Who wins 1v1? Alex looks like he has more functional strength and is the bigger guy

Who wins 1v1? Alex looks like he has more functional strength and is the bigger guy.

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everyone else

What's happened to Alex's show? I know they got kicked off youtube but i havent really been paying much attention since.

Alex aged 10 years in 6 months.
Hit that wall dead on, no survivors.

THEY are trying to silence him..

he literally works for THEM

Leftist censorship

This. He's a Zionist and a Freemason.

Anybody who’s seen joe rogans spinning back kick knows the answer

Is this even a question you retard that's Joe Rogan, who holds multiple black belts and can spinning back kick your soul out of your fucking body vs Alex Jones, who is nothing but meme fodder and a tinfoil hat-tier conspiracy theorist pandering to a retarded incel hyper-right retard group so they'll buy his snake oil products.

I hate Alex Jones for the damage he's helped do to America but goddamn are the memes so fucking good

yeah rogan would kill him
much more fighting experience

BJJ tickle matches are not "fighting experience".

fuck i didnt know alex was a manlet


Joe doesn't actually know how to fight.

Few of the videos of Rogan actually fighting people involve him just putting them in headlocks and calming them down. I doubt Rogan would do spinning kick in an actual street but with that said he'd probably just wear down AJ with some hold.

> hehe my martial arts are far too deadly for sparring

AJ is literally a fat drunkard and probably a coke head. Why is this even an issue? Joe Rogan was never a superstar MMA fighter, but he's way more muscular, and could destroy Jones.

I'm well aware that like 30 years ago Alex Jones was actually quite muscular and fit. That AJ could take on Joe Rogan. Not current fat ass drunk boy.

AJ looks like 63. Joe Rogan is older than he is!

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>muh muscles

Imagine the stress a man goes through when he spends his entire life exposing (((conspiracies ))) and as soon as he gains significant momentum the powers at be collectively shut him down 1984 style. I'd probably break under the pressure and end myself.

that recent podcast was brilliant

hate him or love him alex jones sure is fucking interesting

He got btfo by reality

Look at all these plebs ITT that don't know bout dat dad strength. Alex would rip Toe Rogain in half.

"they" win if you dont join the fight on the astral planes

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I d give the fight to Toe Rogan.
Alex would waste to much energy screaming and Toe would kick him ftw

He s still wrong about the Himawari 8 though...

All images in the GOES archive are processed in McIDAS using GOES channel 1 visible and GOES channel 4 infrared data. The underlying colored land image is from the NASA Blue Marble Next Generation data set. When using this basemap for web or other publications, please provide the following credit line: The basemap was provided by the Earth Observatory Team - NASA

Then we wrapped the flat map around a ball. My part was integrating the surface, clouds, and oceans to match people’s expectations of how Earth looks from space. That ball became the famous Blue Marble.



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I think it's pretty obvious who would win


"They" are going to win no matter what. we will be adopting the Chinese sesame credit system and unrolling self driving cars by 2025, eventually we will implant thought monitoring devices in the name of security and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

they are both 5'4 manlets


>Lifts for one month
>starts posing


wtf didn't realize Alex was such a manlet. Isn't Joe like 5'6 yet Alex is even smaller.

Can already read an change our thoughts right now user.
This tech has been on the market for a few generations now.
Media is a mass brainwashing scam and Rogan is part of it.
He lets JUUUUST enough real shit to go through so that the other stuff can be easily pushed onto the populace without them knowing any better.

The trick is to know what he's talking seriously about and what he's being told to say.

hes a fucking kook man. He made his fame talking about fema camps and becoming a cult leader. No he went 180.

An hour video of a man who has never been in a fight. I find it crazy how some people can get so delusional.

Depresses me how little Fit knows about fighting, Rogan is a machado black belt and a 10th planet black belt that should answer your question.

It wouldn’t even be fair, Joe would beat him into red mush

Sandy Hook was a false flag

So he’s fucked a lot of dudes?

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nothing is ever over as long you draw breath

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