
Gonna give nofap a try again, have only done it for 2 weeks. You guys got any tips on how to make it?

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Cameltoe is patrician fetish

Don't fap.


>day 5 no fap
>gf comes over
>only last 30 seconds
fuck no fap

1. don't look at pics like that

Yes I have thought about that scenario. If you were to expect sex you could just fap in the morning that day.

It saddens me to see how many Low T men exist on this board, nay, this world, that they fall for bullshit like NoFap.

I do no empathize nor sympathize. You are the useless garbage of this world that will never be a father, a warrior, or a leader.

Yea just make sure by day 7 when super models are showing up to your door and trying to have sex with you and venture capitalists are cold calling you to run billion dollar companies on their behalf you let them know that you're only on day 7 and they should get a hold of you at day 14 if they can manage to find you after the aliens from outer space abduct you to make you their leader because of how high your testosterone from not touching your little wiener.

>don't fap several days
>have sex with gf
>variety of positions, speeds
>can't nut, erection failing, eventually gassed and stop
No fap doesn't fix everything

>expecting benefits on day 5
>day 5

unironically never gonna make it

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day 58 here

I feel like the sexual tension is going to make me explode any time a girl even glances in my direction

I have lowered my standards from lithe slim blondes to anything with a pulse that's not obese

the only reason I'm still going is SEX and sobriety--do not do drugs, it'll inhibit your dopamine circuitry from rewiring

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I very much enjoyed reading this post

What worked for me was becoming desensitized to porn and realising all the tasks i should be doing

>>don't fap several days
Found your problem


No, vanilla.

You're still on nofap. Think of the name it doesn't say nosex. The whole point of nofap is to make people so horny they go out and meet actual women instead of masturbating all day.


Start by not being Satan and posting lewd pics in every nofap thread. I mean, you're either Satan or the dumbest fucker Ive ever seen.

Actually no. You can increase and accumulate energy like many great mens have done in the past who also believed in semen rentention. It's more than a pua retarded trick and theres more to life than trying to get laid with a random thot.

Don't allow yourself to look at any porn of any caliber. don't expect to get superpowers because they are mostly placebo and the ones that are real are on a person by person basis. Fill up your time with absolutely anything from morning to night as to not give yourself a chance to wack off. You should just do meditation anyway. use all of your extra energy for creative things and working out.

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That may be true, but the whole premise behind the nofap movement is for guys to get out and get laid.

You know it
Those nails are disgusting

Delete all of your porn. And don't visit porn website. And don't visit Jow Forums

I’m unironically on day one of nofap

Look how small that guy's balls are what a faggot

Nope I disagree. The premise comes from the observation that over-masturbating has perceived detrimental effects on a man's health, energy, looks, etc. By "over" I mean relatively to one's base sexual fortitude. Depending on many factors, people can get away with different frequencies of ejaculation without perceiving negative effects.

I think we are agreeing and disagreeing. There are two "parties" in the nofap movement: those who want the supposed "super powers" and those who want to get laid. Depending on what end game you're going for can help you decide which path to go down.

>muh energy
Lmao, that's momscience.

If I'm too busy doing something I like, I don't fap.
Tends to only happen when I'm waking up and haven't gone out yet, or right when I get home and haven't started anything yet.

Occasionally I'll do it deliberately in the morning if I have something important to do, and I don't want to be distracted during it.

I'm so fucking bored, OMG, the odds of me getting laid seem incredibly slim, and super powers...are not fixing my loneliness.

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the biggest problem is porn. fapping is fine, but most of us are consuming to much porn, so you get numb to "normal" stuff and you start to look for something new and something more extreme because normal sex doesn't make you hard anymore. spit,piss,hairy,traps,scat etc all that bullshit comes from to much porn.

what helped me was "audio porn" so you have to use you imagination again, and voila, i find all these fetishes i named before disgusting again, how it should be.
try it. fap, but don't fap to porn videos.

Didn't read.

>do nofap 1 week
>peak test
>try fucking a girl
>can't get it up
so I'll have to go monk mode for 90 days or what? fucking hell I was just getting my mental health in check and making social gains to go back to the cave? she's nice and had a perfect cameltoe like OP pic, and I fear going cocoon mode will make us lose touch.
What do lads?

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Fuck her but don't cum

i lose my libido entirely if i do nofap for 1.5 weeks +. it's healthiest when i fap ~twice a week

And if you can manage it, maybe make her think it's her fault.
I was completely psychologically desensitized for my first GF, so I'd just make her cum over and over, and then play it off immediately like it was my fault that I didn't get off, so she immediately took it as it being her fault. Made her all cuddly and shit, it was great.

lmao you guys don't realize how bad it is. She sucked my dick and I didn't even get a chub. I watched porn but couldn't maintain it to put it inside her because whenever I looked away from the screen my dick went limp again.

ive fapped so much and seen so much porn that ive become numb to the orgasm. these days i only fap every few days because it just doesnt interest me anymore.

That's a high tier humor post

Just forget to fap. The only reason you do it is because you aren't having a fufilling life man.
I accidently did nofap for a month because I didn't have thise free times to sit back and rub one out.

Same for me. This is the reason why I started no fap for the lulz now. I'm already 2 days in since I don't even feel like fapping.
Last time, I went little over a week and couldn't even get it up if I wanted to.

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>all nofap/noporn threads have softcore porn in the OP image

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Doing god's work user, posting ugly asian roasties to kill our boners

Thanks, I think I'm the chosen one

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10 years ago this pose wouldn’t have done anything for me. But now that I want kids this pose gets me instantly hard. It’s the babymaking cum inside me pose

That's good to know, i look at these pictures and sometimes i think there's something wrong with me for not getting hard, but i'm realizing it's way more psychological than i used to think

Your story of having a girl with you trying to fuck you but you're watching porn instead and you can't get hard is frankly terrifying.

Don't go monk mode. Don't isolate yourself. Text people. call people. hang out with people. Don't isolate yourself. Don't watch porn Don't isolate yourself. Don't watch porn.

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Don't look at porn.
The times I've been sucessful at nofap, I didn't even get on Jow Forums at all, even fit because of shit like these guys
and even just OP's pic.
Don't beat yourself up about starting to fap; I'd find myself lying on my stomach fucking my hand when I wake up in the morning, just stop, drink water, piss, and start your day.
If you do fap, do it no more than weekly, set aside some time, use lube/moisturizer (just use a fefe honestly) and do it for a while, minimum 30 minutes so you don't train yourself to cum fast. It's best to do it when you're actually fucking into something vs. just moving your hand.

mfw I relapse again

> be on omegle
> after countless cocks end up with some thai bitch
> frustration from no fap makes my member rock solid at the mere sight of a female
> whip out thedong™ she raises eyebrows but doesnt disconnect
> literally 2 seconds pass and i blow the fattest nut of all time. Easily 10 seconds of nut
> she gives a thumbs up
>i disconnect in sorrow

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I get this every single time i have sex. and have for the last 12 years.

Anyone who falls for this is a fucking retard except for the guy who invented it. He's my fucking H
Hero, he managed to create the biggest Internet troll ever.
It's funny how it works. People invent some bro science shit about fapping and delude themselves into becoming more alpha lmfao. "Girls started looking at me." Guess what, I also look at other people without wanting to fuck them.

And the funniest thing is when they start quoting some Chinese n=20 study. Do you motherfuckers even realize how much variables you would have to consider to get an even halfway significant result?
- You would need a way bigger sample size
- Are they healthy, overweight etc?
- What do they eat and how much?
- Do they workout and how much?
- How much sleep do they get?
- Are they stressed?
- Do any of them have Varicoceles?
Etc, etc..

I unintentionally have gone without fapping for months, it doesn't change shit and the funniest part is this: Someone does no fap for 4weeks and they'll tell you "You need to do 90 days so your body can reboot!" . Then they do 90 days and they'll tell you "You need to do a year, your brain is damaged and needs to fix its receptors!"

Stop looking for a chemical reason and get your fucking shit together. Work out, don't be a fucking weirdo and you'll manage to get girls. If you look ugly and are autistic, well tough luck.

Ahah best post, and don't be a weirdo, aha is the best part aha

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made me kek
don't worry fren, you will make it.

You will be tempted by your own mind many times to cum and give up. Don't do it. Focus on the long term. Set a counter but don't track it every day, keep yourself busy and don't think about fapping or nofapping and it will be far easier. Here is some motivation:
>Mass dump of anecdotal nofap
>Book on beating pornog addiction (very good, has helped many anons)
>Donald Trump says he has been on nofap for
>Supernormal Stimuli: The Seduction of Our
>Increased estrogen receptor alpha immunoreactivity in the forebrain of sexually satiated
>Viewers of pornography have a smaller reward

I highly recommend pairing nofap with daily mindfulness meditation, it decreases cortisol and will help your brain recover faster, especially the pre-frontal cortex which plays a role in motivation and shaping your personality.
It also shrinks your amygdala, which is responsible for the fight or flight response (what makes you sperg out around women and people in general and avoid them).

it helps to have room mates
you want less privacy, more social engagement
share a bedroom

What's wrong with hairy? It's normal