>muh hard work
LOL do people actually believe this is better than having good genes
>muh hard work
LOL do people actually believe this is better than having good genes
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Useful thread.
Steroids even the genetic playing field. Then it is only how hard you work.
Well obviously people can overcome bad genes with hard work. You'll still be at a disadvantage but you can't fix genes so why stress over it? You can still work hard and better yourself with bad genes.
isn't that what you come here for? To feel like shit
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard
go back to ur shithole u piece of shit >>Jow Forums
And talent tend to not work hard since everything come easy to them at the beginning so they don't develop work ethic required to take it to the next level.
how is this picture about genes you stupid idiot.
its about talent vs hard word and yes indeed, hard work will always top talent if talent is not paared with hard work.
Pretty much no such thing as genes.
>talent is unrelated to genes
based bloomer
based dumbie
>implying hard work and discpline isn't genetic
>random stats in character creation.
>accepting your fate.
The mere notion of a rigid fate is a spit-slap to the human condition. It's like accepting shit like the bitch you are.
Of course it is. With only genes you don't get any fucking willpower gains. With shitty genes it's all willpower. It's basically trump VS Eisenhower.
>steroids make you tall, give you good bone structure, proportions and insertions
Big think
Literally everyone in top 10-15% of any discipline are hard working “talented”/genetically predisposed individuals
“What is better – To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature though great effort?”
Luck > genetics > hard work
Goods genes will still lose out to good genes + hard work.
Like fucking clockwork the r9k faggots come out of the woodwork to bring people down. Stop projecting your insecurities onto us you low life incels.
Bros we can’t make it like this with r9k constantly demoralizing us
They're just reassuring their own insecurity, and looking for confirmation that their shit genetics will never make it. Protip: they're wrong.
Genetics isn't the reason they live at home pissing in bottles. Fuckers never worked hard a day in their life other than to look up the name of an oddly specific indie hentai they forgot the name of.
Take the black pill, it's all genetics.
You're nothing but genes reacting to the environment.
Ultimately you're nothing but environment expressing itself in a novel way.
The honest truth is if you have shitty genetics you'll never achieve anything of note.
It's subtle because it's not necessarily that you can't achieve greatness just that your fucked up mind state, which is a result of your shit genetics, will trick you into thinking you don't have a chance and thus you never will get close to dedicating the time needed to achieve anything.
If you believe you can and you try you'll end up better than those that don't try. Period.
Whether you're in the top 20-50% remains to be seen. If you don't try you're already in the bottom 50% guaranteed.
If you get it you get it. If you don't you'll dismiss me as edgy. What you chose it already genetically determined so don't stress either way.
>When talent fails to work hard
Also invariablly you'd gain/become talented with hard work
How the fuck is muscle dependent on Genes. Literally everyone has the same muscles
People who emphasize the importance of talent, genes, anything beyond their control, are children who haven't learned personal responsibility.
You're a pussy, basically.
Too much good shit is dismissed as "edgy". Part of living in a feminized society.
>literally posts rants and opinion pieces by one of the biggest roided up mentally ill brainlet retarded gymcels in existance
yeah bro, 30 FFMI is totally possible natty so is 21.5" arms at 6' LMAO
deal with it retard, natty limit in FFMI is 25 for the average person and that's already pushing it
it's all about genetics, only genetic OUTLIERS reach anything even close to 26 FFMI in a lean state
And they only represent 1% of the talented people because the 99% gave up.
go back to your suicidal degenerate board
>people think talent is genetic
Genes are only able to determine basic factors of talent, such as influencing intelligence, muscle mass/recruitment, sensory abilities, etc. There aren't genes for being a better painter or whatever.
The vast, vast majority of people who are at a professional level of whatever given activity or hobby have actually just spent a huge number of hours doing that thing. "10,000 hours" is not a meme. Often they started as children, which meant their adolescent development was geared towards succeeding in that area, on top of having a fuckton of free time to spend mastering that skill.
You don't need to be born a top .01% retard savant that came out the womb playing piano in order to be a good musician.
This destroys the delusional faggot gymcel
There is a clear cut limit for the vast vast majority of humans on this planet, no matter how you train no matter what you eat you can't obtain a significantly bigger FFMI than 25 unless you're obese, it's just how things are.
Cope harder.
>LOL do people actually believe this is better than having good genes
Fuck you jew faggot, who could be behind this post but a jew?
It's a coping mechanism for people with shitty genes. One could argue that work ethic is genetic so if you can work hard you've atleast some desirable trait. I've shitty genetics and I've come to terms with it. Just trying to get out as much as possible.
This post is how millennials were made
Did you know that epigenetics is more important then your genetics?
That how you live your life, your diet, your environment, your daily activities, and even your own thoughts change the way your DNA is expressed and thus over time your very DNA is altered?
You're right.
You are genetically inferior.
You have made yourself genetically inferior.
Why are you here?
Why are you poisoning the minds and ruining the rest of the men and women and even teens on this board who want to become better versions of themselves?
If you are content with your inferiority then go lay down in a fucking ditch and die there you genetic floatsam.
You'll save all of humanity by not passing on your rancid DNA.
The point is that that 1% is enough people to completely drown out the “untalented” hard workers.
>those links
>that image
Really not.
That 1% is rightfully lionized and used as a way to help inspire others.
However idiots like you try to create a narrative that says they are only genetically blessed and no one else can every do anything like that and to even try or be happy with the smallest victories and triumphs while striving towards that goal is a waste of time.
People like you fucking disgust me.
Millennials were made from not bothering to put any time or effort into anything
This is where the thread should've ended. What people tend to mistake for talent is just someone who worked way harder than they did.
Talent and genetics are easy excuses for the majority who know they're ultimately responsible for themselves and their successes, but they'd rather blame other things because it means they don't have to take responsibility for themselves.
People who underestimate the importance of talent, genes, anything beyond their control, are children who haven't learned to differentiate reality from Sunday morning cartoons.
You're coddled, basically.
>you're coddled if you don't realize that the vast majority of people could do the vast majority of things with enough time invested and enough effort
>they are only genetically blessed
I literally said they’re hard workers, retard
>and no one else can every do anything like that
Yes, people with lesser potential cannot achieveme what people with greater potential can. Even a highly intelligent person cannot be an Einstein or a Tesla, it is literally impossible for the average human to compare, regardless of effort.
>try or be happy with the smallest victories
Literally pulling straw men out of your ass at thi point, what do “smallest victories” have to do with peak human performance?
kys imbecile
Are you 12? Be honest.
Being able to work hard and have the discipline to keep doing so, is a sign of at least a few good genes to start with.
One who works hard at life in general, keeping mind and body in shape will always be in the top 1ish % of humanity. And will enable you to gain a top tier life.
there are people who don't respond to exercise, meaning they get literal 0 to negative gains
anyone diminishing the importance of "talent" is just a retard
gains goblin posts should be removed from Jow Forums
if you dont think someone working hard beats someone that is just talented then you are delusional
Even with good genes you need to do SOME fucking work
They were told that trying was a waste of time and not cool.
The only thing teens who wanted to try at something from back then had that told them to work hard towards something was sports and fucking anime and manga.
Now anime and manga is all hardcore faggotry and magical hand me downs with no one working hard or striving towards anything with no clear goal in mind.
except the majority of people will never look like bodybuilders, ever, EVER,
He doesn't have good genes.
The kennedy DNA drags his shit down.
Look at his other son by his kennedy wife.
The daughters are hot as fuck though. His sons are a twink probably homosexual and that fat sack of shit.
The bastard son he sired upon his maid(the one that we know about because nigga was fucking his way across the rainbow I mean everything that moved without anything resembling a condom in sight)that we know about is a genetic wunderkind.
I don't know about fitness but the world is filled with "smart but lazy" types that achieve nothing and less intelligent people that work hard and get what they want
>vast majority of things
70% is a vast majority, but nobody gives a shit about 71st percentile athletes. There are hundreds of thousands of tennis players, nobody gives a shit about the 60001st best one.
>enough time invested
>haha, you may be a prodigy in your field with a great career and success, but in 30 years I too will reach your current point as you continue to improve beyond the scope of my lifetime, so take that!
Because they won't put in the time and effort. "Could do" is not the same thing as "will do" .
>your personal successes don't matter if anyone is more successful than you
Are you retarded user-chan?
>I literally said they’re hard workers, retard
You state that the genetically blessed 1% drowns out the untalented hard workers.
I say that very way of seeing things is a mental poison that tells people not to try or strive for anything.
>>and no one else can every do anything like that
>Yes, people with lesser potential cannot achieveme what people with greater potential can. Even a highly intelligent person cannot be an Einstein or a Tesla, it is literally impossible for the average human to compare, regardless of effort.
Einstein is a fucking fraud and everyone from his time knew it and screamed it at the top of their lungs and tesla is more myth then man.
You people and your insane polymath super genius mythology disgust me.
Worship of others by telling people that they can never achieve anything even with hard work is evil.
>>try or be happy with the smallest victories
>Literally pulling straw men out of your ass at thi point, what do “smallest victories” have to do with peak human performance?
>kys imbecile
I'm sorry.
That's not how "strawmen" works you stupid fucking evil piece of shit.
Getting better.
Achieving something.
This a succession of acknowledged small victories collected over time all adding up to ability.
Claming that people can't get better becuase people existed that achieved something is fundamentally fucking retarded on every single goddamned level you can fucking imagine.
What in the FUCK do you get out of telling people that shouldn't try and to just give up?
>hard work beats talent
>no it doesn’t
>haha, it doesn’t matter if talented people are better as long as you are happy
This shit can't be stated enough. Either make excuses or take responsibility!
Not to be a dick, but everybody saying that good genes make you lazy is bullshit.
EXCELLENT genes mean wealth, luck, athletic excellence, strong family lineage of prior Chad's and a far above average work ethic.
We've all seen these people. They are destined for swedish model wives and a top spot in any pack.
Good genes can just mean decent athletic ability, decent intellect, etc.
Great genetics can not be beat, that is like saying you could be a better deadlifter than hafthor.
You can become an impressive, innovative and respected lifter, but you will not ever lift as much as he did yesterday.
That doesn't knock potential of hard work AT ALL or the idea of individual attainment, however there are limits and strengths we all have that some people are simply less limited by.
no, look at the average FFMI of 3DMJ elite bodybuilders, guys who have been bodybuilding for several years straight, many have been doing that for decades, look at their FFMI lmao.
The 25 FFMI cutoff works for good reason, it's a good "cutoff" for natty FFMI potential in a lean state, only very tiny ammount of outliers exist, they don't disprove the natural limit.
>EXCELLENT genes mean wealth, luck, athletic excellence, strong family lineage of prior Chad's and a far above average work ethic.
No it doesn't.
Are you fucking retarded?
Wealth and luck has has nothing to do with genes
And athletic excellence and strong family lineage has a higher CHANCE at producing strong children.
Go shove your genetic right to rule nonsense up your fucking ass dogfucker.
>not everyone is willing to take massive amounts of steroids
Holy shit who knew, fuck off you pathetic waste of humanity
>excellent genes mean everything goes well
That’s stupid, do you know how many athletes start at poverty tier living? According to your logic, since the parents have good genes(since thats where you get genes, parents) there’s no way somebody who is born poor could become successful. Fuck off
That is literally what a straw man is. Further, if the prospect of being the best prevents you from doing something, that’s your own retarded mentality that you have no business projecting on normal people.
People paint, play instruments, tell jokes, cook, have sex, and lift among a million other things with no intention of competing at any level or making the activity the center of their lives, but they do not delude themselves that they could be in the top 10% if the just put some work in.
It doesn’t matter how much you lift and diet, if your insertions are shit you will NEVER look like the models am bodybuilders you look up to.
That’s a simple fact and no amount of coping will change that.
If that makes you not want to lift, then you are afucking faggot and I direct you to kys.
This retarded self delusion is exactly why we have people thinking you can jus be Arnold with some lifting, thinking obvious roiders are natty, and people being afraid to “get too muscly”, because they’re fed fairytales by feelgood retards.
That's exactly what it is. I didn't realise it til now.
>The point is that that 1% is enough people to completely drown out the “untalented” hard workers.
That's not a straw that's the exact logical conclusion that one can draw from your line of thinking.
And some level you know it.
That's why you put it forth and continue to put it forth.
I also never at any point in my entire post said anything about deluding people.
I stated quite fucking plainly that those few people at the top, no i'm not talking about the wealthy evil oligarchs that run things in america and across the globe, I'm talkign about people in truly meritocratic fields who achieve things should be looked up to and used as an example to follow.
Not to blindly think that everyone can be in that top upper echelon.
It's bullshit.
No one in the real world says that.
Only scumbags with something to sell say that.
They also say that you can't achieve this or that no matte what and to just give up and do this over here to sell shit and control people too.
I never said or hinted at either of those things.
You did.