How often do you take it?
Sildenafil/ Viagra/ Cialis
when i want to bang
>having to take a pill to "enjoy" anime
Tried it once, made me fuck like crazy, if onl5 to get rid of the errection. Didn't make sex better.
Never. My dick works.
What's a good dose for first time for someone who gets random boners but can never keep up with it?
I take it all the time. Its blue pilled
When I was a fat fuck and my dick wasn't working too well due to being extremely low test and high estrogen, not to mention having shitty circulation, I tried a lot of over the counter boner pills like maca, yohimbe/yohimbine, longjack, horny goat weed and tribulus. If you want to get technical about it, I tried yohimbe and yohimbine as weight loss products (horrible), tribulus for a test boosting effect (also useless) and longback for a free test increase (amazing). Eventually I ordered Cialis online. I was too embarrassed to ask my doctor for a prescription and I knew I would be overpaying for anything sold at a pharmacy. I lost the weight before I ever got the chance to use cialis extensively. I still have some sitting around somewhere.
Anyway, I'm gonna say right now that longjack + tribulus + horny goat weed gave me the strongest boners of my life. Much stronger than Cialis. It was like my cock was a steel pipe.
I don't know about maca because I bought the wrong kind (yellow; horrible and full of phytoestrogenic stuff that kills your dick). Black maca is what you want for teh boner gainz. Red maca is supposed to be useful as well. Yohimbe is the most unpleasant supplement I have ever tried. Yohimbine is slightly more mild but not a great boner pill.
exercise lowers testosterone
The kind of exercise pushed around here.
The hard as fuck pushed to the limits kind of exercise. High endurance, high intensity stuff?
Yeah, that tanks the fuck out of your test.
It's the reason why men and women with high test always gravitate towards high energy physical activities.
Have a lot of energy to spend and need a fun or any kind of outlet.
However, some exercise where you are left refreshed and energized afterwords has the opposite effect. It boosts testosterone and has a more steady....gentler boost to your testosterone and athletic capabilities over time.
I'm the same with Longjack (Tongkat Ali). I find myself having issues keeping my boner. I feel possibly because I feel like my performance will be shit. I've tried Yellow Maca, Panax Ginseng, Ashwagandha and none have had as much impact on sexual performance as Longjack has. I take 300mg of 100:1 extract before bed and first thing in the morning. My fuck buddy just left and I was able to keep erect enough to cum inside her 4 times throughout the night when just a few nights ago when I didn't take it I could hardly fuck her a second time. I also cum like twice as long as normal.
try it out boys
Fucked for 2 hours on my bday Thursday. Reverse cow is my kryptonite though God damn
Never did.
Actually want to try it for shits and giggles. But I don't know any sources that don't require bitcoin.
Does it make you last longer too?
Ashwagandha doesn't actually give you a boner it just makes you chill and slowly builds your test levels
Maca is the same, but it can make you fat as hell. So watch out for that.
However tongkat ali/long jack + horny goat weed + yohimbe will give you gorilla dick.
Maca and
>However tongkat ali/long jack + horny goat weed + yohimbe will give you gorilla dick.
I'm and I'm with you on the first two. I just can't get behind yohimbe due to all of the side effects (sweating, anxiety, labored breathing, high blood pressure, etc). It reminded me of ephedra. I realize not all people are affected this way, though.
>Maca and
You seem to have started a sentence without finishing it.
whenever i have sex so last time was two years ago lol
You're supposed to do a relatively low dose of yohimbe, not go crazy with it.
However ashwagandha can curb the anxiety and help you feel more at ease.
As for "maca and", I just didn't clean up my post. I sometimes forget to do that when I'm in a rush.
On another note, viagra works almost instantly and has been proven to be as good as anabolics in many men.
This is why bodybuilders use it as a preworkout.
Cialis, I'm not sure about.
It works for multiple days, but I don't know what kind of bodybuilding effects it has.
The teaniggers get it ooc over there now so, we can just take a wait and see approach when it comes to them
>You're supposed to do a relatively low dose of yohimbe, not go crazy with it.
I did, actually. I would break up the gel capsules and take like 1/5th of the powder at a time. It still made me sweat and even kinda made me dizzy. I don't know, I think I am just sensitive to stimulants.
>Cialis, I'm not sure about.
>It works for multiple days, but I don't know what kind of bodybuilding effects it has.
It actually raises testosterone by 100 to 200 points, on average, according to a doctor who did an interview with EA on it a while back. I'll try to find the video. Anyway, that is not significant enough to be a real boost and see bodybuilding gains, but for someone low in test, it could take them away from being borderline hypogonadic. The best thing is obviously just to get on TRT if you have a real problem, though.
>The teaniggers get it ooc over there now so, we can just take a wait and see approach when it comes to them
Which teaniggers? That describes most of Asia, user.
That 100-200 points could be a major difference for a normal man that's not on trt.
That and a lot of other changes could have a cumulative effect of naturally raisign their endogenous test to very high levels.
There is a problem with that though.
Estrogen production would probably increase as well and most men don't think about lowering estro, they just ride the wave till it's over and done.
I mean the brits.
The british are more well known for drinking tea.
The asians drink it but it fell out of the public consciousness in the west as a strictly asian thing.
They also have legal test over there as well.
The fuck do they get that shit for free but we have to go through the black market?
>The fuck do they get that shit for free but we have to go through the black market?
Unironic answer: we let the health insurance Jew get away with murder.
Im 44 and my dick still works fine
I even still get morning wood
Dont need it
Good luck to you tho
Never why would I want to create more desire? I know pretty buddhist approach but seriously ut isn`t desire what drives most anons in insane directions?
I find 3-6g per day of maca makes me horny to the point of distraction at work, but also cuts down on refractory period quite a bit. I get morning wood regularly and have no problem getting and keeping an erection with my wife, so no idea if it helps with ED.
I took sildenafil once when my wife invited a close friend of hers for a threesome and I wanted to make sure they were both taken care of. Again, big drop in refractory period, but only marginally better than usual erection.
I'm not a limp dicked boomer so never. I might take it if it improves gains like some of you claim
Move this to /fraud/
Just use bitcoin or monero with - Very easy once you learn how to use it
>3-6g per day of maca
What kind of maca? There's at least 3 strands that I'm familiar with, red, yellow and black.
I used yellow. Supposedly black is best and red is also better than yellow but yellow was the most readily available from a source I trust (herb pharm).
As often as i can. Fucking for 10 minutes is okay, but fucking for an hour and cumming multiple times is truely amazing.
I tried yellow and it temporarily shrank my penis by two to three inches. I'm not joking. It was like my penis was dead and it kept attempting to turtle up inside my body, which is kind of amazing considering I'm usually fairly big in a flaccid state. Furthermore, it completely tanked my libido and if I forced myself to get an erection and attempt sexual activity, I found I couldn't sustain an erection long enough to orgasm or would have an inrcedibly weak orgasm. I posit yellow maca contains either a phytoestrogenic compound or an androgen inhibiting compound, or both. I cannot fathom how you took the same supplement as me and had this result.
I’m 19 and had PIED and finasteride-related ED (just fucking lol), would have to take cialis regularly to bone my gf at the time. Eventually I got tired of waking up with boners that didn’t go away for 30 minutes and stopped, funnily enough I don’t have ED anymore. I think cialis made my flaccid hang way bigger. It used to be like 2-3 inches, pathetic. Now it’s girthy as fuck and 4” like a sausage. Didn’t turn me into a sex god or anything but allowed me to overcome my anxiety and sex properly for 10-15 minutes with a girl I loved. Highly recommend it all except for the girl, she ruined my life.
Blueskypeptide liquid tadalafil
Tongkat Ali.
>longjack + tribulus + horny goat weed
what kinda dosage did/do you take?
How much? Recommended dosage is like 1/64th of a teaspoon
>3-6 grams
my caps are only 500mg what a fucking rip off
What dosage of taladafil were you on for the dick gains?
Not the guy you're asking but that is a retarded dosage. I started out with that and it did nothing, so I kept taking more and more until I got results. Now I take a full teaspoon twice a day and have zero side effects.
Not at all, I just use Siberian Ginseng and Arginine. I take multivitamin, CBD oil capsules, maybe propolis in the winter. I am over 30. Can fuck 3 times easily.