be teenager

> be teenager
> get told by Jow Forums that 30+ is prime male years
> mid 20s
> start balding

what other lies did this place tell you

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not everyone is a genelet.

>be me
>ugly all my life
>get game
>fuck thots
It's really simple user.

>GOMAD is a good thing
>OMAW is good for cutting
basically this board is a living meme

specify what 'game' involves or this post is about as useful as telling me to be myself

my father still isn't balding at 62, fuck your genes brah

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Nice lie.

There's evidence that mewing works.

I'm balding since around 15 but never gave a fuck.

>There's evidence that mewing works.
yeah (((evidence)))

Everyone says it’s genes but every single binge drinking/fat person I know is going bald while the healthy group has full heads of hair.

Really makes you think, huh?

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Why would having good posture be Jewish?

You're an idiot hahahah

Ok, retard.

Outstanding evidence.

>missing the point
good goy


>don't stutter
>be confident
>don't overthink what to say
>don't be a creep
>don't give into a woman's bullshit
Really man, it's simple.

>Nice lie.
Getting laid nowadays is piss easy, don't know what I would have to lie about just because some incels can't score pussy.
I was fucking chicks in my teens despite looking like a low IQ goober. Then I was fucking thots in college. Now I have a gf, but I have two girls orbiting me for the past few months.

Sitting on that lookism shit and crying about genetics is useless brah.

Whatever, dude, the evidence is out there and your anecdote won't change it. Just because someone knows how things work doesn't mean he's an "incel" or crying about anything.

I’m a full-blown crippling alcoholic who lives off of microwaveable burritos and I have the same hairline I had at 17 at 27.


then elaborate on how, and also post ur face

you seem mad buddy

>muh anecdote
You could go out and slay some pussy, but you choose to believe in lookism shit hammered into your head by this echo chamber.
I guess isolating yourself from the world and whining on a slavic witch hunting forum is easier, though.

>go outside, like pub or park
>say hi to women
>if rejected, repeat
>if success, try to go to poundtown
I'm not gonna write a script of what you should say to chicks you wanna score, buddy.

>posting face here
No thanks.

Nice projection. As I typed, not everyone that disagrees with you is an incel or whatever you wish to call them and believes in what you think he does.

Then what about some guidelines? Help a bro out.


24 here. I doubt rogaine would help at this point. Gonna shave my head this week. I tried growing a goatee to offset it but I wasn't blessed with facial hair genes either.

Balding fucking sucks, bro

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>A hairlet... and a beardlet.
I would honestly never talk to my parents again if I were you. F.

The point is that it isn't hard at all to get laid as an uggo, especially these days when college sluts jump on cocks left and right.
I don't really know what you're trying to argue here, buddeh.

balding isn't based on your father though. It's based on your maternal grandfather

You're fine, you could be an asain "male"

Go johnny sins mode. If you really want to look good then start pinning and you'll look like pic related
>YAAAAS QUEEN! Just grow a beard and post it on r/Beards! That girl that friendzoned you for 5 years will totally dig it! Oh yeah, don't forget to drink your onion juice!

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brutal, baldfags are truly doomed lmao

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>teeth are important when you don't have hair
>get some good quality casual clothes
>chill, if nervous - drink some alcohol
>get used to being rejected, don't stress it - there's millions of women out there
>if you don't try, you won't find out how many women would actually hang out with you/fuck you
>don't listen to Jow Forumstards crying about muh racial purity, muh muts, muh yellow fever - if you wanna fuck a big brapp latina or a thick black jungle momma, then do it
>don't act like prince charming
>don't be a doormat trying to be the "good guy" helping a thot out when she needs a ride or something
>don't fall for the single mother meme

>tfw stuttered today when working up the courage to talk to a qt

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Oh, I kind of agree then. My point is that it does take work and cases like yours are far from the norm. Maybe you aren't as ugly as you seem to think you are or/and have other qualities besides your looks.

Both contribute.

Whatever dude, roll with it. Just become a muscle man and shave your head if it comes to it. But, above all do not suppress DHT. Thats a BIIIIIIIG mistake and its what basically all MPB counters do. This is the same as chemical castration. Avoid it at all costs.

show me proof

Sōyboys can't grow beards and that guy has a fade that doesn't make him look like a low fertility cuck unlike the horseshoe one.

What do you mean by that?

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not same guy but i'm average and i can't get laid

i try acting more confident, and i get even worse responses

are you sure you arent just GL

Same bro

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>Almost 33
>hairline going strong
>smashing early 20's puss easily

It's not a lie

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>it does take work
Not much, unless you have mental issues, like social anxiety and such. If you're a regular dude that happens to be bald, you just have to be well-spoken and take care of your appearance, both of which you should aim for anyway.

>cases like yours are far from the norm
Lots of bald/balding ape-looking guys here in slavland scoring pussy. We got more gold diggers, though.

>Maybe you aren't as ugly as you seem to think you are
Got the big lips + small jaw combo. And big eyebrows.

>have other qualities besides your looks
Lots of money ever since graduation, but never spent more than 5 bucks on a thot.

these images are so cozy i love them

You either come off as an asshole or a creep, bro.
Don't be too aggressive, and if chicks just try to fend you off right from the beginning, then you should just back off and approach someone else.

Taking shitty care of your nutrition will indeed make your hair more brittle and prone to falling out, but the biggest factor by far is sensitivity to dht which is genetic

they are

i know a guy who gets black out drunk every day of the week and does a shit ton of cocaine on the weekends, smokes a pack of cigarettes a day and eats straight up garbage and has a full head of hair

>losing increasing amounts of hair in the shower and pillow
>170 in the shower last night, 35 on my pillow this morning
>hair hasn't showed any recession or significant changes yet
what do I do before this gets worse?

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your hair goes through various phases where it sheds.

shave it and keep growing the goatee. you have a good facial structure you'll be fine bro as long as you dont let it bother you. women can smell insecurity from a mile away and its very unattractive to them

well i'm p sure i dont come across as that, at least obviously

i dont really have a problem with people seeming to at least moderately like talking to me, girls as well i'm usually fairly quiet and try to listen to other people. and p concerned about seeming creepy so i really try and give people space and not seem too demanding

idk man i think i'm likeable enough or at least not dislikeable i am just not triggering any attraction

your hair sounds like its thinning. happened to me. wont be long now before u get rekt by male pattern baldness

i've been losing at least 100 each shower since late october

35 yo just started shaving my head. My issue was being born with a fivehead making any slight receding look awful. My hair is fine everywhere else so I guess i could run some hanging fringe style cut, but I think that looks a bit immature at my age. I've got godtier facial hair genetics so that and lifting helps.
Embrace the baldnut bros.

Maybe you're just too bland in the eyes of the people you talk to. Or you give off a "good beta boy" vibe.
Try being more straightforward with chicks if you wanna score. Don't try to tell them that you wanna shag right away, kek.

maybe but then it's not really so easy is it

if i looked good they would wanna bang anyway, and that's a lot simpler than changing my personality in a zillion ways without being fake

Tried looking up the root causes of your hair loss? Not his only video, but check link rel for an example of the different alternative doctors you can listen to at least might inform you if not reverse the hair loss.
>he mentions thyroid
I've been seeing a lot of modern problems relate to that, this likely relating to the declining iodine content in our food, unlike the Japanese who eat much seafood and don't suffer our problems so much, been planning on getting iodine supplements for various reasons, mainly for brain function. Good luck, user.

>maybe but then it's not really so easy is it
Being confident should be the goal of most people. It's not just to bang chicks, it's also helpful at work, with relatives, friends, etc.

>if i looked good they would wanna bang anyway
You could always blow it with autism. Lots of anons here that look good enough but don't score because their game is shit.

>and that's a lot simpler than changing my personality in a zillion ways without being fake
People have to adjust to the world to be successful. Not the other way around.
There's no sense in thinking about "what if I would be a 10/10". You've been dealt the cards you have now, use them.

You're not that ugly, post a look-a-like.
Also, I don't know about your country, but young, balding men in Beanerland are very rare and if they have girlfriends, it's because they are betabuxx.

>All those maybes.
Man, you're blinded to the truth.

Same shit here except I've had a fucking baby face my entire life
>you'll love it when you're older user!
Now I'm going to look like a literal adult baby once I go bald

memes aside you would honestly look fine bald

based my maternal grandfather had hair until the day he died i think i’m good

Mormon preacher game is goat.

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30s are the balance between physical strength and knowledge you have gained through years. After that you get smarter, but become weaker. Just like before were stronger, but more stupid.

I would rather have a baby face.
People think I'm five years older than what I am since highschool.

Are you in the southern hemisphere? The Australian summer fucks my hair right up every year. It's just so fucking hot and dry that my hair becomes really weak and brittle. Then I'm thick as fuck again 6 months later in winter.


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>Suspicious complexion

>height matters
>I'm 5'4" and I fucked three 7-8/10s in the past two weeks
The 6'2" lanklet copes by posting mogs when in reality this 5'4" mogs him in terms of face, personality, status, money, life quality, and body.


>be 16 a few years ago
>life is literally so stressful that hair starts falling out and i grow a bald spot
>fast forward to now
>full head of hair and girls dig my wavy blonde look

Besides my height, life treats me good

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Hair starts falling out in HS due to stress
are you me?

Too much fapping, caffeine, or dairy
Something is highering your prolactin, prolactin makes you shed

based jude law

Im 27 and have a full hairline and i rarely drink. Although i smoke pot occasionally i dont do other drugs.This is legit

THANK GOD. Now I know my hair is just maturing

also 24 here. I never thought I could be doing worse. Sorry duder.

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did they control for the fact that women who have bald fathers are more likely to marry bald men? most studies have shit methodology

I've seen you make this exact post on so many threads now...


I think it is real, maybe not doing it has more evidence than doing it. Example there was a time I was on SSRI's. SSRI's make your facial muscles atrophy (theres an actual study on this), and during that year, my maxilla atrophied a bit. I got a smaller jaw, midface recessed a bit, and flatter cheekbones. I compares to my previous pics and everything. I can mew again but, but my muscle memory thinks my maxilla is already forward, so i automatically mew wrong unless I extremely conciously 24/7 try to correct it, especially in my sleep

all you receding hairline cunts need to fuck off, nobody even notices

it's when you lose hair on the top of your head that you are fucked

You look fine with your hair down. I'm actually impressed.

30+ is prime male years for alphas. Sorry you have shit genetics that can't keep it together buddy.

Suck that you're balding but I'm impressed by how effective that cope haircut is.

I got laid way more from 22-27 despite balding than i did from 13-18. Thanks steroids!

In reality it was probably because when i was a teen i was a sperg when it came to girls, could barely talk to them alone without making it awkward as fuck. Still managed to bumble my way into losing my virginity at 16 to the hottest girl in the school somehow.

trust me, mine is going. I'm starting to lose the middle island of my hairline too :- /

It's true that women don't notice. You still appear to be a full-haired person to everyone who's not balding (baldies can spot it a mile away), but your overall attractiveness declines a lot. Having hair like mine makes something look "off" about my face in a way that's difficult to put one's finger on.

>hairline is still holding strong at 20 yo
i swear to god if i lose my hair i'm seriously going to kms, it's all i have left

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fuck ive started shaving my head since it shed past the point of no return long ago and i don't think i have a good head for being bald at all. I have the dreaded megamind skull. People tell me to grow the beard for balance but it looks reddit tier and pubic and having a shaved face or stubble only makes my head shape look even more unbalanced and alien like. im only 22, what do i do bros

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thanks, yeah me too. When I switched to no shampoo my hair got a texture that was much more 'sticky' and matte and it let me have cope bangs that work really well. The one bad thing about it though is it means it's going to seem like I went bald really suddenly when the haircut reaches the point of no return.

>already there
im going

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Thats not a fade, he shaved his head with a razor. I am naturally tanned and when i shave my head it looks like that.

You look good bro, you have a normal skull and this style suits you!

Why do most hairlets have prematurely aging skin? Is there a correlation?

thanks user.. though i think that might be a flattering angle. but thanks

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B all day every day, A is acceptable too.
It's just hair bruh bruh

You look like a FtM.

let's see get

what makes you say that? what should i change? might be my long af eyelashes. might cut them off

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