Hey anons. I want to gain weight. I am 175 cm 55,5 kg (5' 9" and 121 pounds)

Hey anons. I want to gain weight. I am 175 cm 55,5 kg (5' 9" and 121 pounds).

I have a hard time eating, I get full easily, and if I eat too much fried shit, or anything unhealty, I get hot diarrhea of my ass. So, I can't do the american breakfeast everyday, that is bacons and eggs. I could die in the toilet.

I found a solution: the smoothies. Mixing a lot of things I could reach 1000 calories or more, and it is easy to eat since drinking > chewing. I want to master this way of eating. Do you have any tips, to make it easier to digest? Sometimes it is too much for me.
Keep in mind that I live in Argentina so we don't have stuff like penaut butter jelly, but I could get peanuts.

So far, I have found these ingredients. Maybe someone can find it useful.

Normally I put in my smoothie:
>oats 100g
347 cal
>whole milk / skim milk 250 ml
140/100 cal
>whole yogurt / low-fat yogurt 250ml
150/125 cal
>15 g almonds / 15 g walnut / 15 g peanuts are 7 units
87/100/85 cal
>1 banana / pear or almost any fruit
100/60 cal
>1 tablespoon of honey
63 cal
>olive oil 15 ml 1 tablespoon
125 cal
>1 tablespoon butter
100 calories
Also, other interesting ingredients:
>1 avocado
321 calories
>coconut oil 1 tablespoon
117 cal
>20 g cocoa
100 cal
>1 egg (or 3)
70 (210) cal
and 12.5 (38) g protein

So, any tips to make it easier to eat?

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help me please :(

hey i need advice, why are you so mean?


Bullshit you're not 5'9" you midget. You're 5'7.5" on a good day.

Why do you fucking manlets always do this? OWN your height, for fucks sake.

I dont understand. I am 175 cm. Why would I lie about my height being anonyomous?

You tell me.

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I used another conversor. Did you know that imperial system sucks big cock?

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That's 5.7 feet. Not 5'7.

I think he means you fucked up the inches convertion. Anyway, I have the exact same height and was also a skeleton six months ago; Nowadays I wieght about 70kg and am still growing. What Happened to me was: My appetite increased a bit during the first few weeks after I started lifting. If you are anything like me you’ll realize you are still capable of eating after feeling sated; Most of the time you can double the amonth of food. It’s not force feeding yourself or anything of the sort, just ignoring that first impulse saying you already ate enough. You will then realize what real satiety feels like. This appetite boots goes away after a while, at least in its most extreme form, but by then you must have already gained some weight. Which reminds me, eat a lot nigga, at least six meals a day. Obviously some of them will be lighter (like snacking on fruits) but you should keep eating so that your body can’t drain what you have gained. Last but not least, I was eating basically everything: Milk shakes, a ton of bread, cheese, bananas, all kinds of meat. My workout routine is intense, so I didn’t gain excess fat, but keep it in mind that, if you are as desperate to gain weight as I was, you can’t be picky with your food. Do know, however, that some shit is just bad for you: Sweets, alcohol, caffeine and processed food should be avoided if possible.

thanks man.

I'm not lifting weights because I injured my back like three or four years ago.
Anyway, I do other sports like yoga, swimming and functional training. I know I could work out in a different way that wouldn't injure anything, but I found out that I really hate the gym. I'll see if I gain excess fat or not, I'll worry about it later.

I'll keep trying and find my real satiety. I hope I can gain some mass.


>wow we got a real life dumbo
>right you are ken

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Based Beat Takeshi

You already know you have to eat more. So just eat more you dumb motherfucker.

I've been doing smoothies for months. It really does help me keep my weight up. I tried using oats, but that makes the smoothie too thick.

1 cup whole milk plain yogurt
1/4 cup water
1 cup blue berries
4 table spoon peanut butter
3 scoops whey protein
Total cal about 1200-1400

I drink two of those a day, and eat 2-3 regular meals.


>vegan with a high metabolism here that's suffering from getting enough food as well

tolerate me because I am drunk but that is what is helping ME

I am a severe alcoholic and drink 6-8 beers a night which I recently learned helped my calorie intake

what is your job? I sit in a cubicle all day and keep either a jar of peanut butter or a huge $14 container of nuts next to me that I snack on

what time do you eat in the morning?> I have to force myself to eat bigger meals instead of SNACKING ALL DAY AND GETTING FULL

do you take protein shakes> I have meal replacement powder that has protein that I include in all my smoothies to get extra protein and calories in

oh and I don't know what you're specifically asking for do you want blending recipes>>?? I can help you with that if you want.

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check that out too
also I watch a lot of mukbangs or food channels and it makes me hungry
find ways to make you want to eat

i'm just asking for tips to do it better, you don't have to be so mean

nice, I'll try something without oats, maybe that's the solution.

I like to eat meat from time to time but i'm tolerating you.
>drink 6-8 beers a night which I recently learned helped my calorie intake
I dont want to gain weight with alcohol xd I know it has a lot of calories

>what is your job?
I dont do a shit, my ass is on a chair all day but I excersice
>peanut butter
I don't have one of those
>a huge $14 container of nuts next to me that I snack on
I gotta get one of those

>what time do you eat in the morning?
Just some tea with milk and two toasts with butter and honey
> I have to force myself to eat bigger meals instead of SNACKING ALL DAY AND GETTING FULL
So you rather eat big meals instead of snacking? I don't understand what you want to do.

I'll see, thanks. BTW if I eat that food of the OP pic I get instant-diarrhea

I misquoted the first time, I wanted to quote , the mean user

I forgot to answer the last part

>do you take protein shakes
No I dont. Should I?

>oh and I don't know what you're specifically asking for do you want blending recipes>>?? I can help you with that if you want.

Yeah, i would like some recipes, or at least some ingredients. I want to eat a lot but at the same time the recipe I use is heavy.