Now that the dust have settled, does mewing really work?

Now that the dust have settled, does mewing really work?

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why is the guy yelling at jews wearing a star of david on his jacket

of course it fucking doesn't

It does if you start as soon as you stop using a pacifier.


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It's a sheriff's star, actually.

>implying (((they)))'re not controlling the sheriff

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Dude on the right has some hella wide hips

and still looks just fine

i mean they probably genetically are superior, just lazy fatasses as well

>5 point star with blue emblem is star of david
wew lad

But the 5 strongest people in the world at the moment are all white men?

Strength was evolved by whites to do heavy shit in wintery european climates. Blacks are lean for running in the planes.

can someone fill me in on this gif

Raceplay porn

russia - means noт welcoмe

You could make this image with some overweight wellfare type blacks against some white bodybuilder.

The point is that it's dumb.

Being proud to be anything but yourself is not only illogical, you're actually lowering yourself in your own eyes. If you think "Oh I'm white/black/fucking whatever, so I'm already one of the GOOD GUYS" then you're making excuses to not improve yourself in every way you can.

If you draw your pride from anything but your own direct actions, accomplishments and successes, you secretly hate yourself.

Now, before I'm called a cuck by the self hatred squad, yes, genetics do exist. Some people have more and less potential than others. But potential is what seperates the gold medalists from the silver medalists, not what seperates the competitors from the spectators. Effort>Potential.

In a single post you made a claim and immediately refuted it. No shit you should take pride in your accomplishments, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take pride in what you were born with too.

"now that the dust has settled"

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You can only take pride in what you were born with when you've actually discovered what that is.

In strength training terms, that would mean finding out how much actually can lift. Not what's comfortable, but to really push yourself.

Most people aren't capable of this, so most people have this vague idea of a "genetic ceiling" they're never even going to approach.

Sounds like you're making excuses to make excuses user.

And yet still has shoulders that are ~150% of those hips.

It's a practice that purportedly reshapes the skeletal structure of the face, but has no basis in any peer-reviewed studies and the only significant supporter of it is currently expelled from the national orthodontal society.
The only support for it is anecdotal evidence and "progress pics," including
>pictures taken five years apart, first taken when the guy was 15
>pictures where the jaw looks more defined because the guy just has better posture in the second one
>pictures with a more visible jaw thanks to favorable lighting
In almost all of these pics the angle from the mouth to the chin is the same, but retards on r/orthotropism will still point out how much progress they've made.
The majority of mewers are underage kids who dont know any better.

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mewing works in very young children.

in adults its highly dubious and probably just another obsession that will do nothing but contribute to worsening neuroticism, the same way all the other pseudoscientific that autists get obsessed with have done (body language, PUA nonsense, test boosting, nofap, binaurals, nootropics, diet etc etc)

a lot of people have even been dumb to pay for scams involving this pseudoscience. On one small website, the web host and several commenters lost about 20k total to some chinese scam in what was probably one of the most laziest, obvious scams I've ever seen. All it took the chink was some buzzwords,moderate familiarity with the subject to produce a few paragraphs of nonsense disguised by pseudoscientific dribble, and an email address. It took the webhost months to finally accept that he was scammed and the scammer was long gone.

I have no fucking clue what you're talking about, you're going down some weird tangent by yourself and then reply as if it was something I said. I was more referring to things like where you were born, what you look like, your culture, etc; things you can't change whose existence in your life is entirely outside of your doing. You can take pride in those just like you take pride in your personal accomplishments. People who say you can't take pride in who you are are just as bad as the people who say you can't take pride in what you've done. Generally people like that have ulterior political agendas.

>Where you were born
You have no control over this. Your hometown is not special. You are not a "hometown" person, you are just a person

>what you look like
You can control this to some degree, but worrying about things like height, jaw structure etc that you cannot change leads to the the typical fit user's existential depression

your culture, like all other cultures, is a series of half truths and guesses at best, constructed in a chinese whispers style by a series of unimaginative people. You are not a "european man" or an "american man" or a "chinese man". You are a man. Stop being a slave to something that never really existed. Unironically, be yourself.

Hahahahaha I actually lol'd
>where the fuck is your chin

one, two, three, evelnty, six - yep, all six points.

>implying (((they)))'re not controlling the sheriff
he has the "voice of god" that controls people to do what he says

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Why is everyone on this board so vain and insecure at the same time?

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They compensate for lack of results in their lives by pretending that they're above trying.

No. The sutures in your skull fuse fuse at adulthood. It won't help. It doesn't even work facial muscles out.
Blame Jow Forums

>AKSHULLY were all just random assortments of atoms sooooooo lol just b urself
You are not an objective being. You're not an outsider looking in. You are not in the third person. Whether your hometown is any more or less special than somebody else's says nothing about the fact that it is YOUR hometown where YOU were born and raised and live. Self-reflection is healthy but slightly-above-average iq faggots like yourself who think you've got everything figured out always forget it is in fact a REFLECTION. It's just narcissism run amok. You're not an observer in the zoo pointing out from behind a glass pane how all of the monkeys in the monkey exhibit are just stupid monkeys, you're in the exhibit yourself, nigger. Shit-throwing might seem meaningless from behind a piece of glass but when you're a monkey in the zoo shit-throwing means a helluva lot.

body issues and frustration

Works while you're a kid. It's about preventing kids from being mouth breathing retards. Every parent should teach their kids the correct tongue position and teach them to breath through their nose. You 21-30 year olds are too late.

*from the police

the black guy tried to flirt with him thinking he was gay so he invited him home and then beat him up

they probably are superior in a lot of ways

just not as sexy because they are 20 years older

my daughter played the violin on stage recently... am I allowed to be proud cuck-san?

Black "men" are made for Asain men, black bois L I T T E R A L L Y made for black men.

The mindset of the leftist "your parents and their parents built this world for their children but give it to migrants because you cant be proud of it because I say so"

>your culture, like all other cultures, is a series of half truths and guesses at best, constructed in a chinese whispers style by a series of unimaginative people

My culture created the ideals of science to perfect things without guessing and chinese whispers

>The area you grew up in being great (because the people who live there including yourself made it great) has NOTHING to do with the people who live there

ITT: Derailment

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Wow, we got blasted. It truly is matter over mind for that jewboy as long as his tribe is untouched.

He sure is a Jew. No actual, non-mixed white person has black hair, and especially looking like that.

it potentially could, because wolffs law is a proven theory. there is little research behind the topic but the results john mew in specific has shown is good enough for me to believe in it until further studies are done

Yeah yeah
You guys go fuck each other while i get my black-asian qt harem