/fat/ - the cycle edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For respectable but weight challenged individuals who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss, but use that thread for general questions.

>Read the Jow Forums sticky (redundant in that you should have already but it covers all the basics of diet and exercise)

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your BMI

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Works best on smartphones
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micro-nutrients)

>count calories, all of them.
>calculate your TDEE at sedentary.
>buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate.
>learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables.
>develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits
>eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight)
>walk, swim, or bike, just get moving.
>start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners!
>post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

>eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
>eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
>drink your calories. alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
>be a retard


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Other urls found in this thread:


fat fucks

Why does Acceptance just immediately lead back into Denial?

After a few weeks of trying to lose weight unsuccessfully from just calorie management and IF alone I finally got my fat ass to go to the gym this evening. I’m really glad I did, I still feel those workout endorphins. I’ll be sure to go every day, if not every other day from here on.

have fun in the morning
t. couldn't straighten my hand properly for three days


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From 6”2 265 about three weeks ago to weighing 251 this morning. So excited. We are all going to make it bros.

You shouldn't go full out the first two weeks of working out if you've been sedentary

my mental fortitude is starting to break

im like 90% of my way through my weight loss but i keep having days with 1,000 useless calories extra and it keeps ruining my progress

Losing weight has consumed my thoughts.
I haven't gone longer than 20 minutes in the past two-three months without thinking about how to lose weight even faster, I start getting itchy if I sit down for too long and I compulsively measure and weigh myself every day.

SW: 126kg/278lb
CW: 104kg/229lb
GW: 90kg/200lb

Getting close to that sub 100/225 mark guys.

Face progress?

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You look like my classmate

I feel you brother

Unless your classmate graduated 3 years ago in NZ :/

based user

Pretty much on the opposite side of the globe but yeah, pretty damn close match with that skinny face of yours

Lighting/picture conditions are too different to get a proper read, but definitely some face-gains going on.

20kg less and my ass is already hurting a lot more from sitting down.
I remember this meme now.

>tfw no natural cushions

acceptance of being fat -> bat eating habits -> get fatter -> deny that you've gotten fatter -> insert cycle

>doing chest
>on butterfly machine
>see two girls directly ahead of me
>they look in my direction
>immediately get self conscious
>choke out the rest of my reps
>leave after only 30 minutes
I fucking hate myself

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>finish 90 minutes on the bike
>have to gingerly peel yourself off it like you tried to cannonball onto a bed of nails

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>Girl next to me is deadlifting how much I clean
>Threw on an extra 5 pounds to feel less self conscious

Start getting those glute gains to replace the fat cushions

Trying to find photos - this was Jan 2018 - around 125 ish.

Am starting to feel this too

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You're in /fat/, all of us have at least somewhat decent leg muscles from lunging this much weight around for years, but it's still less of a cushion than having a fatass.

I want to buy a vitamin D supplement but I have a few questions first...

1. How much concentration is too much? Is 10,000 IU unhealthy to take every day? What is the minimum recommended daily amount?

2. Should I buy a vitamin D combo with another nutrient? I have bad bones and knees, generally lack Magnesium and Potassium.

3. Where should I buy and what's a reasonable price? What's a trusted seller?

1.) 10,000 IU is absolutely fine for a guy. I’ve been taking 10kIU for years with no problem. I only take it during winter though because where i live there is very little sunlight

2.) fish oil motherfucker, 1-2 grams per day minimum. 1-2g total EPA and DHA, read the label

3.) I just buy them from the local wallgreen’s.

you guys seem particularly autistic, so here's a channel for you retards to chat in
discord link: discord.gg/dTwK4Z

Discordfags get out

/fat/ is exactly the threshhold of autism it should be, as is.
It doesn't need the push. Also ideally there's mass turnover and people leave, not stay to make friends.

Can't wait to not belong here - but will help out once made it

That's cool too.


I plan on staying here and helping newfats when I finally make it. We're (fat) brothers in arms.

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>be dicklet
>sit down
>penis turns into mushroom head
i hate it

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Believe me if you hit at least 5” hard you’ll be fine once you get to that size you can figure out how to use it halfway decently. Depends on how much weight you can loose there but it’s not over yet user.

I "only" weigh 230 and my flaccid penis is well over 2" but god damnit my fupa is massive enough to cover it. Shaking the mortal phobia of forgetting to zip my pants lest someone see my freakish baby dick is one of my primary motivators

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how good are dick gains when you lose weight? pubic bone fat is a fucking ripoff

iktfb. ill probably stick around infrequently just to remind myself and help nice dumb posters. but its like graduating from college and hanging around college. eventually you gotta move on to the next level.

Depends on fat distribution. Which is genetic.
I had barely anything on my pubic bone even at 30%+ bf, but I've got fat fucking thighs n hips so my ding dong looks tiny anyway.

my dicks already getting harder and more swole looking/veiny. and ive got quite a bit of pubic fat short changing me.

CICO and TDEE was a great decision

Lost 60 lbs, gained over an inch I think.

Day 2 of only 1200cals or less. I managed 1100cals. Hopefully this pays off next week.

My dad is a member of KofC so I have to go to pic related dinner
I’m glad it’s chicken as it could be much worse
However I don’t really know how I will estimate the Cals accurately - for example, is white sauce one particular recipe or could it be anything?
My current plan is just to stay away from the bread/rolls and dessert and assume the meal is 2000 Cals which I really hope is an overestimate (I realize without portion sizes it’s even harder to estimate but I can’t imagine things being too big)
Does anyone think that’s not enough Calories, or have any other tips on something else that should be avoided?

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Yeah I read it's estimated you get an inch per 30-50lbs. Also well done lad

When it's impossible to estimate I just assume it's a cheat meal that went over my calories and just accept shit happens sometimes. Often times it's not over the calorie limit but how can anyone know without asking the chef to detail all the ingredients and their quantities.

>how much oil? butter? is this low fat or high fat cream? milk full?

it's just impossible to know, gotta be realistic imo

Alright, keep at it. Gets easier to go lower the more you stay low.

5,000 ui is recommended. 2,000 would be minimum. Get MK-7 Vitamin K-2 100mcg. It's good for bones and counteracts some of the damage Vitamin D does to bones. I take them separately as it's cheaper than getting them together.

Fuck your Cals. Avoid corn like the PLAGUE,,,because honestly, it is.
And the kicker? The main thing that makes corn bad is that it contains a TOXIC amount of the same chemical that makes Round-up weed killer so effective, by about...30 times the level the poison control center would say is dangerous. In other words...DEADLY. pic sort of related

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god damn i hate people who dont write summaries or conclusions or have headings like im gonna read a fucking bunch of words looking for the relevant info

i dont even eat popcorn i just wanted to learn something

I just got back from the gym and feel like a million bucks, bros.

well lads it happened, i cracked and ate about 700cal worth of lollies at work. they fucking put then in a jar in the break room and tonight i just was eating them without even thinking.

still probably under the 500cal deficiet but im fucking so disappointed in myself. 25 days i've been strong and tonight i just crack.

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

> I was so retarded, I thought waistline is across bellybutton. Turns out it is not.
My bf is 21%, not 29% boys!

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Just measure yourself at your fattest point if you're still toting around a gunt.
Rules change once it's gone.

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Bros, last month I thought "Fuck it." and started to do cardio, stop drinking and go into diet. I lost 10kg and noticed that following this mentality isn't that hard.

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Nicely done, mate.

"Fuck it" are normally the words that precede the worst life choices I've made, so nice to see them get put to good use.

You'll see that you'll be losing a lot of weight at first. As you progress, it'll get harder. Keep it up, user.

what should I do then

Fat anons recommend me some fun vidya. The least thinking the better probably. I'm just sitting around ensuring I don't eat calories and this is gonna last months and it gets kinda repetitive.

How can you not be losing weight with 'calorie management'. Just count the calories and eat under TDEE. If you don't lose weight it's water retention and you're still losing fat and eventually the water will release.

old school runescape

>As you progress, it'll get harder.

I have around 5kg to go and everything is going so slow

>The least thinking the better probably.
Diablo and Diablo-clones.

It has been 10 days since I last ate refined sugars and processed foods. What's the next step anons ? Should I do cico ?

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>Should I do cico ?
Should've been doing that from square 1.
But yes, that is the next step.

Dust: An Elysian Tail. Or Ori and the Blind Forest.

>Ori and the Blind Forest.
this looks nice ill try get a torrent

my brain hasnt come to terms yet that sitting around doing no exercise is better than exercising and moving all day for weight loss. its like my mind feels guilt that its being lazy or something. sooner or later itll get the message that relaxing on low calories isnt lazy its correct. lazy is just some retarded term people use because they think being seen to be busy means theyre doing something worthwhile i suppose. would never occur to them you can get rich and healthy by just sitting around and having passive investments working their way. but i digress.

Hollow Knight, Gothic 2

you're cute m8
grats on the weight loss and keep at it

>be me
>fat as fuck
>lose nearly 30lbs
>dick grows a quarter inch
Fauk yeah brahs big dick gains

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>t sitting around doing no exercise is better than exercising and moving all day for weight loss
Sure, for weight loss it is. But if you actually want to get a body that looks good, you should move some weights.

def face gains. cheek lines and eyes looking deeper. keep the 2nd pic beard imo.

We're very similar, I started at 124kg and am aiming for ~90kg. 117kg here so you're way ahead of me.

i do lift weights but thats 3 hours out of like 100 waking hours. so almost 99% of the time i'm just waiting around on CICO. previously i thought i needed to do hours of cardio, I'd do an hour on the treadmill or go cycling for an hour. useful but not anything that'll assist me in weight loss goals which is the objective.

I was good all day. I kept my calories under 1000 and had low carbs and high protein. Then After work I was at the gas station trying to find some more deenz and stumbled across a 2 pack of ding dongs that made their way into my stomach with dinner.

What's a good way to lose pubic fat?

I'm pretty sure my roommate has used the stationary bike more than me. Albeit for pissy 5 minute sessions.

I hate that bikeseat so goddamn much. Wonder if bikeseat mounting is standard. Or if the stationary bike's mounting is standard.
I'll figure something out.

lose fat. you cant target one area, you need to just lose fat until your body magically chooses to lose pubic fat.

are you that guy who i told bikes were noisy and the seats were uncomfortable

In my defense, this thing is as quiet as a really quiet thing.

But hot damn, you were right about the seat. I was prepared for discomfort, not feeling like I mentioned "weaboo" in the wrong office. Like gingerly pulling your own ass off a red hot iron poker.


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quiets good.

try a pillow? should soften it and cover the whole area

I have to lose 11kg go be considered human again, so far I have lost 20.

11kg might not even be enough to be lean, but the way I see it, every kg after I reach 85kg will really make a difference. There's is no way, it's fucking impossible to be fat after reaching 77kg, specially taking into account that I lift.

Hopefully next month I will only have 5kg left to lose.

Been stacking various assortments of pillows, towels, cushions, and anything else that's soft and incapable of resistance being shoved under my fat ass. Makes it tolerable.

Thing is though, I like to ride this bike like it's a $20 hooker in the blocked handicapped stall in a sleepy midwestern KFC, while tripping on a homemade mixture of expired ketamine and powdered orange juice: for hours on end.

Thinking of getting one of these. Something like it. Probably not this one in particular, I don't think I need a backrest on this thing. Can't pop wheelies on a stationary bike quite yet.

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Is this the perfect meal? It has yet to be topped

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hope youre as focused on CICO/TDEE as the bike

>switch to OMAD
>lose weight rapidly but eat like shit
>decide to eat some veggies for my daily meal
>can't finish the plate because it tastes like shit
>end up getting barely any calories
>it's been 6 hours now
HOLY FUCK I'M HUNGRY, veggies are a meme

I prefer brown rice for fiber gains but it probably doesn’t matter.

Don't worry, brother, I haven't eaten in 2 days and don't plan to start until I can see the future when I close my eyes.

It's pure profit. Probably.

Nigga you need to season veggies and put a little oil on. They taste good when you cook them right

You mix them in an existing dish, roast them, season them, whatever. They're like fluff to fill you up.

pretty kino. when i get bored ill cook that up. mmm chicken rice and broccoli. based probably chinese poster

Nigga go buy the frozen zoodles (WITHOUT sauce) and havem that way it it's a texture thing. There's a whole world of frozen veggies that have been changed to appeal to 5 year olds.

fatnons im getting metro exodus cause it looks like my kinda game. im not really a gamer anymore but if anything im FPS from CS/DoD days back when.

Alright, have fun, don't fuck up your diet.

Aww shit I was gonna reply with a vg recommendation then changed my mind and left the arrows.

never. being pigheaded stubborn and high functioning autistic finally comes in handy

>Lose lots of weight
>Legs get a lot skinner
>Belly still same size

Man fuck this.

>tfw i know friends and family think i'll fail because i've failed so many times to lose weight
>they don't know I never knew about CICO and although I was trying my hardest I was doing the wrong things
>now it's working

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>lose lots of weight
>belly the same

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No rice. Also, 16 oz of chicken thighs has twice that many calories -- are they skinless or something? Is that a half-pack serving?

>135g rice 480kcal

Surely that's uncooked?