Whenever I just need to pee, I pee in the sink. It saves paper, flushing and I get to properly clean my dick every time I pee. Also, you won't get no bitching for keeping the toilet seat up. because you pee in the sink. I think this is a revolutionary concept.
Why not pee in the sink?
Because your sink starts to smell bad.
You shouldn't really need reasons not to do nasty shit like that, btw.
>Also, you won't get no bitching for keeping the toilet seat up.
I get it, thread is bait, gj haha funny haha but does anyone actually complain about keeping the toilet seat up the fuck??
not if you run water afterwards so you piss doesn't stagnate in the trap
You need to wipe your penis clean every time you are done peeing?
my mom does and she makes me put it down when i leave it up instead of simply putting it down herself, its one of the reasons i stopped visiting them.
No I actually pee in the sink. And yes, women always complain about it
I hope no male actually uses paper to wipe their penis when they pee.
and why do you need to wash it, do you piss on yourself?
now it makes sense, you had a botched circumcision.
I do this because it's better for the environment.
I do for last drops.
Yes, even then. Time will show you that you are wrong.
I am Norwegian, we don't get circumcised. Yes I do it for last drops, rather than flopping it around getting piss all over myself
>I hope no male actually uses paper to wipe their penis when they pee.
What's wrong with this?
itt: non-italians stuck in the stone age. I hope you guys figure out bidets soon.
I just bang my donger on the toilet bowl like I'm ringing a bell
That means you have a weak penis if you can't squeeze out the last drops unassisted
It’s bad for the environment
No it doesn't
t. soggy balls luigi
Yes it does