianmasculinity crossbreed hyper cuckold
Post your ugly mug you unstable freak
>curly hair
HA HA HA HA I know this faggot he wears a beanie every day because his curly hair is gross
>curly hair is gross
You Asian or something? lol.
Anecdotes, motherfucker, anecdotes or your contribution is worth jack shit
Curly hair looks worse than straight hair desu.
No chang/tyrone/ethnic chads? I’ll start
can't have a Chad thread without DOLPH.
Hannah Mouncy - transchad
zhang pls go
you're not even trying
>asian men
they are rare mythical beasts but they do exist
I think Asian men can be pretty attractive...
wrong board
Is this supposed to be good looking? The absolute state of gooks holy shit
Imagine being made so insecure by niggers you have to attempt bullying asians online. A proud white man doesnt need to tear anyone down to stand tall, but youre a cuck
kikes have wrecked the white race. The only solution now would be a good eugenic program to sterilize good half of a white male population.
>have a little brother named Troy
>he’s definitely a chad’s little brother
>I’m his older brother
>that would make me chad
>chad has definitely had sex before
>therefore I’ve had sex before
Cya later virgins
Zyzz wasn’t a chad, he was a beta dyel fuckboi ugly guy who tried to play god and turn himself into a chad and died for his sin.
real chad would fuck his younger brother in his tiny asspussy.
>image search
>84yo 1960s movies star
Goddamnit, Jow Forums
And you faggots expect me to believe that you're not gay when you have threads like these?
>Jow Forums
>not gay
you retarded m8?
pics of asian chads?
unironically one of biggest vlads desu. i just ran across this guy on Jow Forums i wanna hate him but cant fucking mirin
he died for your sins fatty
fuck hes called lebed
put me in th e screencap XDDDDDDDD
if you post your penis picture i will.
No. Curly hair is an embarrassment everywhere outside of Israel.
why are you crying?