Can't bench

How does one bench in my situation, guys? When I let the bar go down enough to touch my chest, I feel pain in my shoulder. Then it hurts all day.
What do I do? Fuck, I need this exercise.

Attached: shoulder-pain-56a82a0b3df78cf7729cb497.jpg (1000x1500, 149K)

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Get an MRI. You might have a torn labrum or rotator cuff.

>he fell for the barbell flat bench meme

>Doing this thing specifically hurts, what do?
Stop going to full depth, retard. Do cable flyes for depth in the mean time.

I do stretch and actually enjoy facepulls, but it seems to do nothing for the problem.
Incline bench does the same shit man.

Why do you need bench?
Stop doing it for a few weeks

D-does it even count if I don't touch my chest with a barbell?

Firstly, is your form correct? Retracted scapula and a sensible grip?

How is your resting posture? If you see more than one knuckle facing straight in a mirror you have internally rotated shoulders.

Hands down best cure for most shoulder problems is the shoulder dislocate with a stick or broom handle. Mark each time you do it and work your way narrower each time. It should improve quickly.

In the meantime, do something else like dips or weighted pressups as long as they dont give you pain.

Attached: broomstick-dislocations1.jpg (770x428, 21K)

Tendinitis. I had this and had to stop lifting for 2 weeks.

Also I took Collagen. After that I started again slowly and it sorted itself out.

Don't keep pressing if there's pain. Stop and go do some legs and core while you rest your shoulders and arms.

It's one of the best exercises, why.
Thanks, I will try it. I stopped doing dips, because they feel even worse.

I’ve got the same issue, but mine’s arthritis in the ac joint. It just startd happening last year

Yes. Any time I experience chest pain/discomfort I stop one-to inches above my chest. My arms still break parallel. When the discomfort stops, I have no problem hitting full depth with whatever weight I'm at.
Fuck, if you took a retarded power-lifter tier arch and made him bench like a normal human, he'd be stopping six inches short. You'll be fine.

Dont mean to scare you but you have cancer in the shoulder
If the pain goes on for more than 7 hours, its too late.
Trust me

Stop benching

This, I had a torn labrum. Go to the doctor OP


desu how did you fix it? I have a torn labrum and Im scared of surgery. I was thinking about getting PRP first.

No. That doesn't count as a full rep, retard.

Have you tried benching with dumbbells instead?

It's not about getting a full rep. It's about letting yourself recover from a minor strain before it becomes a major one.
You compensate for the slight reduction in ROM by doing flyes, which typically allow better depth anyway so that once you recover, you can go back to doing bar-to-chest (the correct form) without worrying about stalling at the bottom.

My rotator cuff was hurting so I took time off gym, it took three weeks until the pain was gone. A few weeks later and it started hurting again, this was a week ago.

I watched this video from Athlean X. Apparently you should still keep going to the gym or your shoulder muscles are just going to keep breaking down with the rest/gym cycles. I binged a bunch of his shoulder related videos. My shoulder was still hurting, I went to the gym, did three types of rotator cuff exercises with 2,5kg weight on cables and did low weight dumbbell presses with the correct form from Athlean X's videos. My shoulder didn't hurt this time from the workout and it feels just fine now.

I'm a beginner but apparently you should have a correct form so there's enough room in the shoulder socket for muscles to move in, so there won't be any pain.