>and you eat how many eggs per week again?
>per day!?!?
And you eat how many eggs per week again?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Here take these addictive jewpills
Dinosaur doctors that graduated in the 60s talking about dietary cholesterols making your heart explode lmao
All the eggs, doc. All the eggs.
>Dozen a day 6 days a week
>TFW I can't have a normal breakfast with other people
>4 inches????
All of the eggs every day. Couple pounds of red meat, too. Total cholesterol of 140. Fuck off, doc. I got this. Pump your poison in another man's veins.
at least four
that shit'll turn you into a sexual tyranosaurus
When I was a lad, four dozen. Now, five dozen.
>I-I'm sorry doctor, ever since I passed out in the street and woke up in this guy's apartment the keeps feeding me bowl after bowl of eggs
50 eggs?
100 eggs?
250 EGGS?
>and an online imageboard told you that deadlifts are useless?
Based and Gastonpilled.
>I eat 4 eggs a day.
I jewtubed an introductory to amino acids and apparently eggs have a virtually complete list of essential/usable aminos. As well as many necessary minerals plus macro and micro nutrients. 4 eggs a day is enough to maxi out your daily need according to science man in video and following research.
Take this pill that will fuck up another part of your body while uneffecively help another. Please come back in 6 months for the next pills that will fix the new damage while damaging other stuff.
And if you weren't a mindless retard, you would develop enough knowledge to realize that this is easily done with any other source of protein provided you don't only eat one type of food, instead of thinking you just learned something from a video.
Every source of animal protein has every amino acid. Chicken. Pork. Beef. Milk.
almost zero but i look like shit so
>gets told someone makes an effort to eat 4 eggs a day.
>calls me a retard
You sir, have made a compelling argument for a mentally challenged person.
>FOUR scoops, user?!
>You drink HOW much milk?
>A DAY???
>it's good you're getting plenty of exercise. How much cardio are you doing?
You didn't provide any counter-point. The only verifiable fact here is that you're a retard for assuming knowledge based on one video when that "knowledge" is so incomplete that it doesn't provide you any understanding of how it works.
>ok... and last question. are you sexually active?
You need the essential amino acids per day. Yes you can get them from various sources, but that's not ensuring you've maxed out on those aminos, my amigo.
This is the only one where the doctor is right.
"For you baby, I could be."
How's this for a start? *flexes benis*
>"For you baby, I could be."
Yeah, and so you assumed that just because I said "I eat 4 eggs a day" that THAT MUST BE ALL I EAT.
Either 1) your English skills arn't super great or 2) you're too exceptionally retarded to be giving anyone advice on critical thinking.
>I'm picking both 1 & 2
around 15k/week my good sir. i'm slowly increasing the distance and i actually enjoy running
>You idiot, you're not supposed to be doing any cardio! You'll kill your gains!
stfu anti-egg FAGGOT
kek based doc
How do you anons eat your eggs? Hard boiled? Im new to eggs so I eat them scrambled, is that a terrible way to eat them?
Boiled semi cooked is the best
All other ways destroy the nutrients
Or just raw if you arent a pussy
>Im new to eggs so I eat them scrambled, is that a terrible way to eat them?
No, it's fine. I highly recommend watching this video on making scrambled eggs, changed the way I eat them: youtube.com
You don't have to go all out like he does, but the biggest learning point is to take the eggs off the heat once in a while to make sure they come out nice and fluffy. I normally eat mine with a bagel and some cheese like a sandwich.
I like the Lonely Island too.
I eat mine boiled so that I don't accidentally burn away any part of the egg, don't have to clean a pan, can be done without me being in the kitchen 24/7 keeping an eye on it, just boil water and set a timer
I cook them in my rice cooker, takes about 12-15 minutes + 2 minutes of cooldown/peeling/prep
I cut the egg in half then sprinkle some pepperjack cheese on both sides
The secret to great scrambled eggs
>cook on low heat
>mix in lots of minced garlic and some cottage cheese while cooking
>take out of pan and eat a little less "done" than you'd normally think is okay