Should I trust a personal trainer that aesthetically looks worse than me?

Should I trust a personal trainer that aesthetically looks worse than me?

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All PT's are untrustworthy brainlets until proven otherwise

no you should not

The only personal trainer you should trust is the one with the body you want. Not just better than yours, they need to have your goal body.

No. Never!

This lad right here is the one of the best powerlifting coach ever OP

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>comparing someone like sheiko with your avarage illiterate pt

Possibly. Remember a PT could roid his ass off and look fucking juicy and not really know that much about good routines. Also a PT could be really good at motivating you and yelling at you and help keep you moving but not necessarily do the same thing on his own

Only if they're open to sharing what they're on.

Depends on your goals.

Many elite sports trainers don't look great at all. Many trainers than mainly deal with rehab and injury, don't look great.

If you're hiring a trainer, just for aesthetics purposes, he better look good otherwise there's no point.

My pt is a beast in everything fitness, can do muscle ups for reps, backflips and is a teacher in the university and he is like 20% bf

you should look at their other clients if they'll let you and their credentials. What they do with their own body dosen't matter a lot if the advice and direction is good. Some of my best cross country coaches were fatasses who couldn't run 5k. Lot of people give up on themselves after enough time.

this x 1000000


Qualifications + testimonials > aesthetics.

I know many roided up trainers that only do it to bang chicks and made side money.

You should not bother with so-called '''personal trainers''' in the first place unless you're rich and are paying a top-tier trainer $1000 a month to train you. Anyone below that level is shit and to be disregarded.

Become a student of physical fitness and train yourself.

Designing good workout routines only requires IQ and some basic experience.

Judging people's ability to do an intelligence-based task on their body is brainlet tier.

there are differing reasons to hiring a personal trainer / coach. it's not all about achieving aesthetics.

Addendum: most personal trainers have an IQ in the low 90s, according to science. So basically most PTs you meet are fucking retarded no matter how good they look. You really don't need to be particularly smart to be aesthetic, you just need to work at it.

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Would you trust a business advisor who has never had more money than you?

I want you to post a screenshot (not greentext, an actual picture) of where I said a single goddamned thing about '''aesthetics''', and if you can't then you must apologize to me for being a faggot.


Yeah dude, what kind of moron takes legal advice from a compliance consultant if he hasn't made $100,000,000? I know better because I've got more money!

Kill yourself.

Who would you rather coach you in b-ball: lebron or Phil Jackson?


They might've been big when they were young they're most likely picking up more knowledge as they get older

Weak b8

For the most part PTs are just going to have you do a bunch of meme shit to get you tired and make you feel like you got a great workout in. They shouldn't be called trainers because typically they aren't going to train you, they're just going to make you sweat. They are completely useless unless your just some fat fuck that needs someone to motivate you. Most of the exercises I see them having their clients do would serve you no better than doing 30 minutes of cardio on a machine.

Fuck off gramps, pass the torch

that's fucking stupid

Also there is a PT at my gym who I only ever see do power cleans and deadlift a max of like 135 lbs and I've literally heard him say "I dont want to get big, I want to stay small" to a client.


This study is really fucked up, reminds me of Brave New World

99% of PTs are garbage no matter how they look.

Although I've worked with one guy at my gym who despite being a fat asian manlet is actually a powerlifting champion and has been really helpful on form.

I am a certified fitness instructor (i dont currenly work as one, but i got the papers). Trust me when i say we know nothing that you cant learn online with minimal effort and time. Most PTs dont even know as much as the average Jow Forumsizen, you have to be lucky to find one that actually studies stuff on the internet in his free time. Getting a PT is a massive waste of money.

>reminds me of Brave New World
Trust me, society already resembles Brave New World.

If you have an IQ of 90 you'll never really be fit for anything more than basic repetitive labour. You might be able to struggle your way into the absolute bottom echelons of some other profession but you'll only ever be at the bottom because you simply aren't fast enough to compete (and life is a competition, as Jow Forums well knows).

The divisions aren't as clear cut in real life, but we really do live in a society of alphas and gammas (in the BNW sense, not the Jow Forums sense). It's just that it happened by accident instead of by design.

>Almost finished with my degree in Exercise Sciene
>Gonna work as a PT till I can get into physical therapy school
>this thread is just a summary of my fears about how people view PTs because of some jerk offs that gave it a bad name and boomers that are know it alls

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>some jerk offs
It's a low IQ industry, user. It's not some jerkoffs, it's the majority of them.

>reminds me of Brave New World

Because you've read 5 books in your life and this one you had to read in high school discusses hierarchies and this graph sort of shows a hierarchy?

What's so "fucked up" here? Doctors aren't generally stupid? Janitors aren't as bright as college professors?

If you've been going around imagining people are pretty much the same in every profession and level you've been swallowing bluepill lies.

I've worked with dozens upon dozens of individuals across the intellectual spectrum both personally and professionally. The top 1% might as well be a different species from the bottom 50%. Expectations in terms of behavior, attitudes, norms and capabilities are completely different.

The only time you should go to a PT is if he's also an physiotherapist / injury rehabilition specialist.

Injuries aren't something you should try and treat by yourself and most general doctors literally have no clue.

Why so they can have you do hundreds of reps with a .5 lb pjnk dumbbell? Physical therapy is about as much of a fucking joke as personal training

>most personal trainers have an IQ in the low 90s, according to science.
Do you know of a study which actually includes personal trainers as a category? There's nothing on the image you posted which would suggest what you say.

>Do you know of a study which actually includes personal trainers as a category?
Not off the top of my head, nope, but they're definitely in that bracket without a doubt.

This is unfortunately true, but most upper middle class people don’t realise it because they’re only rarely exposed even to people with an ‘average’ IQ. They simply can’t grasp that the people in the bottom 10% are quite literally unable to function in society and can’t even perform basic routine tasks without close supervision.

so whats the best option then?

Squat, deadlift, bench, press

I mean to grow muscles

I still remember an experience I had when I was doing legal studies in High School and they took us to a courthouse. We watched part of the proceedings of a guy accused of some violent crime. It was a serious one because we were in the Supreme Court. You had the Judge in their gown and wig, you had the two barristers, you had their instructing solicitors, and you had the expert witness giving testimony. All of them would have been IQs of 120 at least. And they were all in this very modern, slick pristine courtroom.

And then you had the defendant, who was appearing by videolink from the prison, on a projector screen to one side. He was a late 20s guy, bald, looking worse for wear, just sitting there in total silence with a blank look on his face. The prison facility was just an empty blank room with a chair for him in it.

I wondered then what he made of the proceedings. All these high-powered professionals talking about him and his problems and his life and his guilt and punishment, and he was consigned to just sit there mute and uncomprehending while his fate was decided around him. I just found it weird. I think anything would have been better than that resignation to just let things happen around him. But what could he have done? What can an 85IQ man do against two barristers, two solicitors, a Judge, and a psychologist?

The contrast, more than anything, it what stood out to me.

Nice blog faggot. I'm sure you thought this was all very profound as you were typing it

>I'm sure you thought this was all very profound as you were typing it
I'm perfectly aware of how banal my life is.

for physiotherapy I mean. it's not like you can really do it yourself.

Yeah you totally need to charge your insurance and/or pay someone to put paraffin wax on your injured part and do a bunch of retarded low resistance shit. Tell me one useful think a physical therapist does. I mean not including patients that like are literally learning to walk again or something extreme

Because it's extremely hard to self-diagnose yourself.

normies don’t research anything, chances are you’ll have clients that have never heard of Jow Forums
a friend of mine got big because of his pt, i think they can be good for motivating the unmotivated in the gym and in the kitchen, can’t hurt to have someone spot you and check your form is good

I can definitely help them in the gym. The kitchen part they’ve told us you can give basic advice but not to give specific meal plans since you’re not certified in nutrition and could get rammed in court if something happens to them

>oy vey but first a generous compensation for yours truly + tax + tip, goyim

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Heh should have gotten a trade job like me
*crack* siiiiiip

Why the fuck should I bait on this bloody thread for christsakes

Based. I work with politicians who routinely overestimate the knowledge and awareness of the average voter. It is BIZARRE how many politicians think the average voter pays attention like they follow the headlines on CNN every moment.

Physio isn't there to make you big, it's there to make sure you don't spend the rest of your life with shit mobility, flexibility and chronic pain you fucking idiot

Depends on your state and the reason for aesthetic judgement does he have an ugly face and prforms better than you or are you really superior in a fit sense?

>Not becoming a PT for easy pussy and power over fatties

Never gonna make it

>tfw doing really well in med school
Feels great not being a brainlet

you never trust a skinny chef...

Doing and teaching tap into different skillsets. Additionally, people who have struggled to do things and had to be resourceful coming up with solutions will probably have a better understanding than a more naturally gifted person for whom success came easily.

irl it's actually the opposite. Fat chefs are lazy and indiscriminate about what they eat it's why they're fat. If you're actually busting your ass in and kitchen even if you're tasting everything it's not enough to make you gain any weight unless you're diabetic.

From the UK here. I don't think you guys realize how fucking easy it is to become a PT here.

Like, literally you can become a PT in a major gym within weeks.

PT here, assume we're retarded until we prove otherwise, the amount of braindamaged 5day split DYEL's I work with makes me want to throw up

Yeah, today I was browsing my gym's website and clicked on the personal trainers' page. They all have 'level 3 diplomas' in their speciality. I'm doing a level 3 diploma at the moment so I can work with some mentally ill people and it is so ridiculously easy. Like, they basically spell out what to write for the homework each week and let you change it if you get anything wrong. Total study time is about 50 hours including classes and homework. It is basically a certificate to say you aren't literally retarded, are willing to make some kind of effort, and have some vague familiarity with the subject. I seriously suspect that someone with a decent IQ who got interested a given subject for a couple of weeks would know more about it than the average person with one of these certificates.

>jannies are the lowest intelligence

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I don't know what sexton means, but I'll start calling my penis that.