What is your plan when you hit 40 Jow Forums?

What is your plan when you hit 40 Jow Forums?

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>living until 40

TRT by 45

To keep good health and activity levels in my 20s and 30s so i look 10 years younger than everyone around me

an hero

Bench 200kg

Blast and cruise at 30 4 lyfe

TRT on my 40th birthday.

i don't think i'll live for that long. maybe until my parents die so i can safely quit

an hero

Vietnamese ladyboys, coke and guns until excess of either one of them kills me.

based and redpilled

Hopefully had 3 or 4 kids by then.
Hop on the roids
Have enough money to pay for my wife's surgery to make her pussy tighter and her tits porn looking nice fix up whatever is sagging and shit.
Rail the fuck out of her til she's dead

>Have godlike body
>Being healthy as a horse
>Have connections worldwide
>Big amount of cash

absolutely based and depressedpilled

I'll have been on TRT for at least 5 years.



Fuck if I know lol let's be honest.

I'm already thankful for all i accomplished, I'll stay modest. Own my own home, and travel with whomst I'm currently planning on proposing to. I don't want kids, only reason is I don't want to take my chances ending up broke because of them, or them ending up anything like the majority of today's generation. I was 'cool' when being '''cool''' didn't mean being an idiot asshole. So help me God my kids look up to youtubers and emulate SoundCloud rappers. Lmao for real though, anyone who recently graduated or still in HS, pls tell me what the standard of being cool is nowadays.

>pretending that being "cool" wasn't always a shit show

Hopefully at that point I'll have a house. Maybe even with a mortgage already paid off, that'd be great.
If I have a family by then, that'd be great. If not, I guess that's fine too.

>waiting to use roids
Never going to make it

Probably what everyone else is doing. Have some job, a house, family, a hobby or 2 and trying to enjoy life idk

>not wanting to have a walking breathing reflection of yourself to continue your bloodline
>not wanting a loyal wife that will support you
>not wanting to cruise on roids when everybody around you is sagging

i'll still look like a 20 year old because by then I'll have developed a telomere lengthening drug that doesn't end up in cancer or some shit hopefully

>a telomere lengthening drug that doesn't end up in cancer or some shit
It's called organic tobacco boyo

Almost 40 now. Completely natural and look better than most 20 year olds around me. Will keep training and progressing until I die

unless things significantly improve, bullet to the head

Nothing to live for so.. steroids and speed till I have a heart attack.

Anson Mount.

I met this guy on a film set in Calgary. He's a weird guy but he's totally chill. Likes Bluegrass

Hope they've made major strides to treating and curing aging by then.
>all the fatties get rejected for the treatment

initiate directive boomer phase 2

That would be in April. I intend to keep doing what I do now. Hitting the gym, eating good food, drinking good wine, enjoying life

Get on gear and die fucking huge

Cringe and bluepilled. You're responsible for your own life. You can have the life you want if you start now. Quit being a pussy, grow some balls and edgelord your way through life instead of being a gay asslicker.