Waiting on the Stone to Shoulder event at 9 PM EST (less than 2 hours left) e̶d̶i̶t̶i̶o̶n̶
It's pretty much guaranteed Hafthor will win now isn't it?
Any EU bros still awake?
Arnold Strongman Classic 2019 #2
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Who fappin
Missed most of today's coverage. Is mateusz hurt?
Everyone is hurt.
how's the ukranian?
Might as well plug the stream if anyone has any trouble finding it.
Also current standing.
I hope he manages to finish in top 3. Based as fuck ruskie
Dude could finish dead last and he'd still be smiling.
literally a life lesson, always have that voice in my head telling me to smile more but I look always mad
noce numbers btw but check mines
I admire that, honestly.
how big was the log today? I'm watching 2015 log lift highlights and Z does 4 reps on the 405 austrian oak. Did the conan wheel drain these dudes that much?
430 lb
195 kg
big deadlift and big conan wheel ruined them all
Hafthor almost died of a heart attack due to the WoP, and several strongmen fucked their shit up on the Elephant diddy
Injured somehow after the wheel of pain, didn't compete in Austrian Oak
What are the chances of my boy Martin taking second?
I just double checked, Z did 4 reps on the 450 lbs, not 405 log. Holy shit, how does he do that?
The one 23 year old kid might actually have had one.
They really need to be better about picking the events and order if them.
Yes, all sports have danger, but 40% injuries and a heart attack are unacceptable.
Put DL last, the overhead event first. Pick 3 reasonable events in between.
Just trying to up the ante every year until someone kills themself out there is extremely unethical
He didn't do max DL and WOP before hand
Hope he suffers an aneurysm. Fucking Russians and fuck Communists
That, and he's the king of log.
Shut up you mong.
It's unethical, for sure, but the ASC is and has always been heavier than WSM. I'm glad that there is the delineation. Like one of the Rogue commentators said, the "light" log today, was the winning log press weight of less than a decade ago. It's wild to think about.
If he can rep the stone twice he'll probably be runner up.
I went to the Expo and watched the elephant bar. Stupid of Thor for trying the world record. He almost killed himself. Most of the strongmen fucked their shit up on the deadlift, like Shaw and Prittchet so the rest of the events became kinda stale.
>He almost killed himself
based user
>tfw accidentally made fun of a legless guy today cause I didn’t realize he actually was until I saw his lower half
Fucking shit day and it was too crowded.
Murcans are more commy these days then current Russians. They aren't communists at all anymore. Idiot
Thor has it in the bag since mah boy Brian Shaw got injured during the deadlift.
Btw what’s up with Thor’s lip? It’s like he got punched on one side.
If you saw the physical strain he went through to lift the 501kg off the ground it was scary. Eddie Hall talked before about how he hit 500kg and it felt like his heart almost stopped while pulling the weight. Those strongmen don’t breathe during the lifts either, which is why blood shoots out their fucking nose.
Partial paralysis from two or three years ago.
Its almost like exerting your body to the point where you earn the title Worlds Strongest Man can be dangerous and taxing on your energy and life
Oh, I am alright with it being heavier than the WSM, but they absolutely need tp factor safety into event order
Bell's palsy, it's better than it was like a year ago. I guess it's taking a while to heal cause he trains so much
>Those strongmen don’t breathe during the lifts either
Neither does anyone that knows what they're doing
Like 90% of this board
Even though he's still in the lead I bet he's kicking himself for how he's feeling after that attempt.
The fact he didn't rip a something is crazy. Hamstrings deserve a liftime achievement award
bells pallsy, hes doing better now
When he did ~950 for a double he complained about that for a week.
I imagine he's going to feel 1102 for a while.
I mean yeah it was cool as fuck to watch this dude almost break Eddie Hall’s record live, but come on man! You still have 4 more events left, don’t knock yourself out now by trying to show off.
hes going to win though, only brain shaw is equal, but he keeps fucking up his hamstring and is 37. His hamstring was fucked in 2017, 2018 and now in 2019, it kept Brian from winning in 2017 WSM
The deficit deadlift he did in 2016 WSM to tie with eddie fucked his hamstring
Points going into last event
I think Novikov is okay now
I think it’s time for Shaw to hang it up. He is the oldest out of the group and can’t compete with these guys like he use to with all of his injuries
Licis is still in this, he technically can still win
That 1102 DL attempt is hurting Thor too, he quit the log early. Basically said fuck it after he cleaned the log about to attempt number 3
hoping mateusz shows up big for this event, i like the guy
If Licis gets first and Hafthor gets 6th or worse.
So the first 3 spots are essentially decided right? Seems like some pretty big gaps between each of them.
God damn the audio for this whole event has been dogshit lmao.
>Novikov came back for this
What the fuck, did it start early?
glad brians fizzling out, he's a cunt, everyone on youtube always harps on about how he's so humble. he isn't. thinks he's a legend, and he isn't. and stole his dead 'friends' waifu before he was cold. grubby faced prick
>and stole his dead 'friends' waifu before he was cold.
Can you elaborate
i'm rooting hard for Licis this year
LICIS BOYSSSS where the fuck is the stream????
This guy is the fucking stone master.
Kieliszkowskis manhandling the stone.
Cleanest reps I've ever seen with this rock. Beautiful.
Licis better take at least second
what an animal
Holy shit 5 reps, and only 25
agreed, brian is a fucking diva.
polish man literally trains with a heavier stone
hes so good, needs to gain weight and he will be big z number two
Would these guys be the strongest men in history?
that was fucking beautiful
is licis that young polish guy?
if mateusz's lower body strength matched his upper he would be a certified unit
Only time will tell
Minus Big Z, Eddie Hall and a few others.
wow that estonian guy was pathetic
greek rowers would have them whipped
25 years old holy fuck
this guy is gonna become a beast
No, this is Licis
Licis is Latvian, but is competing under USA because he grew up there.
Did I miss Shaw's attempt? How'd it go?
doesnt matter if shivlyakov doesnt do well the guy is awesome
Is that the guy who was showing Larry Wheels how to flip tyres?
why the russki stopped???
You did not
The deadlift isn't the only taxing sport in the WSM. If you moved it last, you might get the perverse consequence of even more injuries since people are going to be more exhausted and strained coming into the event. A 400+ kg deadlift is dangerous no matter what.
Licis is a fucking beast!
Oh. Shit. So he didn't even try this time. Must have really fucked his hamstring.
>cucked by gravity
serves him right for being so ugly
>The off-the-stage OS tech
No attempt for Shaw???
lmao imagine losing cuz stone tried to run back to its daddy kieliszkowski
Looked painful balancing that stone against his cheek.