Why do people voluntarily consume this garbage?
If you were serious about lifting enough to need 20-60g more protein daily you would save more money for REAL MEAT instead of this literal junk
Why do people voluntarily consume this garbage?
Other urls found in this thread:
Really though
Should get isopure at least
It is hydrolyzed protein with a complete amino acid profile that is rapidly absorbed by the body. It's a cheap and extremely efficient source of protein, it should by no means be the cornerstone of your diet but it's still useful.
if you were ever skinny, you would understand
hello whey protein salesman
why do you like poisoning people who you know only want to become healthier versions of themselves?
I used to be 130lbs and now I'm around 185
whey protein is fucking disgusting and drinking your calories usually means you won't hold weight long term
It's convenient
I'm not a salesman, just a broke nigga on a budget, whey has gotten me gains galore
Its a yummy treat after workout
Eggs are cheaper
>weigh one scoop of protein
>it weighs less than the grams listed on the nutrition facts
What the fuck
faster than cooking
easier to coubt macros
What I see in this thread is a bunch of seething poorfags who don't like tasty strawberry shakes.
might want to get your taste buds checked out
all the whey I've tried consuming was atrocious
>Why do people voluntarily consume this garbage?
>believing mainstream articles
do you think that white men lifting weights promotes health disease as well?
sorry meant this article
>I dont like it so you shouldnt either
Okay, ten year old.
get a load of this guy.
probably anti vaxx too
don't change the subject
it shouldn't surprise you mainstream articles are promoting you to consume actual trash
>not understanding its easier to have one or two servings of this to fill in the extra 20-40g of protein instead of eating another meal
see the OP
if you were serious enough to "need" extra 20-40g of protein you would invest in real food and have the motivation to eat extra
stop drinking this literal shit, please
>since I am serious and skinny, I should not take the extra serving or two of whey protein because it shows I do not want that extra 20-40g of protein
This is like throwing money away because you want to be serious about saving money
I've always wondered about this because most protein shake powder is just that useless powder
>if you want to be serious
this is extremely autistic
people who aren't dyels most of the time are serious about lifting
do you even lift phaggot
>WPI meme
get casein
much better absorbed
There was a whole fucking thread about this last night, and it turned into a complete b8 thread just to piss people off.
Whey Protein supplements are fucking SUPPLEMENTS. If you're relying on 1-2 shakes a day to meet your protein requirements, then you're doing it wrong. Stop wasting your money and just adjust your diet to meet your needs. You don't NEED whey, the only people who tell you that you need it conveniently have affiliate links below their posts.
This thread can die now
There was a whole fucking thread about this last night, and it turned into a complete b8 thread just to piss people off.
Dogshit powder supplements are fucking SUPPLEMENTS. If you're relying on 1-2 shakes a day to meet your dogshit poison requirements, then you're doing it wrong. Stop wasting your shekels and just adjust your diet to meet your dogshit powder needs. You don't NEED dogshit, the only people who tell you that you need it conveniently have affiliate links below their posts.
This thread can die now
I don't take protein shakes as I'm cutting but I assume serious lifters drink them because it helps them reach their protein goal faster as opposed to eating an extra 3 meals
making a shake with 40gs of protein in takes 30 seconds
cooking meat takes 10-20 minutes
I don't want to spend 10-20 minutes every time I want some protein. Yes I could cook in bulk but that also takes more time and effort. I also would get bored of meat if I had to get all my protein from it.
Sometimes before bed I need 30g of protein to finish off my macros, so I'll take 30 seconds and have a shake.
It's also one of the cheapest protein per dollar sources out there.
Yes! And as we all know, serious lifters are connoisseurs of health and well being
another autistic post
lmao that is not at all what I said
the point went over your head
ITT: retarded hood niggers
The narrative pushers posting staged photos from a falseflag "riot".
who the fuck cares what your point is nerd. You guys are being autistic over protein shakes
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