Why is MMA considered such a meme? You learn several martial arts in one class, assuming you go for a solid few years. It’s the one of the best practices to apply to a street fight as far as striking and grappling go minus the BBJ. I know they’re fraud instructors but let’s assume you had a coach who has been in and still practices several martial arts in the span of say 10-20 years. Or a gym that has several coaches that have mastered their respective martial art and they each train you. How so it still considered such a meme?
MMA Meme?
Because it's a sport, and most street fights involving glassing a guy because he likes a different sports team while his girlfriend screams at you.
lol @ u i replaced my middle metacarpals with single-shot gun barrels, guess who wins
I’m made of diamond the hardest metal in the world kid, so go ahead try me, see how far you get.
>MMA is a meme
What? Since when?
He means MMA classes
they can be mcdojos though OP so be careful. It's better if it has instructors who mastered a martial art and learn from different coaches
t. I'm Alex Jones
>You learn several martial arts in one class
that's why. you'd be better off excelling at a striking art and a grappling art instead of doing everything at a mediocre level. not to mention the price and contracts mma gyms have
>street fight
MMA isn't a meme. Some schools are definitely memes, though. It's not a regulated business, so people can sell "classes" and not be able to really do shit at all. There's no shortage of """""""Martial Arts""""""" studios in my area run by fucking nobodies.
I am starting BJJ on Monday and the gym has an accomplished wrestler as their coach, a competing MMA fighter as their Muay Thai instructor, another competing MMA fighter as the boxing coach, and a retired UFC fighter as the BJJ instuctor (whose sons are black belts in BJJ and compete as well).
They train separate classes for each fighting style and I think have mixed days where you can spar in an octagon or something. The MMA aspect of this gym is that they will more than likely teach me practical ways to fight using the style as opposed to style-specific methods. If you do competition BJJ or competition boxing (basically train at a style-specific gym), there is some stupid impractical shit they'll show you that doesn't work in real life because the owners just want you to win them medals under a federation's rules.
What you want to look for in a reputable gym is the competitive experience of the owner and instructors, if they compete or have students that compete, and the lineage doesn't hurt to know either (as in who the owner/instructor got their black belt from or trained under). If an instructor hasn't competed in some capacity, call him a faggot.
because if you are in a social setting and start talking about fighting, instead of looking like a hard alpha guy like you think, you just look like an insecure autistic retard with something to prove
>muh badass fighting
>he doesn’t have a group of friends to hang out with who are always down for a wrestling match or a bit of fight
Lame and gay
you know there are mma gyms and sport mma gyms right dumbass
I was skipreading and I thought this was a text about why mma is a meme when you gave as argument :
>You learn several martial arts in one class
>You learn several martial arts in one class
That's not how it works, each martial art has its own class, and they're distributed throughout the day/week.
>Not having a group of friends from different clubs to hang out with and host unofficial comps at parties to see whos club is best.
That was understood, still a big fucking joke where youll almost be slightly competent with all style after a decade but still get your shit fucked by any good boxer.
If fighting was like track and field, you’d find about a third of the people running and sprinting around the track, and 2/3s sitting in the bleachers talking about how they don’t run on the track, they’re too fast for the track. Instead they run on “the Street”, and as everyone knows, running on the track is impossible to replicate on “the Street”.
>implying I don’t do that with the wrestling and BJJ guys
Cross training is fun, and half nelsons been really handy in breaking a dude who’s turtling into an armbar
I dunno, I'm pretty sure someone who knows how to kick and grapple is going to fuck a boxer up.
It's all in what you prioritize, anyway. You get to choose which classes you take more than others.
>use a gun == "just use a car"
Analogy holds up, pft.
Still the point was that street fights are a joke and only subhumans and faggots get in them.
Or 2/3 with good mental health into old age and 1/3 who wish they were dead from the concussions, chronic inflammation and drug addiction.
>im pretty sure
You shouldn't be, that's called delusion. Keep on practicing your kicks on beginners thinking youll be able to pull that shit with an actual boxer. Your slow ass kick missing will probably be the last thing youll remember.
Boxers don't train to dodge kicks and they are totally useless when it comes to wrestling or ground work.
>everyone who does any martial art is a cripple when they get old, there’s no way someone can do moderate training safely
Cope harder
Tueller drill.
>Tueller drill
What are you refuting?
That the same bland dismissal exists for running and MMA, or that street fights are for niggers?
Because that refutes neither.
No, I’m refuting the
>gun is the perfect solution for every situation and works perfectly to stop anyone in a 20 yard range, is legal to bring anywhere at any time, and won’t end with you getting raped up the ass legally
>thinks hugging mike tyson would prevent him from upercutting your zoomer jaw into rediscovering your soul center leading to a lifetime of traditional taoist practices
Mike Tyson was the best of all time, what are you on about again?
Given the same weight class, if you took the best boxer of all time and the best MMA fighter of all time, the MMA fighter would win, because he has tools that the boxer cannot stop.
This is why McGregor vs Mayweather was a boxing match, not a UFC match.
What’s so meme worthy about it other than me wording it very poorly? You get the idea.
How effective would a boxers punch be when his opponent goes for a takedown and the boxers range can’t reach the opponents head. Not to mention the boxer has no ground skills.