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Fitness #498
Anyone here have any tips on doing deadlifts (and SS in general) with kyphosis and/or scoliosis...
-Unpopular and Controversial fitness opinions thread-
This is the ideal female body, you may not like it. But this is what perfection looks like
Black guy here, how do I make my hair grow longer. I want to get one of those fancy high top fades
Newborn babies prefer to look at attractive faces, says a UK researcher...
Is hitting 1/2/3/4 equivilant to turning super saiyan 1 for the first time?
What are Jow Forums's thoughts on microdosing?
What did you think?
Started my first job this week at 31 after spending my entire adult life so far NEET
This is an official bro ass rate thread
Prioritize these: sleep, diet, routine
Quitting weed
Arnie humiliates "classic" physique winner
Are big muscles useless in a fight?
Current Body Thread
How’s the /cut/ coming bros
Does anybody else where a hoodie for the first few exercises then take it off to reveal the pump?
Haha i showed a bunch of girls this pic and they said they wouldn't sleep with this guy...
Is golf Jow Forums?
Is walking your dog good cardio?
How common are aesthetic men in your gym?
What does it taste like bros
Go off diet
Is caffine addiction a real thing?
Lifting for women
What am I doing wrong?
This is testosterone toad
If you are under 6 feet tall, you are basically a woman...
/fat/ - galactic fatties edition
Who else /large bladder/ here?
How the FUCK
Do gym thots like anal? It seems like it since they show off their ass so much. I’m asking for a buddy
I found a good workout program now all I need is an app where I can log everything. Which is your favoirte workout app ?
How heavy can you bench press for reps (10x8 or better) with dumbbells, and how long have you been lifting?
Post lifting tats
Welcome to the Salty Jow Forumsoon, how tough are you?
What do you think of their bodies?
How not to age like Dane cook?
Facial Care Thread
Vegetable thread
Can I get the final redpill on eggs?
Test raising
Benches 600 lbs
That guy who thinks he's gonna make it but only goes to the gym 4 times a week
/plg/ powerbloating general
This shit is in everything
*destroys your elbows*
I bought a tub of muscle milk today. Tastes like trash. Boomer parents said it was good protein. Was it a mistake...
/fast/ - #395 - Lent Edition
Motivational thread
You've time travelled to 2005
How does this make you feel Jow Forums?
That guy who always asks what's wrong with this pic
Yes I workout chest and shoulders on the same day
What % of your gym can bench 2pl8
Do most gym thots enjoy anal...
Vegan Hate Thread
We are recruiting in a fit related groupchat. We have ketofags,twinks, powerlifter thot, depressed cunts and big boys...
Darkness under eyes
Where were you when one pencil-necked basedboy BTFO all of fit?
How much can you lateral raise?
Has anyone here ever had any experience with these (bulk pure whey protein straight from the dairy manufacturer)?
What are you eating on your cut?
Everyone and I mean EVERYONE on this board are DYEL losers...
Have you ever cried at the gym? Today I cried after finishing my session
*blocks your path*
How to get this big naturally?
Post manlet inspiration
When it comes to routines, it seems like most people here fall into the following categories:
This guy is just awesome. He is the natty king we deserve, not scooby
89 years old
Daily reminder to keep nofap BUDDEH
I am an ectomorph, I’ve been lifting for 3 weeks now. Any advice on how to achieve the ottermode body properly...
What do you think about somatotypes??
Nice muscles user... too bad these muscles were useless against my spear
Lads can someone tell me volume of this scoop (comes with Optimum nutrition) in ml
This is a real ad I saw on Instagram. They're encouraging normies give up on their bodies...
Everyone says: "when will manlets learn"
Is Calories In Calories Out a meme
Is a 2 plate bench for 8 reps good by normie standards?
Rate this routine
I'm doing stronglifts 5x5 for about 4 months...
Take the McPill
Jow Forums humour thread
Experts Say Making Babies Vegan Could Cause “Irreversible Damage,” Vegan Mothers Don’t Care
Hey Faggots
The Lenten Season
How to escape this?
What’s your opinion on muscle bimbos Jow Forums?
I took the vegan pill and i feel awesome
Could you beat Batman 1v1?
Can't progress past starter gf because not attractive enough
How's it going Jow Forums? Are you ticking off those new year goals?
/sfg/ - Sexual Fitness General
I asked 10 women i know if they like this body and every single one of them said he (jon skywalker) looks gay they were...
This is what lanklets actually believe
Daily reminder that today is Ash Wednesday a holy day of obligation and Lent starts today
/sig/ - self improvement general
What's up guys
Can you do planche push ups ? i can't for the love of me, what's your secret to do them ?
As a girl, I was wondering if there is any way to make my hips wider?
Help me get thin again Jow Forums
Decide to start going to public gyms (have a home gym)
What type of girls mire your gains, Jow Forums?
How do I get a CUTE body?
How the fuck do you stop eating with a wife/woman in the house...
On some strong / high dosage of steroids / testosterone
High protein
Hi. im a transgender guy...
What are some subtle ways to know if a gym thot wants to bang you?
Eat high fat diet (keto, carnivore, etc)
Sex healty gen
Whats the best brand/type shirts you can wear to work that shows off your gains?
Your best bench and your weight
Is having a mustache more aesthetic than having a full beard?
Are we doing all this (fitness, self improvement, meditation, reading, nofap, coldshowers, looksmaxing...
Do nofap
Walk into the gym
Rapid Eye Movement while awake
Who is the most relevant fitness youtuber Jow Forums recommends to watch now?
Jow Forums hair general
What am i in for?
Acne Thread
People still think bugenhagen roids
How often do you poop?
Is drug dealing the most high test hobby? I've never been laid this much or felt this good since I started
Who /Muscular Christianity/ here?
Doing boxing 7 weeks now
*sips tea*
What's he listening to?
Are you lifting for look or are you lifting for strength?
Looking to put a barebones gym in my garage and I know nothing about brands
Does Jow Forums use nootropics? I’m thinking of buying pic related, it has mostly positive reviews...
Tfw chest hairlet
Maximimum raising test levels
1- how many months / years u train
Has lifting made you more attractive to the opposite sex?
How the fuck am I supposed to eat 3300 calories a day
Does anyone ever bring animals in your gym?
/fat/ - "It's a big sugar industry conspiracy" edition
Friendly reminder
How long had you been lifting when you reaslised 1/2/3/4 actually referred to multiples of your body weight?
How does a male be feminine and well built?
Too pissweak to get my own mires, gimme some of yours Jow Forums
Human cells can only divide about 50x untill they die
Psychedelics and Fitness
I hate being a wageslave and not having enough time to be me and enjoy myself and focus on my fitness
Back Squat
This is a Jason Genova. Say something nice about him
/plg/ - powerblogging general
That fat shit who thinks he's buff because he benches 2pl8 x5 but it's just a bodyweight bench x5
NoFap General
Is the pump as satisfying as having sex with a woman and cumming?
Day 14 of noporn
What's the deal with grip strength and deadlift?
It's not gay if I spend 30 minutes on my glutes r-right?
How long did it take you to get to 1/2/3/4?
Mire thread
Every time I do a deadlift and the bar moves over my dick, I'm reminded what they took from us. How do I deal with this?
/feels/ thread || Sad Ben Affleck edition
Bored at work, pick my free smoothie of the day
Is this a good tat? Halfthor has it
God damnit Jow Forums
Not sure if Jow Forums related, but how do i get rid of acne and bacne? I still have it at the age of 27
Does this really work? I want to become better at chinups and not sure how to progress. Is there similar programs?
How Chad is your gym's population?
Take the bugpill
Rank ass farts
Is creatine a meme or will I get these kinds of gains?
Get your shit together and stop balding
An imageboard is not a substitute for social interaction
How important is flexibility?
How the fuck is Greek yogurt so based?
I cannot escape this monster
Hey Jow Forums bros!
Beats the shit out of chad and all of your aesthetics heroes turning them into 1/10 brain damage ugly cripples
Why even bother if you're not gonna roid? Behold: the natty limit. He's 145 pounds here btw
What is the best bulking food and why is it Toad In The Hole?
How the FUCK do you fast for a full 24 hrs? its so fucking hard
What type of exercises should i do to prepare for fight sports?
Are there any particular methods anons recommend to stay motivated to work out even when having long shift work hours?
Why do brainlets think McDonald’s is BAD?
Body improvement
Matt Ogus
/fraud/ - Steroids Generally
Why lift to look tough
Workout partner
Get a call last night
Can bent over rows replace deadlifts ?
Boxing intro song
Daily supplements thread
Is this undeniably the ideal physique in 2019?
Is it possible to get this body without steroids?
What’s wrong with this image?
UK Jow Forumsizens
What will purely training Brazilian Ju jitsu do to my fitness and physique?
High Blood Pressure
Meal kcal estimation thread
What does /fit think of girls boxing?
Jow Forums says gloves are for pussies but this sucks
Right shoulder hurts under my front delt after benching yesterday
Unironic martial arts for self defense
The dick is just one big muscle
How to fix masturbatory muscle imbalance
Every time I try to start running...
What's some ways to make a protein shake more interesting? Preferably without fruit...
What comes after getting Jow Forums?
Jow Forums will defend this
Estrogen rich diet plans
That guy who drinks water in between sets
Obnoxious people at the gym
I truly believe we are all going to make it, bros. Not just physically, but also mentally...
I have never worked out in my life but as God should see fit... this is...the power of world class athlete
I just got myself pic related but how the fuck do you start with this? I cant even do a single rep...
/murse/ - male nurse general
6'1 Asian friend
Has your taste in women changed significantly since you went full Jow Forums?
I want to go on a weeklong fast... how much would this fuck my hormones?
*hair goes white at 25*
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
What should you do if you have a burning pain a cm left of your belly button...
Is dating a pornstar good for gains?
Why the FUCK do I eat so much?
Muscle Tear?
Mfw girlfriend threatens me to break up if I go from fat to buffed
You eat steak WITH eggs? No wonder you have heart problems
ITT: them gym stories
Strongmen vs bodybilderbergers
Does anyone else like Jow Forums chicks with big legs and smaller upper bodies?
Lifting with Jesus
What is the minimum entry-point to builtfat status?
Penile Lengthening
Estimated body fat? Will I look decent after a cut?
Autism can’t get you a cute girlfr-
Is he really natty or lying?
Why do asian girls like muscular men so much more than western women do?
If i am trying to gain mass should i work out every day...
Smiling at the gym
Cooking thread , Jow Forums edition
If deadlift is not good for mass, is it at least good for building functional strength?
The average single guy who lifts should be getting laid with 20 different attractive women per year with minimal effort...
What kind of weebmusic do you listen to at the gym?
Holy fuck, i was wondering why i wasnt growing eating 2000kcal a day
Wait, there are people who dont use electric razors?
Who /immigrantmentality/ here?
What should the curve look like?
Muh squat
Cutting Motivation
Get rid of self-harm scars?
This cat is guarding the entrance of the gym. How do you enter anyway?
Most fit jobs
Give me some health and fitness tips i want to be healthy and look good
What does Jow Forums smoke?
How to get rid of this fat?
Why does Jow Forums enjoy shitting on their fellow man instead of supporting like women do?
Face Aesthetics
How do i brie mode?
I can't tell if i have this or not
Even Koreans are getting on board with Lookism, why haven’t you taken the aestheticspill yet?
How can I whiten my yellow as fuck teeth?
/nofap/ general
You don't need to go to the gym today, Jow Forums
3 wishes
How do you relax...
Are you carnivores worried about getting a gout?
Who did you vote for in 2016 and how much do you deadlift?
I'm not a big religionfag but I've been going harder in my workouts since I've started seriously listening to what the...
Best shoes for weight lifting?
Do men hit a wall like women do? Is staying fit the key to avoiding it?
What ever happened to that Jow Forums Thailand trip?
Say it with me:
ITT: post your all time favorite workout song
There are people who unironically do not lift for our lord and saviour Jesus Christ
Just shave it
I used to starve myself cuz mental lelness and didnt like being horny all the time...
Be me
/fat/ - "it's an endless cycle" edition
/fast/ - #394 - Pre-Lent edition
Best fast food items?
Transformation thread
This soiboi is going full blown crazy white knight faggot...
Does Mewing Work?
2019 Spring Babby Cup Jow Forums Roster Poll
High-test thread, post pictures/videos, whatever that raises your test levels
How can women compete with this?
Fat femanon
Any of you guys actually get compliments on your jawline? If I jut out my jaw from my neck, and suck in my cheek fat...
Post godly tier bulking food
Rate my stats
Post more brutal MOGGS
Are powerlifters basically fat fucks/skinnyfats who started lifting and never cut or actually got Jow Forums before...
Why the fuck does it feel like my asshole is opening up at the bottom of the squat
Taraining with women sucks
It’s in our Deenz cans, it’s in our tuna, our water bottles, fucking everywhere...
Hell yeah lads finally got that bodyweight strict press. (80kg @ 79kg bw)
Any genetic lottery winners? If so... what's on your mind?
Lifting music?
Anxiety at gym
/cbt/ zoomer dance edition
Do you use one Jow Forums?
I have learned something about life
This is the body of the best living wrestler on planet Earth. 5'10", 170 lbs
Which flavor
Cutting feels thread
Zyzz will be 30 in a few days
Ive hung out 6 times with this chick, and i cant get hard each time. Shes even asking me if im asexual...
Did you go to the gym with your mom?
Some normie called me a loser because i workout
What can I do with whey besides water or milk?
Do you drink your coffee with milk?
Whats the point in even trying
Skeleton Thread
How much respect did you lose for Scooby when you realized he was a fag who takes it in the ass?
So I've been on omad for a couple of months though, and recently I tried nofap for a week
Beardlet thread
Women aren’t str-
Spotter General
What can I do to grow JUST my butt? I don't want dinosaur thighs or anything else just a big butt what should I do
Guys, I finally did it, I hit the 1 pl8 bench club. 1 year ago I started with a weak ass 55 lbs bench
A man should be able to bench press his body weight at least 12 times
Jow Forums Give me your opinion??
Time management
ITT symptoms of being a numale beta soiboi bugman
I've been thinking about how to talk to this cutie at my gym...
Self Harm Fitness
This is the result of body positivity
How fast do I have to be before I can wear arm sleeves?
Walk into gym
How do I talk to women at the gym Jow Forums?
What’s acceptable gym attire for a girl?
Keith flint of the prodigy an heroed at 49
Jow Forums why are you not eating liver?
Who here plays chess and solves tactics in-between sets?
Do your push ups faggots
J...just gotta take a little nap bros
/plg/ - powerbloating general
Natty Vegan
/vegan/ thread vegan general
I lost ten pounds(170>160), my ass is smaller and my stomach hasn’t changed at all
Does fit incorporate fermented foods into their diet?
Be about to get up and do a set
You've just been convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison. You, by some magical faggot...
Redpill me on laser surgery
I lift for her
How do i avoid this?
Beta Carotene
Does Mewing actually work?
ITT: why we lift. i lift so i dont end up like him
How do i overcome gym anxiety
Redpill me on drinking raw eggs Jow Forums
The survey
Take the /bugpill/
Guys, i just discovered an ultimate Jow Forums secret and i have to share
Workout music megathewad
How long should it take to go from 15% to 10% bf? assuming 500 cal deficit lifting heavy compounds 3 times a week
What exercise leaves you sore every time?
Why does scooby still make vids? No one watches them
Go climb some plastic holds bolted on wooden walls in a hangar, user
What stats do I need have to wear this in the gym and not look like a loser?
How the fuck are suicide rates for working people not near 100%?
Imagine doing keto instead of fasting for optimal fat loss it's like you want to be fat your whole life fatty
Is it beta that girls approach me?
Dear Jow Forums
Do you guys ever skip a lift you don't want to do in order to get yourself to work out? E.g...
Jow Forums Mental Health Thread
6.1 inches
Why do guys like this have more positive comments about their body from WOMEN on instagram than guys who look like Jeff...
Can I get these kinds of results from Creatine?
Guy at the gym always makes fun of me for being fat
How do I cure this?
ITT: High Test dogs
Welcome to /fraud/, the steroids and coping general. Seething, vengeful natty copers get out
Got fat off his diet and never dropped it
Another day, another relapse
/fat/ - believing in yourself edition
Just a few more reps user you can do it!
Trips and Boogie lives forever
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Lets start an experiment Jow Forums
Is this baldcel natty?
Why do some of the best boxers look like shit even though they're close to peak physical fitness?
Wake up
Dick Size Superiority Announcement
Natty bulking is a joke. Please leangains bulk
Arnolds training program
Fat powerlifter betrayed by her own intestines
Why is almond milk so expensive?
Rip zezz
I've never punched anyone in my life, but I can bench 2 pl8s...
Jow Forums people drink water soluble powder that was produced in a factory
Thanks for the tip on eating 6+ eggs a day
Not being a muscular doctor
Cursed Jow Forums pictures
Fitness Tracker devices
Today i lifted for the first time in almost a year, i almost forgot how awesome the pump feels
Nofap thread
Keto is retarded for anyone doing sports, you won't have enough energy to perform at your best...
Form check please
Bicycle discussion
What is the most satisfying lift in your opinion?
/nofap/ - Day 1
Wake up
Who of you autists wrote this?
Motivational thread
Did you really think I'd let you get away with your gains that easily?
He didn't fell for the carnivore meme yet
My new gf can’t orgasm...
Motivational thread
Calorie Meme
Jow Forums, I need to negotiate
Why do you call bodies like this dyel...
*blocks your fridge*
Ethnic males of this board
Hows your cut going bros?
Is coffee bad for you?
Posture check
Mire thread
I remember those days when I used to be a dyel
Why do my legs face away from each other? Does anyone else have this or do I need to train legs more?
What's the best cooking oil bros? I'm leaning towards pumpkin seed oil or walnut oil
When did your hairline start receding...
How Jow Forums is your college campus?
How many people on Jow Forums lift to compensate for a small penis?
Motivation thread
Friendly reminder
*IG fit thots*
Dandruff and shampoo
Front Squat Alternatives
Rowing Machines
A test e vial is only $30
Does any of this shit work? I've been drinking the Fit Active lemonade and it's really tasty...
What is the worst race in the gym?
Acne Control
Official hairloss thread
What's the name of this exercise?
Anyone else think Lanklets look weird/awkward?
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the right?
Arm thread general
Has anyone on Jow Forums ever ascended? Either by plastic surgery, roids, lifting, social status luck, etc?
What is this mode called?
Why does everyone like this movie again?
Who else is self initiated?
Called gym owner
Test levels
Mfw i realise im bisexual
19 year old manlet here. Just how bad is my general body shape...
Has anyone ever grown taller after 18?
Natties don't really need that much protein to justify drinking whey
I want to look like bugenhagen, how the fuck do i do it? this guy has the perfect body, literally thick, solid, etc...
Can tattoos enhance your body aesthethics?
Post what you've eaten today. Let me know I'm not the only one suffering
/fast/ - #393 - Fast Until Someone Loves You edition
What is this lift called again?
Spend years lifting
Talking to female trainer?
Squat Goblins
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
This can't be real Jow Forums, no way
How long do you spend in the gym?
Killing a Ram or Ostrich
And last question
I fucking knew it lads
Just found out i have wide hips, i dont know what to do
ITT: Ideal Physiques
What time does Jow Forums go to bed and wake up?
Whats the worst plateau you had to get over?
Do you take rest days Jow Forums?
Get invited to lunch with new coworkers
Redpill me on stopping soda
Can we get a Boomer hate thread
/plg/ - powerbloating general
Is nofap and especially noporn just something useful for people with genuine masturbation or pornography addictions?
Training for selection
Calorie intake
College lifting buddies thread:
Is this the ideal body?
"what did I tell you about leaving sweat on the bench before I use it faggot"
Does anyone know where I could get original Old Jacked preworkout with DMMA in it...
Beardcels on suicide watch
ITT we rank sports in terms of athletic ability/strength
It's cheat day my dudes
Neck Training is a meme?
How goes your societal gainz brehs?
See any guy smaller than me at the gym
Rate my body
Eternal FPS/FPH thread
Show me your protein shakes Jow Forums
Sir user, thou hast depleted the stocks of milk by drinking one gallon per day. Where perchance do you plan to get more?
Carbs are bad
1/2/3/4 for reps
This is the bare minimum required for a woman to feel the sheer life affirming exhilaration that she gets by being near...
Jow Forums careers general
/fat/ - self-sabotage edition
Will doing lowbar squats be an issue if i have a tattoo...
*walks toward you and flexes*
Just got my blood work back, test level is 240 ng/dL
No matter how hard I lift
Greentext your last visit to a doctor
Motivational Thread
Fitness cringe thread
So I'm starting gym tomorrow. I've been doing mixed step aerobics for the last 3 months and it was going slow...
User take your shirt off and show us your muscles *teehee*
Sfg/ - Sexual Fitness General
/fat/ How am I doing? Plus tips
How to get thinner skin?
Your brutal truth
/fbt/ Fictional Body Thread
*stops your run*
Can lifting save these people?
>some (((people))) on this board aren't on keto diet yet
Memes aside, how do I tell if I'm low test?
Enough talking about fucking whores, hair and height
Is counting calories really necesary?
Friendly reminder to clean your shaker bottle
Routine Rate Thread
Is constant ketosis for years on end safe?
That guy who yawns in between sets
Please spoonfeed me the best moisturizer and sunscreen product
Should i eat a dozen eggs a day
/plg/ - powerbloating general
What's your weirdest gym experience?
What the hell is wrong with men today? Why is there a hyper-obsessive push towards faux-masculinity...
Navy tape test puts me at 13% body fat
How to achieve this body type ?
Fucking fuck, I got banned from my gym for doing Roman salutes at myself in the mirror inbetween sets...
This guy is the Arnold strongman classic champion and that is his gf
Why is this board so fucking negative nowadays? Where is the based "We all gonna make it!" mentaility...
Who do you lift for Jow Forums
Not taking steroids
What Jow Forums related place or activity will allow me to meet women in their late 20s/early 30s?
He OHPs in the squat rack
Where my master race manlet bros at?
It’s a simple question Jow Forums, what’s yer height/weight, how much do ya squat?
Acne from lifting
How do we get more women to exercise and stay in shape? Obesity is getting out of control
It's already March. You have gotten out of your bulking phase right?
Help God damn it, I can't live like this anymore
Since it's been widely accepted that being vegan is much more healthy in this day and age i've decided to follow a...
Who has taken the bikepill here, Jow Forums? all you have to lose is your bodyfat...
Does posture exercises increase your height by any significant margins?
What's the Jow Forums lifestyle to prevent hairloss
Are you retards still doing this?
I'm only attracted to 10/10 qts
/fraud/ - steroids and anti-natty action general
Post your BMI and one other fact about yourself
Why do you live?
Fitness? self deprecation
I lift for Brittany Venti. How about you guys?
Imagine not worshiping Odin pre/post workout, and thinking you will make it
Tfw you finally hit 1pl8 benchpress
Slow vs fast reps
What mode is this?
Remember, Jow Forums
Vegans can't have aesthetic ph-
How do you REALLY get big calves?
How you holdin' up, Jow Forums?
Somebody unknowingly made a perfect comic to represent Jow Forums
Wins WSM 2022
I lift for Meghan Markle. Whom do you lift for?
What the hell does 1/2/3/4 mean?
I won't make it guys. Just go on without me, it's ok
"thank you next" is now stuck in your head for the next 72 hours
MMA Meme?
Hair Loss Prevention
Jow Forums help me lose my love handles completely
Why is it so perfect?
How do i get a body like this
Pushup Thread
Mire thread
What's the best way to lose as much body fat as possible before going to the beach in two weeks?
Who here /farmerstan/
How to fix ugly
Do you or did you ever catch yourself in the mirror in just a way that completely unmotivates you...
You're doing your cardio, right user?
Frustrated newbie lifter. Six months of no aesthetic gains whatsoever
What kind of workout do I need to do to achieve shoulders like these?
No fph thread
When did you realize how disgusting it is to share laundry machines...
Everest Is the ultimate Fit Test
/Run/ General
Progress Pics - Winter Bulk Edition
Going out is pathetic
Who here /doomer/?
This is considered dyel according to Jow Forums
Arnold Strongman Classic 2019 #2
Ok how do I fix this shit
Natties are Pathetic
Now that the dust have settled, does mewing really work?
CBT: Disproportionate proportions edition
Would not eating for 12 hours straight be considered intermittent fasting?
>1.6% body fat
You can only do one exercise for the rest of your life, what do you choose?
Am I too fat?
/swim/ -swim thread
Is Klokov one of the strongest, most explosive humans to ever live? 185cm (6'1) 105kg (230lbs) with the following feats
/plg/ powerlifting general
Name a better place than Jow Forums for fitness advice
Does your gf lift, Jow Forums?
Let's settle this once and for all: is Twunk Mode the ultimate mode for aesthetics?
QTDDTOT best waifu edition
Music for lifting?
Tfw lifting for 3 months
Can't remember the last time I got morning wood
How do you eat your eggs?
Pic related cost me $25 for the week
Is Jow Forums engaged?
Is it possible to be too fit?
Is this body achievable natty if I’m white and over 6’?
When were you finally happy with how you look?
Why do some many thicccc women become landwhales after a few years?
Is pic related possibly natty?
Elite genetics thread
What type of girls mire your gains, Jow Forums?
Hey anons. I want to gain weight. I am 175 cm 55,5 kg (5' 9" and 121 pounds)
What's your go to protein bar?
The cure for low testosterone
Ok i'm now absolutely sure I wanna start a vegan diet...
Any boxers on here? Am I really better off gettin into a gym/with a coach than trying to self teach...
Arnold Strongman Classic 2019
Big phat round ass
I dont drink party or do drugs outside of LSD my only pleasures in life is cooking & enjoying food how do i coincide...
If you're not proficient in anything by the time you're 18, you'll never be
/fat/ - cardiac arrest edition
Arm Thread
Ok, so I got fit, now how do I not be an autist around girls
How can I convince my gf she would look better if she bulked? She's 5'7" and 120 lbs
Guys who shower at the gym--they're just looking for dick, right?
Height averages
Doing anything less than 6 reps when your goal is hypertrophy
Why are all the turbo chads gay?
Fit political
Post bulking food
Song recommendation thread
Should I trust a personal trainer that aesthetically looks worse than me?
Motivational thread
How do you think we can realistically address the obesity and metabolic disease epidemic affecting the western world?
Alcohol calories
Is drinking just ONE bottle of beer per week bad or good for your gains ?
Finally have big arms
It's safe to bench pr-
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Plz rate
What is Jow Forums eating for breakfast this morning?
Im starting to think at least 50% of this boards posters dont even lift weights from seeing so much retarded shit being...
Is alpha destiny right? Are chin ups the key to building big arms and lats?
Do these very lean guys who look this way all the time never eat a pizza? I mean who doesn't like pizza...
What hobbies do you have fit?
>tfw 5'9/116 lbs
How does if feels to know you'll never get on my level? I'm richer than you...
How do you tell if you have low testosterone and what are it’s symptoms. Nothing conclusive online
Who do you lift for Jow Forums? Post you liftan motivation
Why not pee in the sink?
Is losing 200lbs in 1 year just from diet change and walking possible...
What do you call this body type Jow Forums?
Sildenafil/ Viagra/ Cialis
Imagine the smell
/nofap/ general
Another day of trying our hardest and doing out best
/htt/ High-test thread
Veganism is terrible for the environment
I hope you all remembered to squat at least twice this week
Hard work
Motivational thread
Blocks your path to the bench
How can you even compete?
Women just keep eating and growing fatter every year. And they still expect a man to take good care of them...
/plg/ Powerlifting General
/sfg/ - Sexual Fitness General
Just did my 20 daily squats, rate my abs after 3 weeks of working out
Be you
Muh hard work
/fast/ - #392 - DON'T CRY FOR ME EDITION
Breathing Masks
What is your plan when you hit 40 Jow Forums?
Hey guys, longtime Jow Forumsizen Chem's in jail, we were gonna get a thread going where every post...
Why is my old man so cunty?
That's the ticket, son. Try lifting just the bar to get a feel for her
Have you made it fit?
Why does every girl at the gym do this exercise now?
Just got done with an intense workout. How I’m looking fit?
How did you quit your porn addiction?
Help me complete this chart
Decide to go on reddit despite all your advices
I come to announce that today it has been exactly one year since Aniki died...
Gym Headphones/Earbuds
What type of girls mire your gains, Jow Forums?
Will you lift for me today, user?
Manlet cope general
Who here so wraped at selfe imporvement that they cant go out clubing and having fun
Triples your HGH production
Trap doms
Stop lifting youre losing so much weight
/sig/ - self improvement general
I made this
Was the father right here?
Mental health thread
How do you know if you have long or short femurs?
Im doing keto
How do i get this V shape?
How much can your wife squat?
Help im not hardgainer
User you dont need big muscle I like you the way you are
300kg squat PR
He doesn't start his day with some bix
Hello Jow Forums i am new here. pls dont bag on me if i seem retarded
He doesn't lift to be strong enough to throw the fuck down when checking someone's privilege when they issue a...
Making Canned Fish Edible
Getting rid of spiteful thoughts
Physically fit and white
Who are you bros fit for?
This is DYEL according to Jow Forums
100 pushups
This girl is bigger than you. How do you feel about that?
Any smokers on Jow Forums? If so, how long have you been smoking and do you ever think about quitting entirely?
Been fasting past 2-3 months
Sauna stories
Tfw 33 year old khv
Hey bro, can you spot me?
Reminder to start your cut
Did Strong lifts for 2 years
Is there a better cardio than cycling?
Why do many people keep saying that bodybuilders have small cocks? I there any truth in that?
Is it normal to get really fucking emotional during a hard cut...
What the ultimate Jow Forums core show, vidya, ect?
Is fasting a meme?
Gym degenerates thread
Can anybody here clearly explain why a push/pull split is not as effective as other training splits?
How's that oral fitness user?
What body fat percentage would you say this is? And how much lean mass do you need to pull off this look?
Do I have to drop video games if I want to become Jow Forums?
Fit related stories
So yeah, I'm fat
Have any of you had positive results from using a large dose of LSD to fix your depression and a general lack of...
Are OHP (barbell and dumbell), pullups, and dips enough to work my upper body...
Is this an alpha or beta exercise?
He said oly lifters have no lats
Does Jow Forums shave their body hair?
Friday night
And you eat how many eggs per week again?
How do i achieve this mode?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship