Physically fit and white

>physically fit and white
>addresses doomers and lost young men directly
>anti-intellectual and traditionalist
>went from normalfag to complete loser, to chad
>centered on self-improvement
Is Elisha /ourguy/? I've been watching a lot of his content lately and it's pretty inspirational.

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>dark hair


He's ethnically northern European.

there is one way to tell if somebody isnt white

their hair color

Stop looking to youtube retards for fulfillment. You will not find it there.

There's plenty of content that points you in the right direction for fulfillment, though

Why would you not aim to be a Renaissance man.


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i've watched one or two videos of his and the way he articulates himself pisses me off. literally a brainlet


I have been watching him too he is a great guy prophetpilled.png

At the cost of suppressing other hormones that makes you appear youthful

>men are now creating entire youtube personalities centered around not masturbating and not being a pussy
WHEW lads, get a real hobby

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Just found his channel a week ago and have been binge watching his stuff. It's all stuff I already know but I still enjoy it otherwise, if not just because he speaks in a motivational way.

Infinitely better than everybody on the talmudvision

Cigars it is....but on whites it makes u look tougher. Plus u age fast anyways

Lmao at disgusting pale Nordic freaks coping

except his genes are from northern european ancestors
look at sean connery, dark hair and eyes, looks like a spaniard yet he's 100% british

yeah, much better to shitpost on CANALQUATRO instead

Didn't he fuck an Indian?

>there is one way to tell if somebody isn't white
>their hair color
Really? My grandpa was German and had pitch black hair

I am sceptical of black hair. Brown hair sure but black... depends if you consider Mediterranean’s white

name 3 blonde blue eyed philosophers

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Kek look at this loser. Infor one was born with really pale hair, near white even. Now I’m in my mid twenties and my hair has darkened quite significantly and my facial hair is darkish as well. I am white and I dont even know any non-white people, they’re generally disliked where I’m from (for their behaviour and beliefs)

> medinigger