Does Jow Forums shave their body hair?
Does Jow Forums shave their body hair?
Please kill that with fire
Or at least nair it
fuck, this is me
shaving brings out the veins. if you shave legs ur a faggot tho
No one here is remotely close to that body, so we don't care, but to the 1% that have it I would say they should do it
I have no chest or back hair. Austrian genetics I guese
I use an electric trimmer because I have sensitive skin that doesn't handle razors very well.
shaving your body hair is pretty gay desu
I trim it, as anyone should. I shave my back though. No girl wants that. I use this Backblade thing that I bought off Amazon. It's basically a backscratcher, comb, and some razorblades put together; but it works well and I just do it in the shower every now and then. GF touches up the spots I miss with a regular razor.
The only body hair I grow other than pubes are these long, mealy nipple hairs. I use nail clippers to get rid of them once they pass the 3 inch mark.
Just armpit and crotch. I shave my stomach for cutting to show off gains when I go to the beach or go fishing.
I did a lot more regularly before I started dating the girl I'm with. Now I only do it occasionally. You should do it though.
I’m thinking of paying a whore just to have her shave my entire back.
i'm a turbotwink who still has 0 chest hair at 23
so no not really
Alright lads I took your advice
>tfw alopecia totalis
1000% better user. Now go put on a nice shirt and feel the difference
Much better. Shave the front too now.
Is there any kind of guide on what is ideal? I'm like harry everywhere. I'd probably have to shave legs if I shaved my back. It just all blurs into one area to the next.
Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me good chest hair and no back hair.
How old are you?