Do you do deadlifts on leg or pull day

Do you do deadlifts on leg or pull day

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deads on pull
squats on legs

Ive been doing it on leg. I don’t want to carry my belt around on both leg and pull days. Should I really be doing deadlifts on leg day?

Where do I put my belt when I’m not using it?

On pull day?*

why would you diddly on leg day? deadlifts don't work legs silly boi

Jeff Cavalier from AthleanX dot com told me the beginning of your deadlift better be a leg exercise otherwise you’ll run into all sorts of issues like lumbar spine injuries

it should be a leg exercise with your back static and stable until the bar passes the knee

anyone else is headed to snap city

Probably a dumb question, but are sumo deads more leg dominant?

Yeah that’s what Jeff Cavalier from Athlean X dot com told me. I’ll switch deadlifts to pull day. But where do I put my belt when not using it? Should I just wear it 24/7 like I see some others do? Just lug it around?

not squatting rn so we dead eryday.

this type of thinking will offend some people, but if you watch me I never failed a rep, and like yesterday wherein I was a bit higher load than I maybe should have been and juggling my grip on a couple reps... too much weight. but then if we go back to 200 and just double over hand everything. 205 the next day, eryday. well that person is just a lot stronger for it.

we farmers carry and do back extensions in the other gym, so we may not look particularly explosive, but watch my forearms day after day. as volume is accrued, tissue just gets a lot stronger.

Another day

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Deads are for back mate, they involve legs at the start of the rep but a standard deadlift primarily trains back.

What day are romanian deadlifts for?

>But where do I put my belt when not using it?

how is this a question? how do you go through life without being able to make just the most basic decisions


>is the hamstrings back or legs?
big think

you don't deserve help.

Christ almighty just put it down where you're working out, where else are you gonna put it?

>wearing a belt.
wtf is wrong with people on this webside

> cant figure out where to put belt
> has to ask people where to set something down
How have you made it this far in life if you had to ask this question? Are you legitimately retarded? Just put it down you flapjack, jesus christ.

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Prefer it on leg day, because otherwise back day would go fucking forever.

Squat every lift day alternating front and back squats on first 3 lift days and deadlift on last pull day.

>He doesn't wear a belt
How are you supposed to discipline children, smart guy?

hang yourself with the belt, but before read the stick.
pesky newfags

> doesnt wear a belt
Want to know how i know you’re a dyel?

Pull day, day after that is legs n shoulders 4 me so i completely trash my legs on squats, then kill them with leg extensions n leg curls.

It's a push motion


back day